Leaves are now weather dependent - snow impedes their collection

News 100 greenBy Staff

December 3rd, 2020



Leaves and parking – the two bug bears that bedevil Burlington.

Shawna Stolte hand to mouth

Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte

City Councillors are scrambling a bit to explain to their constituents when (perhaps if might be explained as well) just when the leaves will be gone.

Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte explains:
“Due to snow fall over the past few days, the leaf collection pickup in Zone 3 is on hold

“In recent weeks, the loose leaf collection pick up service provided to Burlington residents was completed in Zones 1, 2 and in parts of Zone 3. Because of the snow over the last few days, the program has temporarily been suspended.

Below is a map identifying streets in south Ward 4, included in Zone 3, and the status of the leaf collection program in the area

Ward 4 leaves Shawna Dec 3Streets in blue: have been completed
Streets in yellow: have been completed on one side of the street
Streets in red: have not been completed

If crews haven’t been on your street yet, please leave your leaves by the curb. Resuming service is based on weather as the service is weather dependent.

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4 comments to Leaves are now weather dependent – snow impedes their collection

  • Rob Stonehewer

    Necessity! Some mature tree-lined streets would be impassable when the drains get blocked. To expect residents to bag leaves on corner lots and on streets where there are no privately owned properties is unrealistic.

  • Stephen Warner


  • Joseph A Gaetan

    How does picking up leaves square with being net zero by 2050? Is this a luxury or a necessity?

  • Stephen Warner

    The city didn’t start Collection on time in our area …in fact no evidence of any pickup in down town area . They had 4 days and no signs of activity before the snow