The kind of thing you might want to do when you are stuck in traffic.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

September 11th, 2020



Where do you find the time to complete a survey the Ministry of Transportation has sent out on long-term transportation planning for the Greater Golden Horseshoe?

The results of the survey will help inform and guide highway and transit investment from today to the year 2051. Gathering input directly from communities is part of the government’s commitment to develop regional transportation plans that reflect local needs and priorities.

Greater Golden Horse graphc“We’ve received great feedback as we develop this transportation plan and are encouraging even more people to participate in helping to shape the future of transportation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation. “This survey is incredibly important. We need the community to take part in order to build a high functioning and efficient transportation system that will keep families and the economy of the Greater Golden Horseshoe moving.”

The survey is the latest step in continued engagement with the general public, municipal and freight stakeholders, businesses and Indigenous communities. A summary of the survey findings will be produced by the Ministry of Transportation and posted on the Greater Golden Horseshoe transportation plan web page.

Link to the survey is HERE

The survey’s closing date is October 26, 2020.


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