Blanchard street residents find several feet of snow at the end of a driveway they shoveled out the night before

By Staff

January 18th, 2022


This is a problem that has plagued seniors for some time.

When packed down this is very hard snow to remove

After shoveling for hours yesterday, a Blanchard resident was faced with a four foot bank of snow across the driveway this morning. The other side of the street had nothing. This wall is down the entire South side of the street. The resident cannot remove this hardened wall of compacted snow and is unable to leave the driveway should the need arise.

A disappointing scene after shoveling out the driveway.

This has been an ongoing issue over the years but none as bad as this.

They have sent off emails and pictures to the mayor, and public works.

“I want the city to clean this up! Now!”

The solution might be to turn to your neighbours for the needed help.


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3 comments to Blanchard street residents find several feet of snow at the end of a driveway they shoveled out the night before

  • Syd

    Locust Street, particularly the west side, is like that after EVERY plow-able snow event where they send out a huge tractor with big blade. This time the cleared sidewalks were filled in to about 3 feet high an hour after they were cleared by residents. Trucks with plows, which I am always happy to see, still fill in driveway ends with windrows, but not the sidewalks.

  • DeeGee

    The “windrow” at the end of our driveway was 14 ft. wide, 8 ft. deep and 3 ft. high. That’s the equivalent of 12 cubic yards (more than a typical dump truck full or 12 Big Yellow Bags). I’d already cleared it once. Some of my neighbours had similar piles, others a bit less. I watched it happen – the plow drivers drove like they were in a demolition derby.

  • Al

    Snow falls from sky, Snowplows it to the right side of the truck, creates windrow. That’s life in Canada in the winter. I plowed for the City over 35 years, 90% of the customers are happy to see you coming down the street. Can’t please everyone.