Clean Up Green Up weekend April 22nd - Register now

News 100 greenBy Staff

March 18th, 2021



It is that time of year again – and there isn’t much the pandemic can do about it.

It is Clean Up Green Up time and registration is now open CLICK HERE to REGISTER.

clean up world logoSign up your family, friends, social bubble, colleagues or community group for this safe and impactful, eco-action opportunity. Give back to the planet by participating in an Earth Week Clean Up starting on April 22nd!

FREE clean-up supplies will be available for pick-up at two locations, and we’ve got some great prizes available this year too! Visit our website to learn more and to register your participation.

Great for families, friends, social bubbles and small community groups!
Spend quality time with your loved ones taking eco-action that not only helps the environment but also supports the local community. This safe outdoor activity is a great way to connect outside in nature and get some exercise too.

Great for businesses!
This is a great opportunity to gather your team or coworkers for a safe outdoor team-building activity that helps both the environment and the community. Are you currently working remotely? No problem! You can still be physically apart AND work collectively to clean up – have team members complete their own clean-ups at home on behalf of your workplace, team or business. Amalgamate photos from everyone’s clean up and see just how BIG your impact can be!

Great for the classroom!
Whether you are in a classroom or virtual classroom, this is a great opportunity to have students safely get outside, get some exercise and help the local environment too. Organize a clean-up with your class, or encourage parents to organize a family clean-up at home. Make it an exciting class project and encourage students to take photos of the litter they collect. We have a great complement of resources to support related curriculum – check out our Eco-Educators page for more.

How It Works:

1. Determine a location in Burlington that your family, friends, coworkers, community group or classroom would like to clean up.

 Location ideas include parks, trails, plazas, hydro fields, bike paths, the beach, creeks, roadsides, etc. You can also visit Friends of Sheldon Creek Watershed Facebook page to discover opportunities to help them out.

Visit this space regularly, we will be posting litter hot spots and some popular locations around the city that have already been cleaned up.

We encourage you to use your own clean up supplies, however, you can request free clean up supplies for your group. Supplies will be available for pick-up (while quantities last) at our supply depots;

2019 Community Clean Up Participants

Perks of registering:

  • We have FREE clean up supplies including disposable gloves, garbage and recycling bags available for pick up, by request, while quantities last.
  • When you register your Clean Up your group will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a $50 gift card to the Burlington Centre! We will be drawing for 2 gift cards for groups that register before May 2nd, and 2 more for groups that register between May 2nd and October 31st.
  • We’ve got extra prizes for groups that share their photos with us – so take photos of your Clean Up and tag us on social media or e-mail them to us for EXTRA chances to win! (Note: Submission of photos provides permission to BurlingtonGreen to use your photos in print, or in digital materials including social media platforms with permission to edit, alter, copy, or distribute the photos for media advertising and marketing)

3. Have a fun and safe Clean Up! Remember to:

  • Review our 2021 Clean Up Green Up Tip Sheet (PDF) for important safety and waste collection information.
  • Review our Volunteer Activity Waiver Informed Consent to Participate form.
  • Follow the most up-to-date Halton COVID-19 safety guidelines.
  • Count the number of full bags of litter you collected, take a photo of your (physically distanced) group with your collected litter and tag us on social media or send us an email!
  • Let us know about any larger waste items or “hot spots” with lots of litter that you encountered during your clean up, so we can flag it for further attention.
  • Bring ALL collected waste home with you and dispose of it through your residential curbside collection. Please do not leave collected waste at any parks, trails, businesses or green spaces, as city waste collection services are limited during the pandemic.

That’s it!  By participating,  you are contributing to a city-wide effort for a cleaner, beautiful Burlington.

Thank you to the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the City of Burlington, Cogeco, YourTV and our growing list of supporters for helping to make this impactful opportunity possible. Interested in sponsoring this impactful event? Contact us today!

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