An opportunity to jump into puddles, the sugar bush, hiking, and more during March Break from March 12 to March 16. Mountsberg and Crawford Lake are brimming with activity during Maple season. If you want to go for a quiet hike, you can check out Hilton Falls, Rattlesnake Point, Mount Nemo and Robert Edmondson. You can also take your final runs of the season at Glen Eden.
Maple Town is on at Mountsberg Conservation Area
Mountsberg is open daily during March Break from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hike out to the Sugar Bush with the kids to Maple Town. Learn how sap is tapped from the maple trees, and boiled into syrup. Sample ooey gooey maple syrup on thick pancakes at the Pancake House, or try homemade maple candy in the Sugar Shack.
Wagon rides on the Sugar Bush trail occur all day (there is an additional fee for the wagon rides). Once you’ve satisfied your sweet tooth, stop by the barn to see what new baby animals have arrived, and run off some energy in the play barn.
Want to experience a real nose-to-beak experience? Visit the Mountsberg Raptor Centre, and walk along the Wildlife Walkway for a visit with our resident raptors, like Pip the American Kestrel, or Chomper the Great Horned Owl. During March Break, Raptor Shows will be on at 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3 p.m.
On March 14, you can meet the Conservation Halton Forestry Crew with cross cut saw and tree cookie branding demonstrations.
Sweet Water Season at Crawford Lake
Crawford Lake is open daily during March Break from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the spring, treat your taste buds to Sweet Water Season, the sweetest festival at Crawford Lake in the Iroquoian village. Explore the Turtle Clan and Deer Clan Longhouses. Learn how the Iroquoian peoples prepared ‘sweet water’, before sampling gooey maple syrup in a demonstration. After a tasty snack, feel the return of the birds and nature, and explore the Hide and Seek trail. Along the way, you’ll see complex wood carvings of Species at Risk like the Monarch Butterfly, the Hooded Warbler, and the mascot of spring: the Jefferson Salamander. You can also visit the exhibit First Harvest: Celebrating Sweet Water.
Sweet Water demonstrations will be at 11 a.m., 12 p.m., and 3 p.m. Syrup Tasting flights will be at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Come and taste Taffy on Snow from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other March Break activities
The ski and snowboard season is winding down at Glen Eden, however they still have a special event this upcoming weekend with food and live entertainment. Check out Glen Eden’s Food Truck Weekend March 10 and 11 and sample some great food from local vendors.
The view from Rattlesnake Point
Rattlesnake Point has a medley of activities during the spring. Book a campsite for the weekend, and bring the family for a back-to-nature experience on the Niagara Escarpment or hike on one of the three trails for a restorative nature walk.
Hilton Falls is an outdoor athlete’s heaven. Rushing rivers and budding greenery are a photographer’s delight. There are three mountain bike-only trails that are a mix of novice level, and technically challenging rock-gardens. Hikers, horseback riders, and families: there are still tranquil trails and water features like the Hilton Falls, or the reservoir to experience quiet nature.
There was a time when almost everyone in this city – except for the die-hard alternate entertainment types – even knew what a Poetry Slam was.
We first heard Tomy Bewick at the No Vacancy event at the Waterfront Hotel four years ago.
Tomy Bewick – performing.
He was different.
By the way – whatever happened to the No Vacancy event? Their first run was an astounding success – then everything went downhill from there.
The Poetry Slam used to take place at the Black Bull before it met its maker – the new Black Bull doesn’t have the parking nor the space the old location had.
Now they are in the eastern end of the city at the Windjammer By The Lake.
The Black Bull had a decent menu and the service was just fine. The social media on the Windjammer is mixed. The Gazette will try it out – one has to hear Tomy at least once a year.
The March Slam is next week – March 15th; featuring artist Gavin Russell. Cash prizes.
Last month to qualify for Finals in April, and last month of $5 cover.
March 15 at 7:30 PM Windjammer By The Lake in Burlington, Ontario
This Wednesday March 7, 2018, the Burlington Handweavers & Spinners Guild is hosting their Biennial Auction Sale in the Art Gallery of Burlington.
This is an incredible sale of all things related to fibre, weaving and spinning. There will be reference books and magazines, fibre, yarn, beading equipment, weaving equipment, spinning wheels and so much more.
All bidders must register for $2 per person at the event. This buys your bid # and a sale catalogue that will be your bid # card/paddle.
PREVIEWS 6:00pm March 7th, 2018 .
All proceeds of the sale, go to Burlington Handweavers & Spinners Guild.
Absentee bids may be arranged through the auctioneer, Bonnie S. before 4:00pm on March 7, 2018. More details about the auction, as well as arranging for absentee bids, can be found on the BHS Guild Facebook Events Page.
Mr. Taroo Enomoto, lives in Burlington’s twin city, Itabashi, Japan.
In the past 29 years he has personally donated close to $40,000 to the city including a donation of rhododendrons to the Paletta Lakefront Mansion.
Taroo Enomoto waving to people watching the 2012 Sound of Music parade. This man from Japan has donated close to $40,00 to the city of Burlington.
Next week the city will accept the most recent donation; $1,022 to the Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK).
Mr. Enomoto was in Burlington for a visit a number of years ago.
He is a small man who doesn’t speak English and found himself in the Council Chamber accepting a recognition and appreciation scroll from the Mayor. Burlington apparently doesn’t have a “key” to the city that it presents.
A day later Mr. Enomoto was in a car that was in a parade waving to people on the street.
There is something both quaint and honourable about this man – he took to Burlington and made it a part of the way he lives his life.
The cheque presentation will take place next week.
It may turn out to be a sloppy run on Sunday when the March 4, 2018 the Chilly Half Marathon and Frosty 5k Run take place in support of cancer care at Joseph Brant Hospital.
If the weather forecast holds the roads could be recovering from a lot of snowé
Minor traffic delays can be expected.
Road Closures
6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• Brant Street from Ontario Street to Elgin Street
• James Street from John Street to Brant Street
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Brant Street, Lakeshore Road to Elgin Street (access to Bunton’s Wharf via Locust Street)
9:45 to 10:30 a.m.
• Lakeshore Road, Brant Street to Eastport Drive
9:45 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Lakeshore Road, Brant Street to just west of Burloak Drive (access to Old Lakeshore Road from the west maintained with delays)
Lane Use
The three traffic lanes on Lakeshore Road will be separated by two lines of cones from Burloak Drive to Maple Avenue: north lane emergency vehicles, centre lane westbound runners and south lane eastbound runners.
The entire hamlet of Lowville in north Burlington will be “wearing of the green” on St. Patrick’s Day this year.
The Lowville Festival will be joining forces with Lowville United Church to present WHEN IRISH EYES ARE SMILING, a rollicking and shamelessly sentimental tribute to St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, on the evening of Saturday March 17th. The concert, which is a fundraising event for both the Festival and the church, will be held in the sanctuary of Lowville United at 7:30 pm.
The event will feature songs and stories of the Emerald Isle as interpreted by a number of Burlington’s finest performers. These include Stuart Laughton, one of the founding members of the legendary Canadian Brass; Major 7th Band, a popular Celtic-inflected folk group; Festival Co-Artistic Directors Lorretta Bailey and Robert Missen; Michael Mulrooney, Music Director at Tansley United Church and one of the country’s finest keyboard artists; and Lowville storyteller George McNaught. All of the artists are donating their services for the night.
This is not the first time that the two organizations have collaborated. The Lowville Festival has appeared at Lowville United every year since its inauguration in 2015. Two years ago they presented a sold out fundraising tribute to Scotland called The Heather in the Hills. Last year’s Irish celebration was so successful that it was decided to present another one.
Expect to see the church packed on the 17th – lots of clapping and foot stomping.
You will hear all of your favourite Irish and Celtic tunes including Danny Boy, Come Back to Erin, Molly Malone and Irish Rover. As is always the custom, the audience will be encouraged to sing along on a number of songs.
Tickets for the concert are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, and are available through both the Church Office (905-335-0911) and at Different Drummer Books. Order your tickets soon as we anticipate another sold out event.
The meeting was intended as a Candidates Workshop sponsored by ECoB – Engaged Citizens of Burlington.
There were prospective candidates from wards 2, 3, 4, a possible for 5 and 6
Carol Gottlob
Carol Gottlob, the ward 4 potential had run before and did exceptionally well for a campaign that was very short on boots on the ground and just as short on the financial support side. To win she would have to work at knocking on doors full time and her job as a teacher limits what she can do until school is out. A credible candidate who sits on the BurlingtonGreen board.
Rory Nisan
Rory Nisan, expected to declare publicly very soon. His campaign manager was handing out business cards.
Gareth Williams, a former chair of the Burlington Sustainability advisory committee and a prospective ward 3 candidate was there. He is said to have a campaign team waiting in the wings; Williams is also said to be close to the Mayor.
Gareth Williams
Lisa Copper and Jeff Brooks, 2014 candidate for ward 3 were scooting about.
Greg Woodruff was in the room – a ward 1 resident who wants to leap frog being a city council member and grab the brass ring – which most of us call the Chain of Office. Woodruff ran for Regional Chair in 2014 – his 5812 votes then are, in his mind, high enough to propel him to the Mayor’s seat.
There were no council members in the room but the Manager of the Mayor’s re-election campaign manager David Vandenberg was there. He is close to Mike Quackenbush who is also a ward 3 hopeful.
Could three of the people in that center row end up sitting at the horseshoe in the city council chamber? Williams, Fiorito and Gottlob would be a change. Standing in the background on the left is David Vanderberg, the manager of the Mayors re-election team.
Vince Fiorito is thinking about running in ward 5 but has to get his run for the Burlington seat as a Green candidate in the provincial election behind him. Fiorito is a very strong environmentalist who thinks that he will gain enough in the way of profile during the provincial election to give him something in the way of an edge when he files nomination papers for the ward 5 city council seat where he would run against Paul Sharman.
Ken White hasn’t formally announced – he has been working diligently to ensure that the ward doesn’t have 10 candidates running for the council sear. White had a former city planner with him at the ECoB workshop might be a conflict there.
Michael Jones stood up and told the room that he would run for the ward 2 seat just as soon as Meed Ward announces she is running for Mayor. There are two other probable candidates for the ward 2 seat. Leah Reynolds is believed to be Meed Ward’s choice. Given the role she played in ensuring the Central high school remained open she could be a shoo-in but another female candidate with a much stronger pedigree could snatch the prize from Reynolds. Meed Ward has said she is aware of a candidate that would serve the ward very well.
The ladies that made the meeting happen: From the left Dania Thurman. Lisa Kearns and Penny Hersh. Is there a candidate amongst the three?
The ECoB Candidate Workshop drew a young crowd which is really healthy; they were given a solid grounding of the election rules by Elaine O’Brien that apply to municipal elections which are set out by the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
A firm understanding of those rules is vital. The audience was told that candidates need a campaign manager, they need someone to handle the financial affairs of the campaign and they need a disciplined approach to winning.
The outline that was handed out to anyone interested in running for office is on the ECoB web site.
Peter Thoem, a single Councillor for ward 2 was pretty direct in his comments. “You will have status” he said. “People will respect you and you will have a mountain of paper work in front of you.” Thoem told the audience that on many occasions he had just a couple of days to read complex material and arrive at an understanding.
Thoem made the most important point of the meeting: It is a people business he said; if you don’t like and genuinely care about people – you shouldn’t be in politics.
One has to wonder if anyone delivered this message to the current council.
Former candidates that have won and and have lost gave the audience some of the best advice they are ever going to get. How much of it did they hear? From the left: Mark Carr, Diane Leblovic and Peter Thoem.
During the Q&A part of the meeting Mark Carr, who was defeated by Blair Lancaster in 2010, told the audience that the staff at city hall “are not your friends – they are accountable to you”.
Did the audience listen and were the speakers heard?
Hard to tell – some of the candidates are very well organized and have the discipline that is needed. Are any of them out knocking on doors? Didn’t look that way.
Has every prospective candidate picked up a copy of the two budget books from city hall and spent the hours needed to make sense of the document? Do they understand how municipal finances work – that cities cannot run deficits and that there are millions tucked away in reserve funds that the city can dip into.
Have any of those candidates mapped out their door knocking schedule – have they figured out where the incumbent is weak and how they can lay claim to those voters?
Identifying the vote and getting it out on Election Day.
Diane Leblovic, a former school board trustee, was pretty direct – “identify your supporters and make sure they vote on Election Day. Offer them a ride if that is what it takes.”
I had breakfast with a man who expects he will run in the election – and asked him if he had a map of the ward and if he had figured out how many doors he could knock on in a day. If he took the number of streets and estimated the number of houses and multiplied the two then divided that by the number of days he could campaign, he would have some idea of what he was up against.
They are holding a Workshop for anyone who wants to know more about how to get involved in a municipal election or how to run become a candidate.
ECoB, the Engaged Citizens of Burlington, is small in size but are punching well above their weight. They will be appearing on Cogeco TV’s The Issue this week and on the 22nd holding the workshop at the Tansley community Centre.
We are about to see how many people are prepared to put themselves forward as candidates in their ward.
This is when the rubber hits the road. We hear of people who plan to run but have yet to make an announcement; we know of people who have made up business cards that describe them as community advocates, we learn of others that say they have a team in place and will announce at a future date,
We also report on people who have said they will not be running this time – but perhaps in the future.
If there is an event that is going to attract anyone interested in being involved in a campaign – the Workshop is probably that event.
The high point had about 35 people in the room along with five staff members from the Planning Department.
Large maps were set up on easels along with copies of the latest versions of the draft of the new Official Plan in 3 inch binders.
Rendering of a 24 storey structure a developer wants to build across the street from the 23 storey tower already approved by the city.
The interest in the Official Plan has been highest in the downtown core where the city is going to see a 23 storey tower rise opposite city hall. For those who live downtown the idea of seeing something so big so close is, to some, frightening.
That there is a 22 story tower under construction a five minute walk from city hall doesn’t seem to be as bothersome.
The city has planned Town Hall type meetings where people can meet informally with Planning department staff to ask questions and seek clarification.
Andrea Smith, the planner doing much of the heavy lifting getting the new Official Plan written and revised and ready to go before city council on April 4th for approval.
Andrea Smith, the planner who has been doing much of the actual writing of the new Official Plan, was the lead person in the room.
Councillors Paul Sharman and Jack Dennison were on hand; Sharman was briefing Mark Carr, host of Cogeco TV’s The Issue, on what the mobility hubs were all about. Not sure Carr was getting the most balanced explanation.
The meeting was held in the Haber Recreation Centre, the most vibrant place in the city where hundreds of kids are on the gym floor practicing basketball or volleyball.
Councillor Blair Lancaster once sat in for the Mayor during a Council meeting.
Missing in action was the ward Councillor Blair Lancaster.
Mark Bales, lead talker for Carriage Gate, the corporation that has city council approval to build that 23 story tower opposite city hall, was working the room and making sure that the message was being delivered.
ECoB, the Engaged Citizens of Burlington, are waiting in the wings to file an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board arguing that the development doesn’t comply with the Official Plan that the city is working from.
When ECoB met with the Mary Lou Tanner, Deputy City Manager last week they asked if an additional public session could be held during the day time that would allow seniors to get out and take part. Ward 2 Councillor Meed Ward supported that idea – there will be a meeting at the city hall on the 15th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
The casual – opportunity to ask questions meetings – are being followed by a Statutory meeting required by the provincial Planning Act; an occasion when anyone can delegate and give a ten minute view point on what they like and don’t like about the proposed Official Plan.
Expect this to be another boisterous meeting during which those opposed to the plan press city council to defer the plan until after the October municipal election.
Automation. The gig economy. Skyrocketing debt. Limitless social connectivity. These are just some of the challenging realities Canadian youth, parents, employers, educators and government face as we help youth and young adults transition into a changing workplace.
Thursday, March 8, 2018, 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre
Join Burlington Foundation, in partnership with RBC, for a night of timely conversation featuring renowned McMaster educator, author and Top 30 global management guru, Dr. Nick Bontis.
Nick Bontis teaches at McMaster where his mile a minute delivery dazzles his students.
Following his high-energy presentation, Nick will moderate a lively panel discussion with business, government, education and young adults. This vital talk will shine the light on opportunities, obstacles, collaborations and actions we have before us now, and in the future as we help young Canadians achieve personal and professional success. For when young Canadians prosper, business and community do.
Panel members include:
Eleanor McMahon; MPP Burlington, President of the Treasury Board, Minister Responsible for Digital Government
John Romano; Co-founder, Nickel Brook Brewery Co.
David Santi; Dean, Engineering Technology, Mohawk College
Roman Turchyn; Vice President, Human Resources, L3 WESCAM
Erinn Weatherbie; Co-creator of Kelly’s Bake Shoppe & Best-selling Cookbook “Made With Love”
Charlotte Zhen; Analyst, Deloitte Canada, Young Professional
This is a FREE event open to all, with voluntary non-perishable food donations being collected in support of Burlington Food Bank.
It’s going to be a fine party because the Molinaro’s always put on a fine party.
Vince Molinaro was asked to be the Honourary Chair of the Carpenter House Gala that set out to raise the funds needed to complete the expansion of the hospice.
Vince took it on with his usual gusto and recruited his wife Tina to make it a tag team effort.
The event takes place this evening at the Convention Centre where the Freedom Train will provide live entertainment.
Vince and Tina in a short video said they were “looking forward to a night of fun and celebration” as they present the 17th annual gala in support of Carpenter Hospice.
The Molinaro’s gave the Carpenter 2018 Close to Our Hearts Gala theme an Italian twist – it will be Casa Calabria – a vibrant, Italian theme.
A number of administrative services will be closed for Family Day on Monday, Feb. 19, 2018, reopening Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018.
City Hall: Closed Monday, Feb. 19 and will reopen Tuesday, Feb. 20.
Parks and Recreation Programs and Facilities: Activities and customer service hours at city pools, arenas and community centres vary over the holidays. Please visit for a complete listing of program times and for hours at customer service locations.
Burlington Transit and Handi-Van: On Monday, Feb. 19, Burlington Transit will operate a holiday service and the downtown Transit Terminal, Handi-Van Dispatch and the administration office will be closed. Regular service resumes Tuesday, Feb. 20.
For real-time schedule information please call 905-639-0550 or visit
Roads, Parks and Forestry: The administration office will be closed Monday, Feb. 19 and will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 20. Only winter control and emergency services will be provided.
Halton Court Services: Provincial Offenses Court in Milton and Burlington will be closed Monday, Feb. 19 and reopening Tuesday, Feb. 20.
Parking: Free parking is available in the downtown core, on the street, municipal lots and the parking garage on weekends and holidays.
Technology and disruption are among today’s hottest buzzwords.
But how are technological developments going to affect your business? What should you be doing about it?
How can you avoid the trap of doing nothing until it’s too late?
Alfredo Tan
The people at the DeGroote School of Business are inviting people to join their GTHA executive network on February 15 for a thought-provoking conversation about the future of work.
Alfredo Tan, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer, WestJet, formerly of Facebook Canada, will share why every company and every industry will be affected by technology, and what you can do to prepare.
The event is open to alumni, business community members, and students.
Martin Amis, one of Britain’s most influential writers for over forty years, is not only a brilliant satirist but an outstanding critic and essayist will be in Burlington on February 21, 7pm., Shoreline Room in The Art Gallery of Burlington.
Martin Amis
Mr. Amis visits Burlington to present his newest book The Rub of Time, a collection of wittily diverse essays showcasing his caustic, insightful intelligence.
His novel Time’s Arrow was a finalist for the Man Booker Prize; and Money: A Suicide Note won acclaim from both Time Magazine and The Guardian, cited by both as one of the best 100 novels written in English.
Leading the conversation with Mr. Amis is Richard Crouse, canny and irreverent author, broadcaster and film critic, long-time cinema correspondent for Canada AM, CTV NewsChannel and CP24.
Sponsored by The Different Drummer, Tickets are $10. Please contact us at (905) 639 0925 or to reserve.
The Halton District School Board is hosting the 2018 HDSB Secondary GSA Student Conference on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at Milton District High School (396 Williams Ave, Milton).
The all-day event, with the theme Queering Valentines, begins at 9 a.m. with a marketplace of community partner displays including the Positive Space Network, the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity and Egale Canada.
The conference features keynote speaker Teddy Syrette, a two-spirited genderqueer activist. Board Superintendent of Education Rob Eatough will also address the conference.
Organized for students and by students, the day offers LGBTQI2S+ youth and allies the opportunity to connect, converse and create with each other. Facilitated conversation spaces throughout the day include Inclusion in Sports, Trans Inclusive Environments, LGBTQI2S+ Literature, Spoken Word Workshop, and Indigenous and Two-Spirit Perspectives.
This conference is one way the Halton District School Board ensures all Halton schools are positive spaces that welcome, recognize, and respect diverse genders and sexualities.
The Halton District School Board has Inspire Awards for people who go above and beyond to support students in the School Board.
Everyone in the Halton District School Board community can nominate or be nominated – families, neighbours, related organizations, staff, students and school volunteers.
The Inspire Award is given to an individual or group that is formally or informally associated with the Halton District School Board, who support our students and their achievements through exemplary caring, initiative, innovation and creativity.
Recipients choose where they receive their award, so some choose the monthly Board meeting, while others choose to receive the award at their school or workplace or in the mail, if they wish. This month, three out of the nine recipients chose to receive the award at the January Board meeting while others have chosen to receive it at other locations this month.
Pictured with trustees and director of education are ( L-R) Brian Vincent and Amy Abbott from TA Blakelock and Juliann Rosizky, itinerant EA and occasional teacher.
The following Inspire Awards recipients will have their awards presented at their school or workplace, as requested:
Kyle Kennery, child youth counsellor (CYC) at McKenzie-Smith Bennett PS
CYC at MSB displaying deep caring for students. He ran a floor hockey club, basketball club; always making himself available to students. (Award at MSB)
Lorna Brooks, volunteer at McKenzie-Smith Bennett PS
Lorna has volunteered for many years on the School Council and by helping with the Nutrition Program, always with a friendly smile. (Award at MSB)
Andrew Strachan, volunteer at Ethel Gardiner PS
Volunteered with tremendous support for Hungry Bears Breakfast Program supported by Halton Food for Thought. The program has run five days per week since 2008. (Award at Ethel Gardiner PS)
Marge Anderson, volunteer at Ethel Gardiner PS
Volunteered with tremendous support for Hungry Bears Breakfast Program, supported by Halton Food for Thought. Program has ran since 2008, five days per week. (Award at Ethel Gardiner PS)
Steve Feltz, teacher at Bruce Trail PS
He helps students see the value in striving for success, the benefit of being involved and bringing out the best in his students and helping students gain confidence. (Award at Bruce Trail PS)
Diane Vandenbossche, representative for the Learning Disabilities Association of Halton (LDAH) on the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Diane has been the LDAH rep on SEAC for many years, and is a strong advocate and voice for children with special education needs. (Awarded at SEAC meeting).
The mayor is hosting a town hall this Thursday at the AGB at 7:00 pm to hear from residents about the downtown.
Our information is that the notice of the meeting was only shared on Twitter. An hour afrer we first published the Office of the Mayor said:
I’m hosting a Reverse Town Hall this Thursday, January 18th, 7 p.m at the Art Gallery of Burlington to discuss the downtown Burlington in context to our Official Plan and the draft precinct plan.
Reverse Town Hall is all about coming together to share your perspectives. I hope to see many residents, developers and stakeholders this Thursday.
The Mayor in listening mode.
The event is being billed as a Reverse Town Hall. “I want to hear your thoughts about the future of downtown Burlington. This is your meeting and an opportunity for me to listen.
Imagine if this listening capacity were to make its way to the Council Chamber.
ECoB has scheduled a meeting for people interested in volunteering to grow what is known as Engaged Citizens of Burlington.
A genuine and regrettable conflict – the Office of the Mayor was perhaps not aware of what ECoB had planned.
Literacy, the Library, Choo Choo trains and the Freeman Station.
The Burlington Library, New Street branch, is holding a “Reading” Railroad day. The Library and Friends of Freeman Station are teaming up on Saturday, February 3rd to promote reading literacy and model railroad fun.
They are combining “story times” with model trains and age-specific special activities.
10:30 – 11:30 – “Adventures on the Island of Sodor” will feature an operating Thomas the Tank Engine with Annie and Clarabelle along with exciting stories about Thomas and friends (for preschoolers).
2:00 – 3:30 – “Burlington in the golden age of steam” offers a nostalgic look at our grandparents’ life around the Freeman Station. (All ages.)
Saturday, February 3rd at the Central Library, Centennial Room,
There is no cost to attend, but donations toward construction of the model railway diorama will be gratefully appreciated.
ECoB will also be holding a Volunteer Recruitment Workshop on Thursday January 18th at Wellington Square Church, 2121 Caroline Avenue from 7-9 PM.
The ECoB lawn signs should be available at that time as well. Anyone interested in getting one should contact us through our email address
Calling all lovers of roots and bluegrass music – register for a FREE workshop with the Slocan Ramblers on Friday, January 26 3-4 PM at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre!
The Slocan Ramblers with their bluegrass sound
You don’t have to play an instrument to attend. It’s worth it just to meet this amazing band and get a taste of their sound!
Slide over to web site to register.
The event is part of the Performing Arts Centre Community Outreach.
FREE Bluegrass & Roots Workshop with The Slocan Ramblers