Front Porch Food Pick up - one call and you will have helped someone.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 30th, 2020


Update:  The email address for the Front Porch Pick Up has changed – it is now

A smart lady in this city has come up with a really neat way to support people who need help ensuring they have access to the food they need.

Front Porch pick up takes place every Friday; it is a community driven event.

To take part and contribute, email your address to Andrea Florian, who works at Royal LePage.  She has put together a team that picks up food that people leave on their porches.

All you have to do is send her an email at or text her at 289-218-8119 by Thursday at noon and then simply put your donations on your front porch marked “Food Drive” and it will be collected the next day.

Front_Porch_Food.originalWe will have more to tell you once we’ve had a chance to talk to Andrea.

Great idea – convenient and works for everyone.

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1 comment to Front Porch Food Pick up – one call and you will have helped someone.

  • Carol Woods

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