By Staff
July 1st, 2019
The invitation says it all.
You can skip the dignitaries and tour the station. allow an hour – there is tonnes of stuff to see.
On Fairview just west of Brant – beside the Fire Station.
By Staff June 28th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
There are loads of things to do on Canada Day – the Royal Botanical Garden wants you to come to your senses and literally “smell the roses” all 3,300 of the things in the RBG property. The RBG is celebrating Canada Day weekend with a flourish of colour and asking visitors to “come to their senses” by experiencing roses in bloom, guided tours and live entertainment. A little late, but worth the wait, RBG’s new Rose Garden is starting to show off some brilliant colour in Hendrie Park. With many hardy, disease resistant and re-blooming varieties surrounded by companion plants, there will be flowers in the garden all summer long. Beneath these beneficial plant pairings is a trickle irrigation system. Deep roots, combined with a consistently maintained layer of mulch, means less artificial watering which promotes an eco-friendly approach. “RBG is thrilled to present the first full season of roses in this beautiful new garden,” said RBG Head of Horticulture, Jim Mack. “Much like our rejuvenated Rock Garden, the new Rose Garden embraces new designs and techniques that reflect a more modern, environmentally conscious approach to growing roses. One that people can implement in their home garden.” Highlights of the garden include approximately 3, 300 roses displaying 300 different cultivated varieties, 4, 500 companion plants and many new enhancements to the garden landscape. This includes upgraded pathways, fences, gazebos and lighting as well as renovations to the Turner Pavilion Teahouse that overlooks the new garden. Education elements include an array of interpretive signs, including the “story of roses” display, teaching visitors about the history of roses. Weekend highlights include the Escarpment Train Exhibit in the historic Rock Garden, Bonsai Society Exhibit at RBG Centre, guided tours, and educational experiences at the Discovery Cart. Canada Day entertainment includes face painting by Picasso Painters and performances by The Dreamboats. Royal Botanical Gardens is the largest botanical garden in Canada, a National Historic Site, and registered charitable organization with a mandate to bring together people, plants and nature. Weekend Schedule Saturday and Sunday Bonsai Society Spring Exhibit Discover Alliums Guide Tour: Rock Garden Guided Tour: Come to Your Senses Saturday, Sunday and Monday Escarpment Train Exhibit Discover Pollination Guided Tour: Pollinator Power Guided Tour: Come to Your Senses Sunday Guided Tour: History of Hendrie Park Heritage Walk FREE Back to Nature Hike Monday Entertainment: Picasso Painters Entertainment: The Dreamboats By Staff June 20th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
It is an occasion to wander down Brant Street, meet with friends, maybe do a little shopping and ogle some of the cars your parents drove. A number of years ago at this event, there was a handful of electric cars that were available for people to test drive. No word yet if something like that will be on this year. On Saturday, July 6, the 5th Annual Burlington Downtown Car Show will take place on Brant Street between Caroline Street and Lakeshore Road. n order to meet the needs of the event, the following road closures will be in effect. Vehicles parked illegally in the event area will be tagged or towed to allow emergency access. Road Closure: Saturday, July 6 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Brant Street between Caroline Street and Lakeshore Road. Resident Access • Maria Street between John Street and Brant Street. Parking Restrictions Posted • Please do not park in restricted areas. Supervision • Road closure will be managed under the supervision of the Halton Regional Police Service. Photo caption: By Staff June 18th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
Art in Action’s 17th annual Studio tour takes place Saturday, November 2nd and 3rd. Fairview Street becomes Burlington’s Art trail for this tour stretching from Appleby Line to Spring Gardens Road. The 2019 tour features nine studios and 27 artists, including its most recent scholarship winner, Anna Golding who will have started at the University of Guelph, fine arts degree. Anna will be at Studio 9. An important part of Art in Action’s mandate is to support the next generation of Burlington’s artists with this annual scholarship programme. The award ranges from $1000.00 to $1500.00 depending on the financial support the artists receive each year from those who attend the tour. Anna Golding explains what she does this way: “I create art that is an embodiment of myself. It begins as a piece pf me, then evolves in such a way that the end result can be carefully traced back to the original idea. One could say the process I go through is similar to that of Dr. Frankenstein & his monster, in the fact that his monster gets extremely out of his control and that is ultimately how my art ends up. “My art shows truth of self, giving way to feelings of complete freedom and utter vulnerability in myself, during creation, and in viewers, as they experience it. ” Help the 27 artists of Art in Action by becoming a friend of Art in Action with a donation of $100.00 Sponsorship levels include $200.00 and up to $1.000.00. Check out the website at: Help us keep this scholarship an integral part of our mission. Follow the art trail from Fairview at Appleby to Plains Rd ending at Spring Gardens Road by the RBG. For more information about the scholarship please contact Darlene Throop at By Staff June 14th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The operators of the Schlegel Villages, long term care and retirement homes, are doing their part to put an end to ageism. They have come up with a unique idea – set benches out and invite people to spend some time with a senior to talk about their experiences. The program is called Elder Wisdom – they use the hash tag #ElderWisdom and will be visiting the Burlington Centre (was once called the Burlington Mall) on Monday June 17th from noon to 2:00 pm. Seniors from The Village of Tansley Woods will be at the Centre with the green #ElderWisdom bench to share in conversations with the Burlington community. #ElderWisdom is a social awareness campaign aimed at highlighting senior wisdom and contribution in our communities in hopes to honour the wisdom of the elder, end ageism. Ageism is a form of discrimination, often experienced by seniors. Our elders have a great deal of wisdom to contribute to their communities. However, societal norms marginalize seniors, treat them with disrespect, make them feel unwelcome and generalize as if they were all the same. Examples: Ageism robs seniors of choice, independence, dignity and negatively impacts their quality of life. It’s an interesting approach to a problem that limits the degree to which seniors can be active participants in the growth and well being of their communities. Burlington Centre – June 17th noon to 2:00 pm The green bench will be at entrance number 5. By Pepper Parr June 13th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
Burlington now has more than one group advocating for better government and a better Burlington. ECoB – the Engaged Citizens of Burlington proved to be very effective. They sponsored debates in every ward during the municipal election and this evening they are sponsoring a discussion between Mayor Marianne Meed Ward and Oakville Mayor Rob Burton on the Tale of Two Cities at the Performing Arts Centre. “Tip off” for that event is 7:00 pm. There are 575 people who have free tickets – if you don’t have a ticket – worry not as there are about 50 seats still available. Just walk in and you will be welcomed. After a solid meal of civic politics one can wander on down to Spencer Smith Park and see if the Raptors can beat the Golden State Warriors and cover Canada in Glory. The Toronto Maple Leafs were never able to do that. The advocacy newcomers – We Love Burlington are a much smaller group with no plans for involving the community to the same degree that ECoB has We Love Burlington – we are calling them “The Lovelies”, are delivering mailers to different neighbourhoods to spread awareness about the group and talk about what folks can do to be heard. We Love Burlington has prepared the following set of principles which they believe should be followed by the City of Burlington when considering development applications, particularly in the downtown and in waterfront areas city-wide. They submitted these as commentary on the latest development application, for 2069-2079 Lakeshore/383-385 Pearl Street and will submit it going forward for all relevant applications, as it seems citizens do have to keep repeating their arguments over and over again. Depending on the specific circumstances of individual development applications, we may add further details and comments as we see fit. Among the issues they want to sprinkle some star dust on are: • Burlington’s downtown belongs to all the citizens of Burlington and should be developed as a vibrant, inclusive place for people to live, work, shop and entertain themselves. • Burlington’s downtown is the cradle of its waterfront – a natural asset belonging to all citizens and deserving of completely open access, and careful, responsible stewardship. • Access to Burlington’s waterfront includes visual and line-of-sight approaches. It must neither be blocked from public entry nor blocked from a reasonably unobstructed view. What is or is not “reasonable” is a determination that must be made carefully and by fairly considering all affected parties and interests. • The height of buildings that border Burlington’s waterfront and core downtown areas must be carefully regulated to allow open access and appropriate sight lines to the waterfront and green spaces. Again, the degree of regulation must reflect the fair and careful consideration of all affected interests. • The City’s approved Official Plan and the plan in force is the 2008 version that has been judged to be consistent with the overriding 2014 Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan. As such, all development proposals being submitted for approval should be assessed using the terms, conditions and provisions of the 2008 Official Plan. • Optimization of provincial intensification objectives should not be accomplished solely or primarily through the construction of ‘tall’ buildings in the City’s downtown core. Alternate approaches and locations must be considered and “optimization” should not be considered to be synonymous with “maximization”. • Development proposals that seek approval to construct in the downtown core must provide clearly identified/identifiable, valued, measurable community benefits. The determination of these benefits must be an open and collaborative process involving all affected parties and must be pre- rather than post-approval. The nature and scope of community benefits will, ultimately, be approved by council and should be directed to areas of greatest community need (i.e. affordable housing). • Development proposals should always consider and identify the cumulative effects for things such as traffic, parking, shadowing, wind tunnelling etc. rather than those specific and isolated to only the development being proposed. • Full development costs should be borne by the developer or development proponent and not passed on to taxpayers in the form of higher property taxes or greater municipal debt. • Good policy and planning involves the appropriate balancing of local, regional and provincial interests. When these interests do not align, local concerns should not be subordinate nor should the developer’s voice predominate. By Staff June 12, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The wildly popular ‘Burlassic Park’ is moving to Spencer Smith Park in a partnership with the Sound of Music Festival. The City and the Sound of Music Festival have worked with all the artists playing on Thursday June 13th to accommodate the largest outdoor viewing of the Toronto Raptors Game 6, in the Golden Horseshoe! The broadcast of Game 6 of the NBA Finals will be preceded by headline performance of “Lonestar” on the main stage. The event can be shared by following the hashtag #burlassicpark By Pepper Parr June 6th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The Freeman Station has announced their operating hours. Interesting to note that they have items that are for sale and that the model railway in the lower level of the building is now open. Every child from about the age of five should be given a chance to tour the place and begin to understand how Burlington grew from a farming and produce community to what it is today. A group of people started six years ago to save the structure at a time when the city wasn’t even able to sell it as kindling. Some brave souls worked hard to find a location and then to raise the funds to keep it in one piece and put it on a foundation – all during a time when the city had basically given up on the idea of their being an historic railway station that the public could tour. A developer, (the Molinaro Group) with some prodding from a ward Councillor was able to put some Section 37 money into the building and when a particularly tough time hit them then Mayor Rick Goldring came through for them. The Freeman Station is now a fact – built and operational – now what to do with it? The hours of operation are impressive – it will call for a lot of volunteer time to keep the doors open. The people that did such a marvelous job of refurbishing the place do not have the skill set to market it effectively and run it on a day to day basis. It needs a home within the city bureaucracy – the most obvious home is within the Museums Burlington set up that over sees Ireland House (which is very well run) and the transformed Joseph Brant Museum that as sucked up some $10 million in public money and is scheduled for a July opening. The paucity of information that has come from the Museum operation has been a situation that is part of the way the current Executive Director has operated. There will soon be an occasion for new leadership of the Museum operation – once the city treasurer gets used to the kind of money the transformed Museum is going to need to be operational. Some major surprises coming on that front. Culture has never been a top of mind issue for city council – it is seen as a nice to have – something every city Burlington’s size has – but for Burlington not something that there is much heart and soul in. By Staff June 5th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The City of Burlington hosting two youth sporting events that will result in the closing of the Nelson Pool on June 9, July 6 and July 7. Burlington Aquatic Devilrays are hosting a swim meet on July 6 and 7. Anyone wanting to enjoy a swim or spray pad on those days are encouraged to visit any of our other many indoor and outdoor pools and spray pads. For a listing of locations and schedules, please visit The City of Burlington encourages people of all ages to get outside and play. Help Burlington become the Most Active Community in Canada. Take ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge and track your activities. All you need to do is download the free app at By Staff June 3rd, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The Lowville Festival has announced its program for their fifth annual season in north Burlington’s majestic Escarpment country. The Festival has been offering high quality performances of music, theatre, visual arts and spoken word in a variety of venues along the Guelph Line in the beautiful historic hamlet of Lowville. This year the Festival will consist of the one gala headline attraction, the legendary singer-songwriter Dan Hill. The concert, which will be held in the air-conditioned St. George’s Anglican Hall, where last year we presented Sarah Harmer and Ben Heppner, will mark the first Burlington performance in many years of popular Canadian balladeer Dan Hill, composer of the legendary hit song Sometimes When We Touch and many other hit parade successes. He will be presented in a very intimate context with keyboard and backup singer. Hayley Verrall, the young Burlington folk/country singer-songwriter will open for Dan Hill. Seating for this special gala performance is limited to 180 patrons, so order your tickets soon. You do not want to miss this up-close-and-personal concert. The Lowville Festival is the vision of its two Founding Co-Artistic Directors: Lorretta Bailey, a Lowville resident, has performed in musical theatre productions across Canada, including the original Toronto production of Les Miserables; and Robert Missen, proprietor of the Bobolink Agency, an artist management agency, was the 2016 inductee into the Burlington Performing Arts Centre Hall of Fame. Burlington Hydro and the City of Burlington the generous supporters of the 2019 Festival. DAN HILL IN CONCERT Media Contact: Robert Missen, or 905-632-6047 Burlington’s Burlassic Park public viewings confirmed for entire NBA Finals series June 1st, 2019 BURLINGTON,, ON
According to city hall, “Burlington’s Burlassic Park roared with excitement as over 2000 people came out to cheer on the Toronto Raptors and celebrate the historic win of Game 1 of the NBA Finals.” The City of Burlington wants to continue to share Canada’s moment with Burlington residents and is all in to host free public viewings for every NBA Finals game. The following are the dates, times and locations for Burlassic Park NBA Finals public viewing parties: Game 2 Sunday, June 2: Civic Square 7:30 p.m. Game 3 Wednesday, June 5: Central Park Bandshell 8:30 p.m. Game 4 Friday, June 7: Location to be determined next week. 8:30 p.m. Games 5, 6 and 7: Civic Square (if needed and the Raptors do not take the series in 4 games) Games 5 and 6 public viewing parties would start at 8:30 p.m. and Game 7 at 7:30 p.m. The City of Burlington will be hosting game viewings rain or shine. As the games are likely to go beyond 11 p.m., City Council has granted a Noise Bylaw exemption for all days. Event updates will be available on the City of Burlington social media accounts and residents are encouraged to following along for event shares via the hashtag #burlassicpark Councillor Rory Nisan said “The Raptors are on track and Burlington is stepping up, making Burlassic Park the spot to be for the rest of the NBA finals. Let’s show the Raps how much we support them with an even bigger crowd for Game 2 and through the rest of the series.” By Staff May 21, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
Takes place on Friday – one of the most interesting fund raisers you are likely to come across in this community. Open Doors, taking place at St. Christopher’s Church on Guelph Line has an entertainment line up, a silent auction that includes sightseeing flight over our beautiful city, a northern getaway at a beautiful lakefront cottage or a B&B experience in wine country. You will be amazed by the choices of items on which to bid and the generosity of the donations made by our local businesses. Open Doors is a group of 15 community based programs at St. Christopher’s Church that support our neighbours with Community Food, Families and Parenting, and Community Resources. As a community hub we schedule our programs so that you can access many resources in the same visit. The Open Doors is one of the ways St.Christopher’s supports these efforts. The evening, May 24th 7:30 to 10 pm is a fun-filled evening of entertainment, delicious food and drink, and a lively silent and live auction. Auction items will include beautiful garden art doors painted by students from the Halton District School Board, an antique wheelbarrow filled with your favourite wines. They’d love to see you at the Open Doors Gala on May 24, 2019. To purchase tickets please follow this link: By Staff May 20, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The choir of Port Nelson United Church presents its annual spring concert on Sunday, May 26 at 7:30 p.m. The concert, entitled Celebrate!, features performances by the Choir of Port Nelson United Church under the direction of Stillman Matheson. The special musical guests for the evening are the members of the Hamilton Children’s Choir, with artistic director Zimfira Poloz. Accompanists are Brent Fifield and Laura Pin, with trumpeter Nora Nolan. “The choir of Port Nelson United Church will be presenting a varied program that will appeal to all lovers of choral music,” said Matheson, director of music at Port Nelson. “The Hamilton Children’s Choir will deliver a memorable performance, as they always do.” Among the featured works on the program from the Port Nelson choir are Benjamin Britten’s “Jubilate Deo”, three pieces by Toronto composer Eleanor Daley, and Randall Thompson’s “Choose Something Like a Star”. The choir will also perform Mark Sirett’s “O God, Whose First Creative Word” which was commissioned by the Port Nelson choir to commemorate the completion of the Rekindle Project. Ilumini, the senior choir with Hamilton Children’s Choir, will perform a variety of repertoire spanning many languages, cultures and eras, including Malaysian folk song “Wau Bulan”, arranged by Malaysian-Canadian Tracy Wong, a world premiere by Canadian Steven Webb, “Li Ngu Weko”, and a crowd-pleasing piece in the Mexican huapango style by Stephen Hatfield, “Las Amarillas.” “Our Ilumini singers have been busy preparing a programme full of surprises for our guest appearance with Port Nelson United Church,” said Poloz. “We are thrilled to share some of our favourite pieces from Europe, the Americas, and Asia, including the premiere of a piece we will bring to Hong Kong on tour this July. We hope that our music makes you breathe deeply, sigh with wonder, and delight in the beauty of young singers sharing their full hearts and voices.” This year’s spring concert honours the memory of Rev. Donald Gillies, a long-time minister with the United Church of Canada who was a member of the Port Nelson congregation in his retirement. Gillies was a talented organist and a proud supporter of the Hamilton Children’s Choir, and his family is generously sponsoring the concert. “He was a much-loved member of our congregation, and we wanted to honour his life and contributions through music,” said Matheson. The evening is also a celebration of renewal, as this year, Port Nelson marked the official opening of its newly renovated and accessible sanctuary and community space. Admission is by a free will offering. All proceeds benefit the ministry of music at Port Nelson United Church. Port Nelson United Church is located at 3132 South Dr. in Burlington in the heart of the Roseland community. By Staff May 15th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
Burlington Green has been running what they call an EcoFilmFest at the library on New Street for a number of years. The films focus on environmental issues. The 10th annual Eco-Film Festival program for 2019 is set out below. It is both an exciting and informative series of documentaries that creates awareness and opportunities for collective action within the community to help protect the planet.
By Staff May 15th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
Each year the Burlington Foundation chooses a person, sometimes a couple to be named as the Distinguished Philanthropist for the year. The 2019 Distinguished Philanthropist will be Angelo Paletta described as a prominent business leader and generous philanthropist. Angelo is the face of Paletta International. He has called Burlington home since 1964, and over those many years has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the city. “Angelo’s commitment to making our community a better place to live for everyone is always at the heart of his philanthropic endeavors,” says Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO, Burlington Foundation. “Angelo, who has supported our foundation for many years consistently demonstrating a passionate and generous commitment to many charitable needs and causes. We are truly delighted to honour and celebrate his legacy of giving and social impact.” Angelo will be honoured at Burlington Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Celebration being held on the evening of Thursday, October 24, 2019. The award is presented by Canada Life. In 2013 Angelo was the Patron for the Burlington Community Foundation annual fund-raiser. Watching him work a room is a pure delight. Related news story Angelo as Patron of the 2013 Fund Raiser for what was ten the Burlington Community Foundation. By Staff May 14th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
June is the Month of Play and the City of Burlington has many activities planned to help people get outside, have fun and be active. The Burlington Kite Festival, presented by the Rocca Sisters Team The Burlington Kite Festival, presented by the Rocca Sisters Team, is being held on Sunday, June 2, 2019 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Brant Hills Community Centre, 2255 Brant St. Festival participants can build their own kite (while supplies last) or bring their own kite to fill the sky with dancing colours. This year’s event will feature the Curiosity Cube which involves interactive, hands-on science experiments using the latest technology to inspire curiosity in the next generation of scientists. There will also be face painting, balloon animals, stilt walkers and much more. All are welcome. Spray Pads Summer Outdoor Pool Openings Please note, Nelson Pool and Splash Park will be closed June 9 and July 6 to 7, and Angela Couglan Pool will be closed after May 31, 2019, until Spring 2020 for pool renovations. Learn more about swimming lessons and recreational swimming schedules at ParticipACTION’s Community Better Challenge Download the ParticipACTION app for free at Burlington Walks the Talk Pop Up n’ Play Yoga in the Park NEW-Pop Up n’ Play Fitness Play Streets Concerts in the Park 100n1 Day Burlington The City of Burlington encourages people of all ages to get outside and enjoy the many parks, outdoor spaces, playfields and recreational play experiences that support active living and a healthy lifestyle for all ages, abilities and cultures. Learn more about recreational experiences and where to play at Get Outside. Live & Play Every Day. Chris Glenn, Director of Parks and Recreation maintains that “Flying a kite is just as fun for adults as it is for kids. For the rest of the Month of Play, we have a variety of activities to keep everyone active, having fun outdoors throughout the city all summer long. Get outside and play this summer and help Burlington become Canada’s Most Active Community.”
By Staff May 13th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The Farmers’ Market at Burlington Centre, operated by the Burlington Lions Club, will open for its 61st consecutive season on Wednesday, May 22nd and continue through October 26th. The 50 vendors at the Market offer fresh local produce in season, eggs, meats, cheese, baked goods and wine. Market hours are Wednesdays 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM; Fridays 8:00 – 3:00; Saturdays 8:00 – 2:00. The Lions use the proceeds to support local community, health, and youth needs. By Staff May 10th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
Market friends — spring is here and so it’s time for Season 8 of the Centro Farmer’s Market! —— Opens Mother’s Day – every Sunday through to Thanksgiving. 10 am to 5 pm One of the gems of the Downtown Core. Now in its 8th season, Centro Market is a food focused farmer’s market in Burlington Downtown, established with the goal of fostering community while connecting people with fresh healthy food and to the wonderful folks that grow and produce it in our area. By Staff May 6th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
The last of the 2018/19 Piano Series takes place on the 26th. A few days later the public will learn what the Performing Art Centre line up is going to be – that events takes place on the 28th. Anagnoson & Kinton, one of the world’s finest piano duos, will be closing out the piano series on May 26 at 4:00pm. The Piano was invented in the 1700s and is considered one of the most important instruments in Western music of all genres. Throughout the 2018/19 season, BPAC celebrated The Piano, presenting a four-concert series showcasing this magnificent instrument in distinct piano presentations, with some of Canada’s keyboard masters: music from Schubert, Ravel, Dvořák, and Stravinsky. With over 1000 performances throughout the duo’s 40-year history, Anagnoson & Kinton have been repeatedly met with great critical acclaim across North America, Europe, China, and Russia. In addition to traditional recitals, the duo has commissioned numerous compositions, expanding the boundaries of traditional piano-duos. Music of this caliber and quality is seldom available in smaller cities. The tub thumping for the 2019-20 season follows. In the past there have been some pretty limp performances at which the forthcoming Performing Arts Centre program was announced. There was one season when it was positively embarrassing. The event could be a show in itself. The regular theatre goers – and Burlington has a lot of them – turn out in droves with their programs in their hands and wallets open to ready to book their tickets. The full extent of the season offering is set out – some promotion and a bit of razz-a-matazz is what show business is all about. Hopefully, the people who run the Centre will break out the mold that has prevailed in the past. Show a little leg! By Staff May 6th, 2019 BURLINGTON, ON
It’s a sure sign that spring has finally sprung—Royal Botanical Gardens’ (RBG’s) flowering cherry (Prunus) collection is reaching peak bloom. The collection can be located at various areas of RBG with greater concentrations in the Arboretum and Rock Garden. Cherry blossoms last an average of four to five days once in full bloom, so those wanting to experience the collection will have to act fast. RBG records the flowering times of its cherries on an annual basis as part of a biological science known as phenology, an important tool in helping to track climate change. In 2010, the Gardens added 34 trees to this collection, donated to RBG as part of the Sakura Project, an effort from members of the Japanese and Japanese Canadian communities to plant over 3,000 cherry trees across Canada. These trees are planted at both the Arboretum and Rock Garden sites. Chefs at RBG’s Rock Garden Café are offering special menu items to mark the occasion. Visitors can sip cherry blossom tea and enjoy salmon poke bowl and matcha semi-freddo as part of their cherry blossom experience. One of the most iconic spring sights at RBG is the flowering cherry circle in the Arboretum. The trees planted in this circle are Prunus ‘Accolade’ and were accessioned in 1966. P. ‘Accolade’ is a spectacular pink semi-double flowered cultivar that has achieved the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Award of Garden Merit (AGM). These trees look most spectacular when viewed against the backdrop of a pure blue sky. Once the flowers begin to fade and fall the surrounding grassy area looks like it is covered in pink confetti. For those that like to dig into the details – more than you may ever want to know appears below. Walking amongst those trees is to live for – don’t miss the opportunity. Japanese flowering cherries within RBG’s collection are some of most treasured and appreciated of these trees. These cultivars have been bred for centuries in Japan and play a hugely important role in Japanese society and culture. The Japanese name the flowering cherry sakura and the art and celebration of viewing sakura is known as hanami (flower viewing) during the day and yozakura (night sakura) at night. The short-lived flowers are particularly important in Japanese culture as a symbol of the ephemeral and impermanent nature of life. The colours of cherry flower petals can vary considerably with the colour of the same flower changing from first emergence through maturity to blossom fall. Typically flowers are darker in bud becoming paler as they age and expand. Seasonal conditions, climate and soil type can also all have an influence on the annual colour of flowers. Cherry flowers are divided into four different groups which are based upon the number of petals. Whilst nature isn’t always perfect and variations occur as a rule: • Single flowers have five petals The scientific name for flowering cherries is Prunus. The genus Prunus is in the Rosaceae or rose family. This family not only includes roses and flowering cherries but other notable ornamental plants such as Chaenomeles (Flowering Quince), Crataegus (Hawthorn) Fragaria (Strawberry), Malus (Crab apple) and Pyrus (Pear). As well as flowering cherries the genus Prunus also encapsulates plums, peaches, apricots and almonds. The Rosaceae family, as a result is one of the most economically important crop families. |
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