Dundas to be widened from Brant to Burloak

By Staff

May 18th, 2024



A Regional Transportation Master Plan identified the need for additional capacity in the Dundas Street (Regional Road 5) corridor from Brant Street (Regional Road 18) to Bronte Road (Regional Road 25), in the City of Burlington and the Town of Oakville.

Dundas at Brant – looking east

The required Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study was completed,  Public Information Centres and separate property owner meetings were held at which the preliminary preferred design concept was presented.

The preferred alternative identified in the Environmental Study Report for Dundas Street from Brant Street to Bronte Road includes an ultimate six lane roadway, including the provision to include higher order transit operations, in consultation with the Local Municipalities.

The widened Dundas Street corridor.

The widened Dundas Street corridor will include both on-road and off- road Active Transportation infrastructure (both sides of the road), as well as a raised median to enhance landscaping and corridor features. This study provides an opportunity to develop multi-modal transportation improvements along Dundas Street which includes enhancement as an attractive corridor for pedestrians and cyclists, integrating new and existing land uses with heritage and natural features.

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1 comment to Dundas to be widened from Brant to Burloak

  • Grahame Richards

    This was in plans at least 15 years ago along with a by-pass around Waterdown .Waterdown is the bottleneck.Don’t hold your breath.

    Editor’s note: Waterdown is to the East – not part of the current plan.