If you want to get out with the kids on Monday - think about LaSalle Park where you can see the beautiful Trumpeter Swans.

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February 15th, 2019



LaSalle Park in Burlington is home to the largest over-wintering population of Trumpeter Swans in Ontario.

swan wings wideOn Family Day, Monday, February 18 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. members of the Trumpeter Swan Restoration Group and the Trumpeter Swan Coalition will be on hand to introduce you to these magnificent birds that have fought their way back from extinction with the help of a group of dedicated volunteers.

Hear the Trumpeter Swans’ amazing stories and learn more about them from the team of women who band and tag the birds.

Bring your camera and take part on the photo contest. More details HERE

The event is free. All ages welcome.

The event will be held along the shoreline of LaSalle Park 831 LaSalle Park Road. Booths will be set up near the boat launch. Banders and taggers will be working in the beach area.

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Trumpeter Swan photo contest - Monday - Family Day at LaSalle Park

Trumpeter swans x3

The pictures are awesome – they are really beautiful creatures and Burlington is home to hundreds of them.

The Trumpeter Swan Coalition in Burlington is committed to protecting the birds and their habitat – something that hasn’t always been easy in Burlington.

The Coalition is holding a gathering of those who want to observe and learn more about the birds on Family day at LaSalle Park.

The Gazette has partnered with the Collation to hold a photo contest.

There will be first, second, and third cash prizes of $100; $50 and $25.
Anyone can enter a photograph.

Two requirements:
The photograph has to be taken at LaSalle Park and it has to be taken on Family Day Monday, February 18, 2019

The event: Trumpeter Swan Day at LaSalle Park
11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

No pets please.

You submit your photograph in a digital format to:


monogamy-swansPlease provide:
Your full name
Email address
Telephone number

Every photo sent in will be acknowledged.
Winners will be announced by the Trumpeter Swan Coalition in about a week after Family Day.

Updates will be published in the Gazette and on the Trumpeter Swan Facebook page.

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Robert Douglas “Bob” Brechin passed on January 25th after a long struggle with Parkinson’s and Cancer.

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February 12, 2019



In a statement released today from the Office of the Mayor Marianne Meed Ward said:

Our city has lost another highly-regarded leader of our community with the passing of Robert Douglas
“Bob” Brechin. He died on January 25th after a long struggle with Parkinson’s and Cancer.

Bob Brechin

Robert Douglas “Bob” Brechin.

A known family man and civic-minded career-man of 40 years at Dofasco, Mr. Brechin also served as an Alderman for Burlington City Council for 19 years, between 1978-1997, and was elected as a Halton Regional Councillor serving between 1991-97.

His work with Dofasco provided Mr. Brechin with a career that spanned accounting, sales, and international marketing and time as the director of a Canadian tin plate recycling council.

In addition to an illustrious career, Mr. Brechin was very active in the community, getting involved with the Hamilton and District Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Manufacturing Association in Exports, Canadian Exporters’ Association, Society of Management Accountants, and the Niagara Escarpment Committee in a variety of committee chair and board member functions.

He also volunteered his time with the St. Raphael Parish and Burlington Reuse Centre, as well as joined board and fundraising activities for the Hamilton/Burlington YMCA, United Way of Burlington, Hamilton- Wentworth, Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington Art Centre, LACAC (now known as Heritage Burlington) and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.

Mr. Brechin will be greatly missed by the residents of this city and all those he impacted through his service to the community and region.

On behalf of Burlington City Council, I want to express our gratitude for Mr. Brechin’s service to our city over the years and send my deepest condolences to Mr. Brechin’s wife of 67 years, Edith, his family and friends.

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City Planning and Development Committee meeting cancelled.

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February 12th, 2019



The Planning and Development Committee scheduled for this evening – Tuesday February 12th has been CANCELLED. It will be rescheduled.

A Statutory meeting on the Lakeside Village Plaza was on that agenda.  There are many people wanting to delegate at that event.

Lakeside village plaza proposal

The proposed plan was just a little too much for most people in the neighborhood. Has the developer heard what the residents thought?

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New Democrats to talk about poverty at Central arena on Wednesday.

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February 10th, 2019



ostrich head in sandsee no evil monkeyPoverty is not a popular coffee shop conversation; we have it but we don’t talk about it. This social behavior on the part of Burlingtonians is a combination of “see no evil” and the ostrich with its head in the sand.

Talk Poverty NDPThe reality is that – there rare poor people in Burlington and the New Democrats talk about it. The Progressive |Conservatives talk about ensuring that everyone can get a job but keep the minimum wage so low that some people need two job to get by.

MPP Sandy Shaw (Hamilton West – Ancaster – Dundas) is going to be in Burlington on Tuesday, February 12th to give a talk on the Ontario NDP’s efforts to fight poverty.

Ted Hildebrandt (Director of Social Planning at Community Development Halton) will also be speaking about the face of poverty in our region, and particularly the hidden face of poverty in Burlington.
The evening will start off with a simple pasta dinner – no charge to attend and it is open to anyone interested in making Ontario a better place to live, regardless of political affiliation.

The event is from 6pm to 8pm February 12th at the auditorium in Central Arena.

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Ward 3 gets a two for one: Bentivegna joins Councillor Rory Nisan.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 9th, 2019



Now that they are elected and are well on their way to getting comfortable with the jobs they have the members of Council are getting out into the community to meet with their constituents.

Each member of council has their own style and approach. Residents of ward 5 have learned how to respond to Councillor Sharman and those in ward 2 know how Meed Ward handled issues – now that she is Mayor we are seeing a tendency to use photo ops much more than she did as a Councillor.

We will return to the change in Meed Ward.

Thursday evening ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan met with his constituents at the Conservation offices on Britannia Road. He had people in from the Finance department give a solid background piece on the budget that is before council. The tax levy put forward by the Finance department recommended an increase over the 2018 budget of 3.99%.

Mayor Meed Ward has said she would like to see that reduced to 2.99% – which might be a stretch given the new asks that are coming forward; but she does appear to have the support of her colleagues on a lower tax levy for 2019.

Nisan Lowville Feb 7 BEST

Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan listening to a budget presentation.

Councillor Nisan didn’t make any direct comment on where he stood on what the eventual tax levy should be during his constituency meeting. His meeting in Lowville was to deal with rural issues and he did something surprising – he had ward 6 councillor Angelo Bentivegna join him so that the two men could hear what was pressing and on the minds of the rural community. Life north of Dundas is a lot different than life south of the QEW,

The speed with which people drive their vehicles through the rural roads is a consistent concern. There was at one point a school crossing guard at the public school in Kilbride – he retired and the city has not found a replacement.

Lowville meet Feb 7

Cold night, roads all but fogged in – but 30 residents showed up to meet their ward Councillor.

Public safety was a prime issue – and the lack of a school crossing guard produced a lot of discussion.

“If there was a school in Burlington without a crossing guard” said one resident “there would be someone sent in to cover for a crossing guard that is not able to get to their job.”

The residents of Kilbride want the same level of service. They see themselves as the forgotten residents of the city. Someone suggested that the northern parts of wards 3 and ward 6 be merged and turned into a single ward with its own Councillor.

Bentivegna explained why he thought that was not a good idea. With the current system he explained you have three of the seven councillors who have rural constituents speaking for you. You will get a better response with the current ward set up.

Lowville Regulars - Rickli +

Lowville regulars – Walt Rickli on the left and John Timmins on the right.

Councillor Nisan appear to like the idea of a single rural ward.
Bentivegna proved to be much more outgoing and robust in this rural setting than we have seen him in the past; he was all over every issue and said on a number of occasions that he was in office to make changes. He has come up with a tag line: rethink, reinvent and retool that he touts every chance he gets.

He has kept the election signage on his vehicle as well. With a win of less than 50 votes over Blair Lancaster in the October election he might well be wise to stay in election mode.

While the meeting was not in his ward Bentivegna was taking down names and phone numbers and promising to follow up “first thing tomorrow”.

Part of the budget Q&A was on the addition of a sixth bylaw enforcement officer. People in ward 3 say they never see a bylaw enforcement officer unless it is a matter that relates to Conservation Halton.

The city currently has five bylaw control officers – a sixth will allow one for each ward and Bentivegna wants to see a ward bylaw officer handle every kind of complaint. Right now the animal control people don’t take on parking problems and the parking people don’t respond the bylaw infractions relating to property. He wants the silos between the departments taken down – every bylaw office would respond to anything and everything; there would be no more specialization.

Bentivegna wasn’t able to say just how many bylaw enforcement officers there are in the city; his comment was those that are in place are “run pretty ragged”

Bentevegna starinwith Nisan Feb 7 Lowville

Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna joined forces with Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan to brief the residents on what the two of them were going to do for rural Burlington. Meeting took place in Lowville.

Road conditions are an ongoing concern. Finance department staffer Anne Marie explained that the city has an inventory of every road in the municipality that details when the road was last repaired or upgraded – that data drives a large part of the infrastructure budget.

The condition of the roads and the speed at which people drive their cars is regularly brought up at rural Councillor meetings.

Residents want speed bumps; however the installation of a speed bump requires research which the residents see as waste of time. A new sidewalk was put in in Kilbride – but it isn’t snow plowed forcing people to walk on the road on which vehicles move too quickly. One resident talked of having to jump into a ditch to avoid being hit by a pickup truck. “It’s a big issue up here” he said.

Public safety was the prime concern – that and a school bus driver who is said to be driving at 80 clicks in a 40 click zone.

“Kids don’t walk to school anymore – they get driven by their parents who then speed away to get to their jobs” explained one parent.

Taylor at LowvilleFeb 7

Former ward 3 Councilor John Taylor keeping an eye on what the new ward Councillor is doing.

The Kilbride fire station is run by 30 volunteers that most people are content with. Their beef is that there isn’t any water service – it has to be transported in when there is a fire. There is a tanker at the fire station but it apparently doesn’t have any water in it.

On a cold winter night with thick fog covering the roads some 30 people gathered to voice their concerns. Sitting in the audience listening quietly was John Taylor, the former, now retired Councillor for the ward.

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Skate lending program expanded to Appleby Ice Centre

News 100 redBy Staff

February 8th, 2019



The City’s skate lending program is expanding to Appleby Ice Centre. Residents of all ages can access a variety of skates and other equipment on a first come first serve basis, year-round.

The Skate Hub is located in the lobby of ice pads 1 and 2. There is no sign-out form required and there is no time limit on the equipment. The hours of operation are the same as facility hours.
The skate lending program is also available at the Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond on weekday evening, weekend and holidays.

figure skates

Put them on right and you can enjoy swirling around the ice.

Skate Lending Hours of Operation of the Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond.

• Weekday evenings: 5 to 10 p.m.
• Weekend and Holidays: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Both locations have a variety of sizes.

Skating rink Discovery Landing

Rotary Centennial Pond.

Donations Needed
Anyone with used skates, gloves, sticks or helmets in good condition can donate them to the lending program. Donations can be dropped off at any Burlington community centre, arena or pool, City Hall, as well as Emma’s Back Porch, Gator Ted’s and Wendel Clark’s Restaurants.

For more information on skating in Burlington, visit burlington.ca/skating.

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Roll up the rim is back - freezing rain doesn't matter!

News 100 blueBy Staff

February 6, 2019



frezing rainFacilities are open and programs are running according to city hall.

Stay tuned for updates as we monitor weather conditions.

The City of Burlington makes every effort to keep our facilities open during our regular business hours. When unsafe weather conditions occur, the city may close facilities.

Roll up the rimA planner who was in Burlington last night – returned to Toronto where weather conditions are a bit better. His comment to us was:

Roll up the rim is back at Tim Horton’s today, so there’s something to look forward to!

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Family Day - the 18th - Include the Trumpeter Swans at LaSalle Park.

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February 6th, 2019



They are the largest swans in the world, native only to North America and they have made an amazing comeback from the brink of extinction. On Family Day, Monday, February 18th, come to LaSalle Park, in Burlington, to meet the Trumpeter Swans and hear their amazing story of conservation success.

Trumpeter swan - Family DayThe event will be held between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. when members of the Trumpeter Swan Restoration Group and the Trumpeter Swan Coalition will be on hand to introduce you to these magnificent birds that have fought their way back from extinction with the help of a group of dedicated volunteers. Hear the Trumpeter Swans’ amazing stories and learn more about them from the team of women who band and tag the birds.

The event will be held along the shoreline of Lasalle Park, 831 Lasalle Park Road. Booths will be set up near the boat launch. Banders and taggers will be working in the beach area. LaSalle Park is the largest over-wintering site for Trumpeter Swans in Ontario. Between 125 to 200 Trumpeters gather near the harbour from December to March.

The event is free. All ages welcome. Dogs make the Trumpeters nervous so please leave your pets at home.

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Celebrate Valentine’s Day with legendary lovers Elizabeth Barret Browning and Robert Browning! On at the Performing Arts Centre February 14th.

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February 4th, 2019



Some competitive forces in the entertainment sector.

The Burlington Chorale Singers have an event on the 16th at St. Christopher’s United Church on Guelph Line. Link to that event is set out below.

The Performing Arts Centre is celebrating Valentine’s Day with legendary lovers Elizabeth Barret Browning and Robert Browning!

How do I love theeCanadian Rep Theatre is coming to The Burlington Performing Arts Centre on Valentine’s Day to explore one of the most famous literary romances of all time in a staged play reading. The legendary lovers Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning were “rock stars” of their era, passionate in their belief that poetry could change the world.

How Do I Love Thee? explores a web of passions and desire, inspirations and fear, addictions and anger, where love, despite or perhaps because of its myriad of contradictions, still endures.

Canadian Rep Theatre focuses on innovative approaches to established works from the contemporary Canadian canon, along with challenging new plays that resonate with the diverse face of Canada in the 21st century. BPAC is thrilled to have this amazing company as part of their 2018-19 season with Helen’s Necklace in the fall and now How Do I Love Thee?, which played to rave reviews in Toronto and was nominated for 5 DORA Awards including Outstanding New Play and Outstanding Direction.

How Do I Love Thee? is written by the award-winning playwright Florence Gibson MacDonald and directed by one of Canada’s most well-respected theatre icons, Ken Gass. The original cast returns from the Toronto production that was called “luminous,” “gut-wrenching,” and “magnificent” by The Toronto Star.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day at BPAC with two of the world’s most legendary lovers. Stay after the show for a talk-back with the cast and Director Ken Gass.

Browning - how do I

Elizabeth Barrett’s volume Poems (1844) brought her great success, attracting the admiration of the writer Robert Browning. Their correspondence, courtship and marriage were carried out in secret, for fear of her father’s disapproval. Following the wedding she was indeed disinherited by her father. The couple moved to Italy in 1846, where she would live for the rest of her life.

How Do I Love Thee?
Canadian Rep Theatre
Written by: Florence Gibson MacDonald
Directed by: Ken Gass
Featuring: Irene Pool, Matthew Edison, and David Schurmann

Thursday, February 14, 2019, 8:00pm
Approximate run time: 90 minutes
The Burlington Performing Arts Centre
Community Studio Theatre
440 Locust Street, Burlington, ON, L7S 1T7
$29 Regular
$24 Member
Group pricing available
*All prices include tax and fees.

Another Valentine event.

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Wine and cheese and the lyrics of Cole Porter will warm a heart on Valentines Day

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February 4th, 2019



You can buy chocolates.

You can give her flowers – you’ve certainly done that before – but there is an opportunity to do something really different.

Take her to an event where you will hear Cole Porter lyrics and enjoy some original music being delivered by the Burlington Civic Chorale.  She can of course take you.


Civic chorale

DELIGHTFUL, DE-LOVELY, DE-VALENTINE’S CABARET – to be done by the Burlington Civic Chorale.

Cole Porter’s witty lyrics and sophisticated tunes take centre stage at the Singers Valentine’s Cabaret Saturday, February 16, 7:30 pm, at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church, 662 Guelph Line, in Burlington.

Wine and cheese, affordable silent auction items, and memorable desserts all add to the Valentine’s afterglow.

Tickets are $25 at the door, or in advance by calling 905-577-2425.

Contact: Janet Gadeski, Public Relations Manager, 905-632-2085; 289-230-4713; jgadeski2@gmail.com

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Uncensored humour: Comedy Festival at several venue the week of February 24th to 27th.the 2019

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February 4th, 2019



If there is a notice that the material is not censored and is intended for a mature audience- and they’ve been offering it for the last four years – it might be something you want to give some thought to.

For the Fifth year in a row the BURLINGTON COMEDY FESTIVAL will take place from February 24th – February 27th.

Several venues for the event; Pepperwoods, Art Gallery of Burlington and Emma’s Back Porch and The Water Street Cooker.

Comedy Bugle Boy

“Skinny German Juggle Boy”

The four-day event kicks off on Sunday February 24, 2019 with a Family Variety Show at the Art Gallery of Burlington. The variety show features international acts from Hilbilly “Skinny German Juggle Boy” to Ireland’s Jack Wise and the American comedic contortionist and daredevil Alakazam.

Tickets are $12.50 (or Family Pack of four: $40.00), doors open at 1:30 p.m. and the all-ages show begins at 2:00 p.m.

The Festival features over twelve comedians and variety acts performing five shows at two amazing venues tailor made for live stand-up: The Art Gallery of Burlington (AGB) and the iconic Water Street Cooker (2084 Old Lakeshore Road)

This year’s events are in partnership with The Gift of Giving Back, Canada’s largest community food drive which helps a dozen agencies serve their needy clients across the GTA. Donations of non-perishable goods and cash will be accepted at all shows.

Derek Seguin

Derek Seguin, a CBC Just for Laughs regular.

Derek Seguin, a CBC Just for Laughs regular.

Evening performances begin on Monday February 25 at both The Water Street Cooker and AGB with an 8:00 show time at both venues. Headliners include Montreal-based Derek Seguin a Just for Laughs alumnus and Mark Forward, a series regular on Crave TV’s Letterkenny. The following evening our headliners switch venues with all tickets valued at $29.00.

Burlington Comedy Festival ends with a bang on Wednesday February 27th as we feature the “Best of the Fest” (tickets are $59.00) at the Art Gallery of Burlington, 8 p.m. start time. The seven comic line-up features gust host Gemini Award-winning actor/comedian Shaun Majumder and host of the hit show The Debaters on CBC Radio One –Steve Patterson.

Patrons are also encouraged to enjoy dinner and a show through a special deal at two of Downtown’s best eateries!

Comedy Festval 2019

Comedy Festival 2019 – February 24th to the 27th – multiple venues

The best deals in town are the VIP Food & Funny Deals at Emma’s Back Porch and Pepperwood Bistro. They include admission to the reserved seating area and a $25 voucher for dinner at the participating restaurant. This package is $49.00 ($69.00 for the “Best of the Fest”).
Tickets are now on sale for the 4th Annual Burlington Comedy Festival, presented by the Burlington Downtown Business Association. The Festival is in partnership with the Kitchener-Waterloo Comedy Festival and Port Credit Comedy Festival.

You can buy tickets in person in January at Emma’s Back Porch and Pepperwood Bistro.

Please note that the material is not censored and intended for a mature audience. Seating is general admission, no recordings are permitted.

For a full list of complete acts and to buy tickets online please log onto www.burlingtoncomedy.com

Brian Dean 2 long

Downtown Business Association Executive Director Brian Dean has worked hard with the hospitality community to make this event the success it has become. The Gazette has been assured that Brian will not be on stage – ever.

Brian Dean, Executive Director, Burlington Downtown Business Association said: “After five years we are more convinced than ever that there is a strong appetite for professional comedy in Burlington. The Festival helps us to showcase our thriving small business community by bringing crowds to the downtown core for laughs and great hospitality.

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Performing Arts doubles the funds raised with their Festival of Trees - money to be used to make Community Theatre available to local artists.

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

February 1st, 2019



Other than the credit card balances we would rather not look at and the toys those cards bought that have already been abandoned by the children – there isn’t much more to remember about the festive season.

The Festival of Trees put on by the Performing Arts Centre to raise funds for the use of the Community Theatre by different arts group was a bright spot that will be appreciated throughout the year.

More than double the funds raised last year were brought in this year – they actually sold out the draw tickets they had.

Tree festival - Haley Verral's

Hayley Verral, a budding Burlington singer and song writer who has done Nashville looks good beside the tree she sponsored with her Mother.

Described as a massive success, the event brought 8000 visitors between Nov. 22 and Dec 20, and $7,305 for our Community Studio Theatre initiative, which provides grants to local artists and arts organizations to offset the cost of renting the Community Studio Theatre.

Funds raised are transferred to the Arts & Culture Organization of Burlington (ACCOB), who administer and adjudicate the funding applications.

The concept of the Festival of Trees was brought to BPAC by Executive Director Tammy Fox in 2017, after she had been part of launching a similar event over 20 years ago at Port Hope’s Capitol Theatre, which continues to be an annual community event to this day.

“The staff and the sponsors all contribute a great deal to ensure that the Festival of Trees happens each year,” says Fox, “but increasing access to the Studio Theatre for our local artists is definitely a priority, and the rewards of this community-building event are well worth the effort.”

Trees TiVesto tree

Ti Vesto Boutique want you to know how they feel about their tree.

BPAC partnered with Canadian Tire- Burlington Stores to present this now annual festival. Canadian Tire generously donated 25 pre-lit artificial Christmas Trees that were all sponsored and decorated by local businesses. The 2018 tree sponsors were: 27th Orchard Scout Troup, A Different Drummer Books, BLR Chartered Professional Accountants, Bodhi Bar, Burlington Beach Rentals, Burlington Network Group, Century 21 Dreams Inc. Brokerage, Conservation Halton, Cori Arthurs Floral Design, Harmony Fine Jewellers, Hayley Verral Music & Leah Verrall Artist, Holland Park Garden Gallery, Joelle’s & Jeff’s Guyshop, Long & McQuade Musical Instruments- Burlington, Mirella’s Ladies Boutique, MollyCake, Mrs. B’s Gifthouse, Museums of Burlington, NUVO Network, S. Taylor Jewellery Appraisal & Consultation, Son of a Peach Pizzeria & The Sunshine Doughnut Co., Sound of Music Festival, Springridge Farm, Ti Vesto Boutique, and Tourism Burlington/Taste of Burlington.

During the Festival BPAC presented a number of free lobby activities for the community which featured The Enchorus Children’s Choir, The Myriad Ensemble, an ornament craft-making activity, and two visits from Santa!

BPAC also hosted a Food Drive for Food 4 Kids Halton during our Festival of Trees and F4KH was amazed with the support from our community, having to make multiple trips to collect all the donations. We were thrilled by the generosity of our community and happy to help both artists and kids in need during the holiday season.

Trees Carl Dixon - 2018-BPAC-

Carl Dixon provided a wonderful picture of what the Performing Arts Centre looks like when it is all dressed up. Even a full moon.

Anyone interested in applying for the Community Studio Theatre Initiative funding should visit https://www.artscultureburlington.ca/. The deadline for this year’s funding is March 1st, 2019.

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Mayor Meed Ward creates a Red Tape/Red Carpet Task Force and sets out her five priorities at Chamber meeting

News 100 blueBy Staff

January 30th, 2019



She has hit the ground running.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward announced plans to launch and lead a Red Tape Red Carpet task force at this morning’s State of the City address at the Burlington Convention Centre and had a media release out before people got back to their desks.

Younger set meeting

The Chamber of Commerce meeting was more than event to hear what the Mayor had to say; there was business to be done.

In front of a sell-out crowd, (not quite – there were three empty seats at my table – maybe that’s because I was sitting at it?) the Mayor spoke about her plan to help eliminate the red tape and bureaucratic delays that Burlington businesses have faced in their pursuit of growth throughout the city.

The Task Force will begin with a broad meeting that is open to the public to raise specific issues and concerns on topics ranging from permits, approvals, and other obstacles. A smaller task force of stakeholders will then be identified to come up with actionable recommendations that will be brought to council and shared with the Province by summer.

Dates and details will be announced shortly, and the Mayor suggested that anyone interested in participating at the task force level can reach out to her via email at mayor@burlington.ca.

Co-chairing the task force with Mayor Meed Ward will be Kelvin Galbraith, Ward 1 Councillor.

Mayor Meed Ward said: “I’ve heard your concerns and I’m taking them seriously. As mayor, I consider it my job to make it easy to do business in Burlington, and to be the chief advocate of attracting new business and expanding current businesses throughout our city. To help create a place where people can live, work, and thrive.

What better timing to look at ways to improve our processes and drive efficiency than while a regional review is already underway by the Province. I’m delighted to have Kelvin Galbraith as my co-chair, with his wealth of experience as both a business owner and as chair of the Aldershot Village BIA.”

Galbraith slight smile

Kelvin Galbraith has gone from being a small business owner to a city councilor and an expert on how to reduce red tape

Councillor Galbraith sees the “task force is a great step towards addressing the obstacles business owners see when they look to expand or start a new business here in Burlington. We have the space, infrastructure, and talented work force to support them, we just need to fast-track the approvals and processes that limit and frustrate them. I know from first-hand experience that we can identify the low-hanging fruit and come up with some actionable solutions that will make a real difference. We want to let business owners know that Burlington is open for business!”

The State of the City address also touched on Mayor Meed Ward’s plans for the coming term and introduced the team of councillors she’ll be working with to make it all happen. Issues ranging from over-development and the Official Plan review, to traffic and transit, protecting greenspace, and restoring civility and respect at City Hall were just some of the priorities she covered in her speech.

Her top five priorities for the 2019-2023 term as she laid them out are:

Reasonable Growth, Not Overdevelopment

Reasonable growth, not overdevelopment by amending the downtown plan to limit more highrises; end overdevelopment across Burlington by sticking to zoning.

Get Traffic Moving, While Keeping it Safe

Better traffic flow and transit through improved traffic synchronization & intersections, transit routes, free seniors fares, and no road lane elimination.

Reduce Flood Risk, Enhance Greenspace

We must be prepared for flooding by dealing with root causes; not just effects by ending overdevelopment, keeping water at source with greenspace, and green infrastructure.

Hair shor budget trim

Meed Ward said she trimmed her hair style to indicate that she was prepared to trim the budget as well.

Reduce Tax Increases, Keep to Your Priorities

Reduce tax increases by cutting unnecessary administration; improving business attraction; investing in snowclearing, bylaw enforcement, road repair, family and seniors’ amenities.

Rebuild Trust, Create an Open Government

Rebuild trust between city hall and the public by including residents in shaping decisions, not just reacting to them; restoring civility on council and toward residents.


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Trevor Copp doesn’t just do Marceau – he has extended the art of mime.

artsorange 100x100By Pepper Parr

January 25th, 2019



The works of that famous mime artist Marcel Marceau are lost to most of us.

Copp as Marceau

Trevor Copp as Marcel Marceau

Trevor Copp is developing his skills and does an incredible Marceau performance. Copp doesn’t just do Marceau – he has extended the art of mime.

Marcel Marceau was a French actor and mime artist most famous for his stage persona as “Bip the Clown”. He referred to mime as the “art of silence”, and he performed professionally worldwide for over 60 years. He died in 2007.

Copp has picked up the art form and will be doing a performance on February 1st and 2nd at the

LIVELab ofMcMaster University; February 1 and 2 @ 7:30pm

Tix $15/$10 students. CLICK HERE for tix.

Directions/Parking Details – CLICK HERE

Copp has done this show before more than 8,000 people in the last year; audiences keep asking for more.

Reviews for TBT’s Mime Theatre

“A master of contemporary theatre….there is a sensitivity to the performance, an indefinable sense of risk taking that signals the true artist”
– Gary Smith, The Hamilton Spectator

“…inspirational cross-training for the soul… there is a deep seated need for this kind of physical art that people don’t even realize they have anymore. In the age of Netflix and downloads, return to the campfires of our primitive ancestors and feel how theatre first stirred our souls. And as a bonus, feel the incomparable magic of the man in the box bit done by someone who studied at the Marcel Marceau School in Paris and clearly knows what he’s doing.”
– Diane Lachapelle, Apt. 613 Blog

“He moves with beautiful fluency…simply too creative for words. Highly skilled….a fresh fusion between acting and modern dance”
View magazine

Searching for Marceau is the story of a budding young artist trying to make sense of his two fathers: the real one raising him and the far away Marcel Marceau. The imaginary and the real battle in this theatre/mime piece that reinvents Marcel Marceau’s Mime tradition for the 21st Century.

Some examples of a Copp performance – short clips

Movement study: a bird flapping wings.

The old standard. I still get more requests for this than anything.

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School Board sponsoring conference on Autism Spectrum Disorder

News 100 redBy Staff

January 25th, 2019



The Halton District School Board is hosting a two-day conference this spring where professionals, parents/guardians and community will learn about an educational approach for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The conference, called The SCERTS Model: A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Developmental Disabilities, will be held Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18, 2019 at the Burlington Convention Centre (1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington).

SCERTS large - autism

The conference features guest speaker Dr. Barry Prizant who is recognized as one of the leading scholars in autism spectrum disorders and communication disabilities. He has more than 40 years experience as a researcher and international consultant for individuals with autism and related disabilities. He is a certified Speech-Language Pathologist, an Adjunct Professor at Brown University and director of a private practice.

Formerly, Prizant was a Professor of Communication Disorders at Emerson College and Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the Brown University Medical School.

Mark Zonneveld, Superintendent of Education for the Halton District School Board is the lead on this project. The outcome for him is to “help our school and parent communities better understand Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and how we can effectively assist youth at school and at home.”

This presentation will provide an introduction to the SCERTS Model (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support). The Model is a comprehensive evidence-based framework for prioritizing goals and implementing practices that focus on the core challenges in ASD: Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, and providing Transactional Support for children with ASD, and related social-communicative disabilities.

The SCERTS Model is a flexible and individualized approach that includes focusing on learning functional skills in everyday activities and is based on the unique learning style of persons with ASD.

In this workshop, assessment and intervention issues will be addressed for children with a wide range of developmental abilities and ages, including preverbal and verbal individuals, from preschool through elementary, middle, high school ages and adult services. Particular emphasis will be given to the core challenges faced by students with ASD and related abilities by emphasizing the interface between social, emotional and communication issues from a clinical and educational perspective.

The SCERTS Model has been implemented in more than a dozen countries in programs ranging from Early Intervention, school-age services and adult services.


Early Bird Registration (Received before Feb 15, 2019)
$395.00 (Includes Lunch)

Regular Registration (Received after Feb 15, 2019)
$425.00 (Includes Lunch)

For more information about the SCERTS conference and/or to register, click here.


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Freeman station pushing for more memberships - place looks better every month.

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January 22nd, 2019



The Hamilton Spectator recently did a front page feature on the Freeman Station.

The “Friends” of Freeman Station said it was a “terrific article to get our message out, and we thank Jeff Mahoney for that. Now we really need your help in 2019 to gather the last bit of funding to reach our goals.

Can you help us by becoming a member?”

Freeman Station + Kitchener“As Lord Kitchener would have said, “Please visit our website at www.freemanstation.ca/store/ ” and become a member.

“Or have your name added to our wall of Whinstone donors by purchasing a stone for $100.

Prefer to come in person?

Freeman Junction sign BESTThe Station will be open on February 16 2019 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm – we invite everyone to drop by.

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The history and heritage of the city - a February feature put together by the Heritage Committee.

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January 21st, 2019



Odeon_Burlington Lakeshore Road at Brant

How many people in Burlington remember this theatre that was on Lakeshore Road

The City of Burlington’s Heritage Committee has been busy planning another exciting Heritage Month, that begins on February 1st.

There is an opportunity to learn more about the events and issues that have shaped Burlington and Canada by attending the informative sessions planned throughout the month.

Topics and events will include Black history, First Nations, Freeman Station, Burlington architecture, movies, panel discussions, stories and more. The full calendar listing is at bpl.on.ca and burlington.ca/calendar.

All the food was made on the premises using recipes from the period of time the Ireland Farm house was built.

Lower kitchen in Ireland House – it is a tour well worth the time.

A kick-off event is planned for Friday, February 1st at St. John’s Anglican Church, 2464 Dundas from 1 to 2 p.m and at Ireland House Museum, 2168 Guelph Line from 2:30 to 4 p.m.)

1 p.m. – Greetings from Mayor Marianne Meed Ward; talks on St. John’s Cemetery, Burlington Agriculture and Oakridge Farm

2:30 p.m. – Refreshments (hot cider and freshly baked scones) and tours of Ireland House Museum.

Seating for this event is limited so please RSVP to arabellagore@gmail.com by Jan. 25, 2019.

Someone in the audience at the Ireland House presentation might want to ask the Mayor about the house she lives in on Martha Street; The Meed Ward family went to the effort to have their home designation as historically relevant.

Howard Bohan, Chair, Heritage Burlington that made this event possible worked with the Burlington Public Library, Museums of Burlington and the City of Burlington. He gives special thanks to the Burlington Heritage Month Committee and to Martha Hemphill of the United Empire Loyalists Association for her leadership.”

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Gil Penalosa, originator of the 8-80 cities’ concept will talk on an Urban Park Strategy for Burlington.

News 100 greenBy Staff

January 15th, 2019



The City has invited residents to attend a public engagement session and hear one of the best thinkers on how to make urban settings work for people.

Gil Penalosa

Gil Penalosa, originator of the 8-80 cities’ concept

Gil Penalosa, originator of the 8-80 cities’ concept will talk on an Urban Park Strategy for Burlington.

The City wants a strategy to guide the development of a strategy for the parks that will be located in the mobility hubs that are going to be a huge part of what the Burlington of the future is to look like.
ing an Urban Park Strategy to guide the development of parks to align with the city’s Mobility Hubs and a focus on urban growth areas.

The evening of education and engagement takes place on:

LaSalle Pacillion

Gil Penalosa will speak at one of the better parks in Burlington.

Thursday, Jan. 31, 2019
7 to 9 p.m. – doors open at 6:30 p.m.
La Salle Pavilion, Main Ball Room, 2nd Level
50 North Shore Blvd., Burlington

The evening will start with a key note from Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa: Founder and Chair of 8 80 Cities, a Canadian based international non-profit organization, grounded on the concept of 8 80. What if everything we did in our cities had to be great for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old?

His talk will focus on the features of great urban parks and public spaces that create a sense of community.

After the talk, residents will learn about the City’s work toward an Urban Park Strategy for Burlington and be given the chance to share their ideas on what these parks could look like.

Someone at city hall deserves a huge kudo for this one.

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Walk Off the Earth will hold a commemorative event on January 13th to celebrate the life of Mike 'The Beard' Taylor

Newsflash 100By Staff

January 5th, 2018



Details are skimpy – just the date known at this point.

Walk Off the Earth will be holding a commemorative event on January 13th –location has yet to be announced, to celebrate the life and accomplishment of Mike “The Beard” Taylor who dies suddenly in December.

Walk off the earth concert



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