Remembrance ceremony will be virtual this year

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 11th, 2020

Burlington, ON


It won’t be the same.

Brant Street filled with people who have gathered at the Cenotaph to remember.

The pandemic has changed almost everything – so this year the Remembrance Day ceremony will take place virtually. People are being asked not to attend at the Cenotaph but instead to watch on-line through a live stream arranged by the Legion.

Legion event

Remembrance - crowd

Past Remembrance Day ceremonies have drawn crowds that filled Brant Street


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Up up and away to the sound of barking dogs

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

November 6th, 2020



The sun had yet to set but the dogs were barking loudly and whimpering from time to time.

Jan glanced out the window and called out to me to come quickly.

We stepped onto the back deck and watched the dogs jumping up and down and running back and forth.

There in the sky above and in front of them was this magnificent orange hot air balloon sailing by without making a sound.

balloon wide

The dogs were going crazy – they had never seen anything like this before.

I thought it was going to land and dashed inside to grab a bottle of wine and welcome them.

balloon tight

It floated away – the wine was not enticement enough for them to land in our field.

Then there was that sound when air is heated and the balloon began to rise.

Perhaps the wine we were offering wasn’t to their taste.

It sailed away.

What a great way to end a wonderful late summer day.

The dogs stopped barking – they sat there with their ears pricked up wondering what had happened.

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Family entertainment at Port Nelson United - November 21st - free admission

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

November 6th, 2020


Local entertainment producer Robert Missen has teamed up with   Trevor Copp and  Valerie Tryon to put on a new multidisciplinary family attraction at Port Nelson United Church on November 21st.

Trevor Copp

Trevor Copp miming to Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals is not to be missed

Mirth & Music is a one-hour celebration of music, poetry and mime featuring Trevor Copp, Burlington’s award-winning theatre and mime performer, playwright and producer, and the world-renowned concert pianist Valerie Tryon. The program will include a new version of French composer Camille Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals. Trevor will impersonate the various animals that Saint-Saens’ has set to music, many of them very amusing.

This work has been staged by Robin Patterson, a Founding Member of Theatre Beyond Words, the acclaimed mime company which resided in Niagara on the Lake for many years. Robert Missen, a long-time Burlington resident and producer of the concert, will narrate the new verses that Trevor has created to introduce the various segments.

Valerie Tryon

Valerie Tryon will be at the keyboard while Copp animates.

This work will be followed by a selection of classical piano works played by Miss Tryon, including music by Chopin, Ravel, Mozart and Bach. Hamilton-based Valerie Tryon has had a major international career as a concert pianist and chamber music player. She has performed frequently with both the Hamilton Philharmonic and Boris Brott Academy Orchestra, just to mention a couple of local presenters.

Mirth & Music will take place in the Sanctuary at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Drive at Spruce Avenue, at 7 pm on Saturday November 21, 2020. Tickets, which are limited to forty patrons, are free and are available through Robert Missen at 905-632-6047 or by writing to

This event is made possible through a generous grant from the City of Burlington through its Community Support Fund, a special initiative to support local community and cultural organizations during the pandemic.

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Campaign to Reduce Noise from Cars Results in More Than 1400 Charges

Crime 100By Staff

November 4th, 2020

The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has completed its 2020 Project #Noisemaker strategic enforcement campaign. The region-wide project ran from June 10, 2020 to October 31, 2020.

The campaign resulted in more than 1400 charges being laid.

The HRPS launched this campaign in response to complaints from residents across the region about loud and unnecessary noise from vehicles which have been altered by removing mufflers, or modifying exhaust systems. Project #Noisemaker took aim at illegal modifications, unsafe motor vehicles, and aggressive driving.

carrally police breakup

Police break up an illegal car rally in Wasaga Beach.

Enforcement through Project #Noisemaker resulted in the following:

• More than 1420 charges laid region-wide
• 574 charges for no/improper muffler
• 396 charges for unnecessary noise
• 12 racing/stunt driving charges

The remaining charges were primarily vehicle defects, moving violations, licence violations, licence plate violations, violations of the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, and violations of the Environmental Protection Act (removal of vehicle emissions components).
During the project, more than 40 vehicles were removed from the roadway for various reasons including defects (causing the vehicle to be unfit), improper licences and stunt driving legislation.

Project #Noisemaker was also successful in interrupting an unsanctioned “Mega Meet” of an estimated 800 vehicles which was to occur on private property in the town of Oakville without approval of the landowner.

In addition to the previously mentioned region-wide efforts, project #Noisemaker also engaged in a partnership with the town of Oakville Municipal Enforcement Service (MES). HRPS and MES officers conducted enforcement on motorcycles creating unacceptable noise in contravention of Oakville’s motorcycle noise bylaws. In total, MES officers completed 56 motorcycle inspections and issued 17 provincial offence notices for motorcycles causing noise in excess of the town bylaws.

Illegal and unsafe vehicle modifications are a concern beyond the roadways of Halton. The HRPS would like to thank our policing and enforcement partners across the province that assisted in various #Noisemaker projects. These efforts contribute to safer roadways for us all.

While Project #Noisemaker has officially concluded for 2020, enforcement will not cease. HRPS officers will remain vigilant in addressing these issues on our roadways every day.

Residents are reminded that they can file driving complaints or request enforcement of a particular area online at

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This could be fun - Spencer Smith Park on Saturday

eventsorange 100x100By Staff

November 4th, 2020



The Hamilton Aerial Group will be putting on free performance/parade this Friday in Spencer Smith Park at 6:30.

Hamilton aerial 1

All the performers are on stilts – dancing to Samba music

They will light up their costumes and be led by a Samba band.

This is supported by The City of Burlington Community Fund. We just finished a show this past Saturday at Dundurn Park.

We will be dressed in costume and be on stilts.

They appeared in Hamilton ast week.  Will dig out where in Spencer Smith Park they will perform

Hamilton aerial 2

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Covid19 and the gaming industry - how is that sector working things out?

News 100 redBy Andre Malt

November 4th, 2020



The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is creating new challenges and opportunities for Canada’s gambling industry. While many of the country’s land casinos were closed, a growing number of Canadians engaged in online gambling — at home.

This is an exciting time for casino enthusiasts and for an online casino like Betnero, a licensed offshore site positioned to leverage its loyalty programs and welcome bonuses and attract new players.

Online Gambling and Social Gaming

Revenue gained by online casino gambling has helped to offset revenue lost by the decrease in offline gambling. With increased website traffic comes increased marketing data, growth and a younger demographic of casino customers.

masks casino 1

Pandemic issues have resulted in most casinos in Canada being shut down.

When the pandemic forced 114 land casinos in Canada to close over a 72-hour period in March, online gambling was a popular component of the global social gaming market.

The availability of online games and use of smartphones, improved advanced technology and skilled game developers are contributing to an industry of innovators.

Among the many challenges faced by land and online casinos is responsibility and sustainability.

From Crisis to Innovation and Sustainability

Research shows that because more people are at home, they’re spending more time playing games. However, the highest numbers point towards the youngest demographic: Generation Z.

Largely unemployed and living with their parents, Gen Z is an extremely active online customer who enjoys adding new streaming services to access new digital content, trying new media options that are now free as a result of the pandemic.

Online casino 2

Younger people are very comfortable wagering on line.

Younger players demand ethical business practices. Moving forward, the competitive advantage of an online casino will depend on delivering on its promise to put player health first.

It makes sense that business has been particularly good for large companies within the online gaming industry.

With operating revenues showing increase by 48 percent, reports of global expansion and “major new initiatives” to be launched in the near future, the pressure is on for other companies to up the ante.

Online Gambling with Enhanced User Experience?

The online gambling market is highly competitive. Success in the long term will come to those companies who embrace change and invest in enhanced user experience.

The uncertainties surrounding COVID-19 play a huge role in the health of the country and its economy. If the pandemic were to last another year, what will the land casinos and online casinos do for their customers?

The response of the gaming industry towards the increase in revenue now may determine its success in the long run.

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Parks and Recreation working up a program that complies with Stage 2 of the ECG mandate

News 100 blue

By Pepper Parr

November 3rd, 2020



Parks and Recreation is scrambling to stay ahead of the wave – a wave that keeps changing its shape and direction.

Chris Glenn, on the right, leads the PArks and Recreation department as Director and is tasked with the challenge of bringing the various organizations that use city property under a MAster Agreement that is consistently applied to everyone. It should have been done four years ago.

Chris Glenn, on the right, leads the Parks and Recreation department as Director. On his right is Denise Beard.

Director of Parks and Recreation Chris Glenn told council on Monday that his staff was preparing some ideas that they would be running by the Regional Public Health Unit and the other Halton municipalities hoping to be able roll out a slightly different set of rules that would allow for more recreation and program improvements that are Stage 2 compliant. The Region of Halton is in Stage 2 of its Emergency Control Group mandate.

Several council members and the Mayor said they were getting questions from residents asking why some of the recreational programs were changed – they wanted to see real data behind the decisions that were being made.

Glenn explained that he was working to make sure he was compliant with what the Medical Officer of Health was prescribing.

Behind all that trying to pull together was the threat of being pushed back to stage 2.

Glenn wants to see less of the sports that call for a lot of exertions – hockey was one example and move the effort to having physically softer programs – like yoga.

The objective was to permit recreational activities that kept people apart and not exerting themselves all that much.

More when the Parks and Recreation department comes back to the Standing Committee.

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Three hockey players and a soccer player equal almost 3000 lbs of food - Jessica topped off for the last 13 lbs

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

November 2nd, 2020



It’s just the kind of city we live in.

Here’s the way Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank tells the story:

“Three hockey players and a soccer player showed up at the Food Bank on the first Thursday of October and dropped off a bin full of food.

“They didn’t give us their names but did allow us to take a photo. The anonymous athletes came back the next Thursday night in the rain with another bin. Then last week they came in again on Thursday and had more food donations than ever before.

“Through posting this online with Burlington Together and with Burlington Dads we were able to learn more about who they were. We just felt that they were obviously not doing this for fame and fortune but to help families that needed the support right now.

“The final totals to date were 250 lbs / 88 lbs / 270 lbs / and tonight 379 lbs for a grand total of 987 lbs. Jokingly, the boys said they should go back for 13 lbs just to make it an even 1,000 but right behind them with her own donation drop-off tonight was Jessica Kennedy who brought in 195 lbs. herself. Jessica met the boys as they were leaving tonight and she told us that it was the three hockey players and a soccer player who inspired and motivated her to run a food drive at her company. And she said the boys were welcome to 13 lbs from her donations.

Food bank - 3bous + 1

In no particular order – George, Tristan, Jason and Nathan with Robin Bailey who finally learned who they are.

“Between the athletes and Jessica their total was 1,182 lbs which translates at a dollar value of $2.60 per pound making it a donation value of over $3,000. But who’s counting. They told us that it was just fun to be together and to work together on Thursday nights to help out the community. I hope they all feel great! We are very proud of them, they are really great young men. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts GEORGE, TRISTAN, JASON and NATHAN you showed us all how special true friendship is and what a little teamwork can accomplish. We will never forget you guys!”

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Cougars get an early start on helping others through what might be a very hard Christmas

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

November 2nd, 2020



Few have any idea just how Christmas is going to work out.

There isn’t going to be a Santa Claus parade and while the seasonal lighting will be going up in Spencer Smith Park there is concern about social distancing.

Will we still be in Stage 3, where we are now or will the province have to clamp down and put us back into Stage 2.

The report of a certain MPP attenuating a party with 50 mask-less people isn’t going to help us remain in Stage 3.

Cougars - BurlingtonThe Burlington Cougars however have already set out their Christmas Challenge.

The year they will again be helping families in need in our community with their annual Holiday Toy Drive at Toys “R” Us, in collaboration with our community partners – Burlington Professional Firefighters Association and the Salvation Army.

Cougar Toy DriveSimply bring your new, unwrapped toys to donate and say a socially-distanced hello to the Burlington Cougars players, coaches, staff and other community members!

Saturday, November 7th, 2020
11am to 3pm
Toys “R” Us (outside)
3051 Appleby Line, Burlington, ON

We appreciate all of your contributions – every donation counts to help families struggling to make ends meet this holiday season.

A special thank you to Papa John’s Burlington and Tim Hortons (Appleby and Dundas) for supporting our volunteers with refreshments during the event. We look forward to seeing you soon, #CougarCountry

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The Gift of Giving Back isn't about to let COVID-19 change their mission

News 100 yellowBy Staff

October 29th, 2020



Each year a Burlington high school is chosen as the collection point for the annual Gift of Giving Back (GGB).

Girls placing food in bins

Students placing food in the bins during the annual Gift of Giving Back event

One a specific day high school students from around the city drive up to the school with food that will get distributed to the food banks and organizations that take care of those who need help.

It’s an annual thing – they’ve been doing it for ten years.

But 2020 has not been kind to very many people.

The traditional format for the event has had to change.

Jean Longfield

Jean Longfield keeping a secret

Jean Longfield and her team have been working through some ideas and will talk to the citizens of the city early in December about how the GGB is going to do what they have been doing this years – collecting food.

Longfield has been pretty tight lipped about the plans. All we know is that the how part is going to be different.

This is the time of year that the City of Burlington raises the Gift of Giving Back flag at city hall to kick off a time of giving, teamwork and volunteering. The flag will still go up, of course.

Each year in the past, three gymnasiums at the chosen school are filled with metal bins that get put in place with a fork lift truck that takes them out the next day and puts them on transport trucks and taken to a distribution center where it is then distributed to the Food Bank, the Compassion Society, Food4Life, Salvation Army and the Women’s shelter.

What is equally impressive is the involvement of the students – they troop in with cases of juice, canned goods, toiletries – you name it – they bring it on.

Kavanaugh puttng up the totals

Kavanaugh putting up the totals.

It is run in part as a competitive event with what the students bring in weighed and then tallied on a blackboard for all to see.
Many of the students who took part in the collection side of the event also make the time to work as volunteers in some of the food distribution organizations.

Due to COVID-19, some people having to self-quarantine for 14 days, needed support in getting food. The Food Bank was delivering food parcels to those who couldn’t leave the house.

Something is coming in early December and it will be a GIFT to the whole community.

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Elements of Mohawk - a casino a short drive away - now open 7 days a week 10 am to 2 am

eventsred 100x100By Nicole Gaskin

October 28th, 2020



As the world reverts to a kind of “normal”, many cities’ industries that were shut down for many long months have finally made a comeback. Burlington has officially welcomed its entertainment industry back, with facilities and establishments in the area, and those surrounding it, opening their doors to the gaming masses once again. Burlington has many opportunities for gamers who crave to have the in-person experience that they have been missing for so long, at some of the most prestigious casinos and venues that are located nearby.

Casino Mohawk elements

Facility is now open: operating 7 days a week, between the hours of 10 am to 2 am. – buffet is superb.

The Elements Casino Mohawk is situated in Milton, Ontario, for those who don’t mind a short journey to experience the prestigious offer in store. As of the 19th of October, the facility has gone back to operating 7 days a week, between the hours of 10 am to 2 am.

The casino features more than 900 of the most popular slot titles such as Vegas riches and progressive jackpot machines.

For most gamers, the longing is not just for the gaming experience, but also the culinary wonders that they have been deprived of.

The Elements Casino Mohawk offers an all-you-can-eat buffet that boasts cuisine from all over the world, boutique restaurants, and shuttle service for those who reside within the Milton area.

The casino is still adhering to strict safety protocols but will be back to its usual operating hours for all to enjoy.

Grand River casino

Grand River casino is a short drive from Burlington.

Elements Casino Grand River
The Elements Casino Grand River is a bit further from Burlington than Elements Casino Mohawk and is situated in Elora, Ontario, but is well worth the trip. Especially for players who enjoy slots machines in its various forms. This location boasts hundreds of slot machines that range from vintage-styled to cutting-edge offerings. The numerous slot machines can be found on a beautifully designed, and spacious, gaming floor. There are table games and other gaming options on offer from 10 am to 2 am, with the casino operating seven days a week.

The casino venue offers a range of dining options that are designed to satisfy almost every kind of palate, with refreshment and food services set to resume normal operations as well.

Delta Bingo and Gaming
The Delta Bingo and Gaming hall in Oakville is part of an expanding franchise that currently runs an impressive total of 20 Bingo and Gaming halls in Canada and America. Delta is one of the most trusted and reputable bingo hall brands in Canada today, having celebrated its 53rd anniversary this year. Delta is known for its frequent jackpots and promotions, which has made them the bingo brand of choice in North America. The facility features ample seating, tables, and space to ensure that the operators can adhere to safety protocols as Bingo-lovers make their way back to one of their land-based halls.

Other Forms of Entertainment in Burlington
While land-based casino gaming is a luxury that many people believed they would not be privy to for a very long time, there are those who would still prefer to stay indoors. For these players, there are many sites that highlight the best gaming sites to try from the safety of one’s home.

Bad Axe

Axe throwing has become a popular and safe sport.

For those gamers who are interested in more of the traditional style gaming mediums such as arcade-style games, arcade locations in the Burlington area will join casinos and also be opening their doors this month. Other recreational entertainment and gaming operations such as Bubble Force Corp, Viking’s Landing, The PaintBall Nation, the Golfer’s Academy, and Bad Axe Throwing have begun to consider joining the likes of the gambling industry but this move is subject to governmental approvals, especially since these entertainment forms tend to be done in teams or within proximity to others.

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A November to Remember at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre

artsorange 100x100By Staff

October 27th, 2020



It gets dark early in Burlington come November – and it gets cold even earlier. Come in out of the weather and experience the first-class lineup of entertainment at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre (BPAC) next month.

“We have put together a diverse program for November that highlights the depth and breadth of Canadian performers today,” said BPAC Executive Director Tammy Fox. “The people of Burlington deserve the very best and we will be hosting award-winning artists, recognizable performers, classic concertos and Broadway blockbusters.”

Health and Safety Precautions
BPAC is perfectly positioned to welcome back audiences with patron safety at the forefront, with its spacious Lobby, increased ventilation, physical-distancing ticketing system and additional health and safety measures to put theatregoers’ minds at ease.

All patrons must wear a mask, hand sanitize upon entry and maintain social distancing outside of their social circle. Patrons are expected to self-screen, and of course to stay at home if experiencing COVID-related symptoms or if suspecting recent exposure to the virus. Health and safety measures are also being implemented backstage to protect artists, and throughout the venue to protect staff and volunteers.

Kevin Fox

Kevin Fox

Stacked Lineup for November
Kevin Fox leads off the November lineup with two shows on Sunday, November 1, combining his beautiful voice with his signature instrument, which he plucks, taps, and loops, creating a unique and intoxicating blend of cello-driven folk/pop. Tickets are $39, or $34 for BPAC Members, with VIP packages featuring lots of goodies for $69, or $64 for BPAC Members.

Sarah Slean has published two volumes of poetry, starred in short films and a movie musical (spawning two Gemini Award nominations), penned two string quartets, held numerous exhibitions of her paintings, and shared the stage with 10 of the country’s professional orchestras over her 20-year-career. Tickets are $39, or $34 for BPAC Members, with VIP packages for $69, or $64 for BPAC Members.

Sarah Slean

Sarah Slean

Tom Allen and Lori Gemmell’s A Poe Cabaret features music by the brilliant and troubled impressionist Claude Debussy, his modernist student André Caplet and by the versatile Canadian composer Alexina Louie. The show combines the compelling and tragic life story of Edgar Allan Poe with great music conjured in his honour. Tickets are $39, or $34 for BPAC Members.

Into The Woods in Concert is a musical journey that intertwines the several beloved Brothers Grimm characters and explores the consequences of their individual’ wishes and wants. Characters like Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and the Beanstalk), Rapunzel, Cinderella and others encounter each other as they fight for what they believe is their happily ever after. Tickets are $49, or $44 for BPAC Members.

The ALTdot Comedy Lounge has been one of Toronto’s premiere comedy shows for 24 years. The show has encouraged alternative, untraditional comedy and continues to discover the best talent on the Canadian Comedy scene, providing an alternative to the mainstream in a comfortable cabaret atmosphere. BPAC presents Rhiannon Archer, Peter White, Keith Pedro and Tim Rabnett on November 27 and Courtney Gilmour, Alex Wood, Nigel Grinstead with host Ali Hassan on November 28. Tickets are $35 or $30 for BPAC Members.

Leslie Kinton

Leslie Kinton is one of Canada’s best-known and sought-after chamber musicians.

Leslie Kinton is one of Canada’s best-known and sought-after chamber musicians and has been a founding member of many established ensembles, including ARC (Artists of the Royal Conservatory), the resident chamber ensemble of The Glenn Gould School. In 2019, Kinton and his duo partner James Anagnoson were named Honorary Fellows of The Royal Conservatory of Music, awarded to a distinguished group of individuals and organizations who have made an extraordinary contribution to arts and culture in Canada and beyond. Tickets are $39, or $34 for BPAC Members.

BPAC November Lineup
• KEVIN FOX: Songs for Cello & Voice (November 1, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.)
• SARAH SLEAN (November 7, 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.)
• A POE CABARET featuring Tom Allen and Friends (November 8, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.)
• Talk is Free Theatre: INTO THE WOODS in Concert (November 27 to December 6, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. shows)
• ALTdot COMEDY LOUNGE: Rhiannon Archer, Peter White, Keith Pedro, and Tim Rabnett (November 27, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.)
• ALTdot COMEDY LOUNGE: Courtney Gilmour, Alex Wood, Nigel Grinstead with host Ali Hassan (November 28, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.)
• LESLIE KINTON Celebrates Beethoven (November 29, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.)

The Burlington Performing Arts Centre
440 Locust Street, Burlington, Ontario
Tickets can be purchased online or by telephone:
905-681-6000 |

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Taste of Burlington comes to an end on Saturday

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

October 23rd, 2020



Having gone through a serious lock down Burlingtonians began to look for ways to at least try to get some normality into their daily lives.

Dealing with what the school board has been able to do, figuring out what the Parks and Recreation department has made possible, and learning to live with social distancing and hand sanitization, the idea of getting out for a drink or having a meal with friends has been a bit of a challenge.

Gator Ted logoThe Gazette took up the opportunity to report on the Taste of Burlington, a program that has restaurants in the city offering attractive meal opportunities in an attempt to coax people out of their homes and into the restaurants where rules to ensure public safety were in place.

The Taste of Burlington is a program gone run by the city’s Tourism and Events Department. The once vibrant Burlington Restaurant Association has gone disappointingly silent as its membership struggles to stay alive.

Rahoons Persian Eatery at Village Square won Best Overall Award.

Rahoons Persian Eatery at Village Square

For Michele Bogle the three things that matter when she is doing a review are: the service, the plating and the flavours. In the seven reviews she did for the Gazette the flavours at Rahoon’s stood out.

Knowing that there are serious public health concerns, Bogle was watching for how the restaurants were dealing with the need for the highest possible levels of cleanliness. She would have liked to have seen sanitation stations front and center – yes “they would have looked a little cluttered” she said “but it was important for people to be able to see the station and use it”.

Bogle found the devices to take temperatures were iffy at times. The small device that is placed near the forehead didn’t leave Bogle feeling all that comfortable. “They had to do my forehead twice in one place” said Bogle who found she was very comfortable with the full facial scanner.

The customer space was always done up nicely: tables were not set, staff were all wearing masks. Bogle said she “would have liked to have known what was going on in the kitchen” and wondered if perhaps a monitor could not have been set up with a camera trained on the kitchen so the public could see how health precautions were being carried out.

Taste Oct 18 Turtle Jack's

There were line ups – it was a Saturday night.

Traffic in many of the restaurants she reviewed was slow, which Bogle added was “being polite”. Her review of Turtle Jack’s reported line ups of people waiting to get into a space that was limited. “To be fair, many of the reviews were done during the week when patronage was slow.”

“People”, said Bogle “were not ready to go out”. I had to take my children with me, none of my friends were up to going out.

The Taste of Burlington is an event put on and promoted by the Tourism and Events department of the city. The hospitality sector decides if they want to take part. The event has those participating offering menu choices that are reasonable priced using prix fixe menus.

This year there weren’t very many restaurants from the ethnic communities taking part. “Everyone loses when that happens” commented Bogle.

“As an amateur cook and foodie, I find it difficult to be impressed when I dine out because I’m most particular about flavour profiles. Good service is a great part of the dining experience. I found service in most of the restaurants that I visited in this event to be above average.

“People in this position recognize the role that they play is not only to extract the greatest tip percentage at the end of each meal; but that their livelihood stands in the balance should the guests not have an ultimate dining experience. Plating is almost as important as the taste and more and more restaurants are on board with this reality.

“ I found most of the dishes I experienced in the past few weeks looked as delicious as they tasted. Finally, the flavours: I was impressed with many individual elements from various restaurants. I even had the pleasure of being introduced to new and exotic flavour combinations.

“Whether your reasoning for going out, be it social, to have an intimate dinner, or just because you’re too tired to cook for the family that day, a setting appropriate for any mood or event to celebrate can be found in a restaurant in the city of Burlington.

Eating out doesn’t just need to be an escape from the kitchen; it can be an ‘experience’. One to be enjoyed with friends or family.

“After your own research, if you can find some comfort level, even enjoying one of the participating restaurants on the patio, now is the time to support your local restaurants. If you wait until we are free of restrictions again, it may be too late for some of our city’s favourite eating establishments.

Burlington restaurateurs appreciate your continued support.  There are three days left to the event- Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Asked how much weight she had put on dining out three nights a week Bogle said. “That’s not a question I want to answer.”

The restaurant reviews:

West Plains Bistro

Gator Teds

Turtle Jack’s



Barra Fion’s


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Gator Ted’s Tap & Grill - solid meal at a comfortable price

By Michele Bogle
October 22, 2020

Gator Teds

Everyone has a patio

Named after the football team, the ‘Florida Gators’, this family restaurant has celebrated more than 45 years of doing business in Burlington, renamed to  in 1994. The location has survived continued expansions; both indoor and out, and a lengthy Human Rights legal battle. Ted Kindos, co-owner of Gator Ted’s with his mother, contemplated selling in 2013. Fortunately for the community, Ted reconsidered and committed to continuing on.

This hot spot, known for its beer and wings enjoyed while watching sports on the numerous screens also serves up other tasty dishes. Gator Ted’s ‘Halibut & Chips’ can be found on the Taste of Burlington’s Pre-Fixe menu.

From the menu, we chose their fish & chips. It has been my experience to have found a generous amount of fish inside the beer-battered coating with freshly cut fries with a side of crisp coleslaw. A rich slice of pecan pie finished the meal off just right. The menu offers a lot of value in this $25 dinner.”

Gator fish and chips

They don’t skimp on the portions

For a reasonable price of $25 you could also choose from a selection of soup or salad; a medley of pastas in their ‘Tour of Italy’, Jambalaya.

Great location for groups. Patio seating is available. No reservation was required, but our contact information was collected at the door where our temperature was taken. This location also invested in a facial temperature scanner. The booths are stationary; the guests were seated with the appropriate safety regulation spacing. Masks were worn by staff and patrons who moved about the establishment.

Gator salad

Some bacon bits in there as well.

As a reminder; for more information on the Pre-Fixe menu options during this dining event that ends on October 25, 2020, please check the Taste of Burlington website for more details. Remember to sign up for the Taste of Burlington Passport to make menu selections from the app, paperless. The more you check-in from the app, the more chances you have of winning the weekly gift certificate giveaway and eligible for the grand prize of a $500 gift card to a restaurant of choice. This is useful for family gatherings now that the holidays are approaching.

Michele BogleMichele Bogle is a Burlington resident who writes for the Gazette on community issues. Ms Bogle has taken part in the Food Network for the second year in a row to audition for the ‘Great Chocolate Showdown’ 2020 and 2021. She made it to the second stage of auditions for ‘Wall of Chefs’ 2019 and finished top 1% of auditions last year for ‘The Great Canadian Baking Show’.

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Barra Fion’s: Spanish inspired tapas restaurant, part of the Taste of Burlington

Michele Bogle
October 15, 2020

Barra Fion’s Pre-Fixe Taste of Burlington menu boasts seven appetizers and five delicious-sounding entrees to choose from. With such a fantastic selection, it took us longer than anticipated to decide.

This Spanish inspired tapas restaurant was well spaced with plexi-glass shields in between the tables set in the middle of the room to allow for additional and safer seating. The best part was the non-contact facial recognition temperature scanning at the entrance. Our servers were patient, knowledgeable about the menu, and engaging. The restaurant was clean and guests wore masks while moving within the restaurant. As a reminder; using the Taste of Burlington Passport App also allows you to read menus digitally to avoid paper contact.

fioni crab cakes

Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes

For starters we tried the ‘Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes’. Two, only, may not sound like a generous portion but they were considerably large, hearty, flavourful and the aioli sauce was addictive, as well a perfect compliment to the dish.

Fioni shrimp

Blackened Shrimp and Farro Mediterranean Salad

We had also ordered the ‘Blackened Shrimp and Farro Mediterranean Salad.

This dish overloaded my senses. A culinary delight which was visually intriguing with all of its elements. Each ingredient with a specific purpose; a little crunch, a little spice and a little zing. I highly recommend this item on the menu.

fioni stew

Spanish Inspired Seafood Stew

Delightfully perplexed by my choice for the next course, we happily landed on ‘Spanish Inspired Seafood Stew’ as our entree. Don’t let the uninspired name fool you. This dish was a whole new eating adventure with its individual elements. The perfectly spiced blackened tilapia needed to be experienced first before dropping into the delicious seafood broth below; held up by a generous number of mussels and surrounded by a medley of stewed vegetables and herbs. Within the broth were found large gorgeous shrimp and an almost serrated roll of calamari. In my mind the garlic bread was provided to enjoy the delicious broth with. I was still echoing an “mmm, mmm, mmm” as I placed my empty bowl to the side.

dessert pumpkin

Pumpkin Spiced Mini Churros

For dessert, my daughter and I chose the ‘Pumpkin Spiced Mini Churros’ with caramel sauce. I think that the chef forgot that they were supposed to be minis. Shhh, it’ll be our little secret. Adding a touch of pumpkin spice to an already perfect dessert is ‘brilliant’.

I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Barra Fion and would recommend that if you haven’t yet experienced their food, that the pre-fixe menu offered during the Taste of Burlington Dining Event is a perfect time to try different items on their menu at an excellent price.

Please note that this event runs only until October 25. You won’t want to miss it. Some restaurants are giving out additional offers. The more you use the Passport App to check-in when you dine at one of the participating restaurants, the more chance you have of winning the weekly gift-card giveaway and the grand prize of a $500 gift card to a restaurant of choice.

Barra Fion is located at;

1505 Guelph Line, Unit 10A
Burlington, ON L7P 3B6
Open 7 days a week, 12-9pm


Michele BogleMichele Bogle is a Burlington resident who writes for the Gazette on community issues. Ms Bogle has taken part in the Food Network for the second year in a row to audition for the ‘Great Chocolate Showdown’ 2020 and 2021. She made it to the second stage of auditions for ‘Wall of Chefs’ 2019 and finished top 1% of auditions last year for ‘The Great Canadian Baking Show’.

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Food bank misses the annual Gift of Giving Back food delivery

News 100 blueBy Staff

October 15th, 2020



The relationship between the Food Bank and the Gift of Giving Back people grew much stronger this year.

Cole, Thomas and Colby from the Burlington Eagles 07 team stopped by the Food Bank to drop off what they could gather from their family & friends during the holiday weekend. Last year at this time they were part of the huge annual Gift of Giving Back food drive where they actually filled three gyms with food.

Each year a number of teams make arrangements to stop by the Food Bank to take a quick tour and experience a little about what happens behind the scenes, as well as learn about a number of the struggles that some of their neighbours may be facing and needing the support of our services. We appreciate their visits and will miss them this year due to covid restrictions, nevertheless we appreciate any donations they are able to collect for families here in Burlington.

Weigh scales

When Covid19 was not ravaging the community Burlngton youth were collecting food as part of the annual Gift of Giving Back. Here volunteers are calculating what has been collected and sorting it into different bins for delivery.

The Burlington Eagles 07 team challenges other teams to do their best as well.

Scot Connor, a Food Bank volunteer, admits that he keeps blowing the horn of Gift of Giving Back – but adds that “these people are the absolute best of the best of all of our wonderful volunteers and charities. The people are great but its what they do to help teach our Burlington kids that makes them so special. it’s a real shame we don’t get to see a high school gym FULL of food again this year – and all the teams running around helping each other.

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Artists find a way to support the hospitality sector.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

October 14th, 2020



Burlington’s favourite fundraiser is back… social distance style!

Individually hand crafted bowls done by artizans across the province. Enjoy a special gourmet soup and then take the bowl home.

Individually hand crafted bowls done by artizans across the province. Enjoy a special gourmet soup from a local restaurant.

In an effort to support our local restaurants, we’re hosting this year’s Soup Bowl Fundraiser to go!

Bowl sales begin Thursday, October 15, 2020 and the event runs through the month of November. Stay tuned for exciting updates including restaurant announcements, supporting sponsors, bowl gallery preview, and more!

How it Works

Step One: Choose a Bowl
Browse our online gallery and select a handcrafted, one-of-a-kind, ceramic bowl. Bowls are $55 – AGB Members: watch your email for an exclusive discount code. Your purchase includes a voucher for a bowl of soup from one of our participating restaurants. Complete your purchase and keep your receipt handy – you’ll need it for the next step.

Step Two: Plan your Pick-Up
After your purchase, you’ll be notified of dates and times available for you to pick-up your bowl from the gallery. When you arrive, you’ll be given a Soup Bowl Swag Bag that includes your bowl & soup voucher.

Step Three: Enjoy your Soup
Contact your restaurant of choice during the month of November to book a time to redeem your soup voucher. Be sure to book your favourite restaurant as soon as possible; some limitations may apply.

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Interesting Facts About the Canadian Online Gambling Industry

sportsred 100x100By Clair Ward

October 15th, 2020



The online gambling ecosystem in Canada is seen by many as the future of the broader sports betting and casino industry. This is in partly because regulators are softening their outlook on both land-based and online gambling alike, allowing more locals to get into this pastime without having to jump through hoops.

To reveal the true scope and significance of this sector, here is a look at some of the most surprising facts about it.

Overseas operators take the lion’s share of the market
The legislation surrounding online casinos in Canada is still somewhat complex, so while domestic players are able to legally enjoy access to any number of web-based gambling services, it is not currently possible for operators to set up shop on Canadian soil.

Because of this, the vast majority of cash generated by this industry goes to gambling sites that are based in other parts of the world where regulations are less restrictive.

In 2019 alone almost $400 million was generated by these offshore sites, and further growth is anticipated for 2020. An online casino in Canada can still be reputable and fully featured; it is simply difficult to support any local businesses when playing online.

The other issue with this is that the government does not generate any tax income from the industry, which would all change if it decided to embrace it outright and start issuing licenses for casino sites to operate domestically. Some provinces are taking the lead in pushing through changes that would free up the industry from state monopolies and restrictions, but it will still be a while before any shifts take effect.

PAID male gamblersYoung men are the most eager online gamblers
Research into the demographics which make up online gambling in Canada conducted by CasinoValley show that four out of five gamblers are male, with the under-35s being the most prolific players.

In particular it is those who are still in full time education, or only recently graduated, who are most likely to participate in this type of activity.

That is not to say that female players do not have their own trends and preferences; in fact more women make use of smartphone-powered gambling services than men, which is a globally unique statistic for this industry.

Slots lead the way in terms of raw popularity
There are all sorts of online casino services available, with everything from traditional table games like roulette to every conceivable variety of poker and beyond on offer. However, slots games are by far the biggest draw for web-based gambling sites, with almost three quarters of players pumping cash into virtualized versions of classic fruit machines.

PAID online bingoOnce again there are gender differences in game preference, with bingo proving to be more of a hit with women than men. Like slots, this is one of the more accessible types of gambling, with a gentle learning curve that means newcomers can pick it up quickly.

That is not to say more skill-based, intricate games like poker are not able to bring in the punters. Indeed 59 per cent of online gambling site users from Canada have played a few hands of mainstream examples like Texas Hold ‘Em.

Jackpots can be huge
Life-changing amounts of money have been won by Canadian online casino players, with the most recent big win of $20 million coming on the MegaMoolah progressive slot back in 2019. This follows on from a similarly sizable win achieved on the same slot in Canada less than 12 months earlier.

So there you have it; the online gambling industry in Canada is going strong, and is only in need of a little more direct support and acceptance from political leaders to become even more of an asset, contributing to economic independence.

Clair Ward is a consultant in outreach marketing with a focus on the online gambling industry.  She has watched this form of gambling since its inception and understands and comments frequently on the differences between the various markets.

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Performing Arts Centre turns the stage lights on - very small audiences until province eases up on how many people can be in a theatre

News 100 yellowBy Staff

October 13th, 2020



When the lock down was put in place Tammy Fox knew she had a problem – she just didn’t know how big a problem it was going to be.

Today – she knows.

Tammy Fay smile

Tammy Fox, Executive Director Burlington Performing Arts Centre

Tammy is the Executive Director of the Performing Arts Centre.

The two theatres in the building – one, the Main Theatre, holds 720 people; the other, the Community Studio Theatre, holds 165 people – have been empty for months.

The building needed some attention during the lock-down – while minimal, the costs were nevertheless real.

A very interesting production has been announced that will give young people who have a deep interest in theatre a chance to get some solid experience and mentoring.

Rebuilding the audience is going to take time. The immediate future is iffy at best. The province has limited the number of people who can attend events. “I can’t put much more than 50 people in the Main theatre – close to impossible to pull in the revenue needed to support the operations” said Fox.

“COVID social distancing cuts into what we can earn from the bar.”

On the upside, the Performing Arts Centre has a solid core of patrons who have stayed with us.

Our volunteers have been great – we had them in for a run-through on what it means to manage and direct people when they are entering the theatre and explaining the seating arrangements. We held three separate sessions – 90% of the volunteers have returned to usher people.

During the balance of October there will be:

Gord Downie

A fund raising concert that sold out – broadcast as a live stream of the performance featuring Tom Wilson

LEGACY – A Tribute to Gord Downie featuring Tom Wilson is sold out.

The Livestream of the fundraising concert and special evening to celebrate the man, the music and his enduring legacy take place on October 15th and 16th.

BENEATH SPRINGHILL: The Maurice Ruddick Story takes place on October 17th and 18th – at 1:00 pm on both days.
This is the dramatic true tale of seven miners trapped beneath a small mining town and the racial tension that surfaced as a result.

Elise LeGrow

Elise LeGrow; an impressive chanteuse

Elise LeGrow will perform on Sun Oct 25, 2020 at 4pm and at 7pm in the Community Studio.
Her voice and storytelling abilities are second to none. She has performed at the Performing Art Centre before to solid audiences.

Then there is the ALTdot Comedy Lounge on Friday Oct 30, 2020 at 7pm and again at 9pm

Featuring Sean Cullen, Jackie Pirico with host Ali Hassan! For 24 years, The ALTdot Comedy Lounge has been one of Toronto’s premiere comedy shows.

Nancy Brewer BPAC chair

Nancy Brewer, Chair Burlington Performing Arts Centre

The Performing Arts Centre has a new Chair, Nancy Brewer, a Chartered Professional Accountant in Burlington. Nancy is actively involved in community service having served as Chair of Joseph Brant Hospital and the Halton Learning Foundation.
Fox has put the finishing touches on the budget for next year – it is going to be painful.

Much depends on how long the current audience limitations are in place – assuming that we don’t slide back into a second lock down – and the arrival of a vaccine that proves to halt the spread of the virus.

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Performing Arts Centre offering unique opportunity for local youth to participate in a professional theatre production

artsorange 100x100By Staff

October 13th, 2020



The Performing Arts Centre has created a unique opportunity for local youth to participate in a professional theatre production of ‘Into the Woods: In Concert’ this November and December!

Into the woods - graphic

The production was the Dora Mavor Moore Award winner for Best Production of a Musical in 2010.

As part of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre’s upcoming presentation of Into the Woods: In Concert, there will be  a three-week Youth Mentorship Program.

Up to 22 local youth will become a part of the ensemble, participating on stage or behind the scenes, experiencing the rehearsal process with the professional cast, and performing in a one-of-a-kind production of a Broadway classic, produced by one of Canada’s leading independent professional theatre companies.

Applications must be sent in no later than Friday October 23rd.

Physical distancing and all proper COVID-19 safety measures will be followed during the program, and masks will be required for all participants.

“Participating in this kind of production is a great opportunity for young performers, designers and fans of theatre, in general,” said Burlington Performing Arts Centre Executive Director Tammy Fox.

The program: Into the Woods: In Concert was created by the Talk is Free Theatre company based in Barrie Ontario. The opportunity to take part in this production is every theatre kid’s dream, and a unique opportunity to learn from industry professionals, said Fox.”

Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 20, must commit to approximately 20 hours of rehearsal at The Burlington Performing Arts Centre, between November 16 and December 6, and must be open to the creative process and respectful to their environment.

An introductory workshop will be provided by Leslie Gray of Burlington’s own Koogle Theatre.

Participants can participate in acting, singing, design, directing, stage management and more, based on their interests.

Those seeking a performance role will get to act in this iconic musical alongside some of Canada’s leading musical theatre actors, whose productions credits span from Mirvish Productions, Shaw Festival and Stratford Festival.

Into the Woods performer

Into the Woods In Concert performer. Photo by Alex Medvick.

Every participant will also receive one-on-one mentorship from a member of the professional cast and/or creative team. These mentorship sessions consist of two 30-minute meetings which will be scheduled during the rehearsal and performance timeframe.

This unique opportunity to be part of the show costs $200, which includes two complimentary tickets to the production. Interested youth must apply by Friday, October 23 on the BPAC website. (

About Into the Woods: In Concert
Talk is Free Theatre presents Into the Woods: In Concert at the BPAC’s Main Theatre for 10 shows from November 27 to December 6.

Into the Woods is a musical journey that intertwines the several beloved Brothers Grimm characters and explores the consequences of their individual’ wishes and wants. Characters include Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and the Beanstalk), Rapunzel, and Cinderella to name a few. At the centre of the story is a childless baker and his wife who will do anything to have a family, but they encounter a powerful witch who has placed a curse on them. Throughout this magical journey, characters from different fables encounter each other as they fight for what they believe is their happily ever after. The original Broadway production earned three Tony Awards in 1988.

BPAC people in pic

The stage lights are back on – the Performing Arts Centre is once again operational.

About Talk is Free Theatre
Talk is Free Theatre was founded in 2003 in Barrie, ON by Artistic Producer Arkady Spivak and colleagues, and has since produced close to 100 works. TIFT’s recent production The Curious Voyage is an internationally recognized first-of-its- kind immersive experience that physically transported participants to London, England as part of an inescapable narrative. Their co-production of Sondheim’s Assassins with Birdland Theatre as a sold-out success, a Dora Mavor Moore Award winner for Best Production of a Musical in 2010 and has been named on the 10 Best Toronto Theatre Shows of the Decade by NOW.

Tickets can be purchased online or by telephone:
905-681-6000 |
Tickets: Regular $49 / Members $44

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