Tyandaga residents to meet for updates on where there fight to prevent a brick company from quarrying in their back yards.

eventsgreen 100x100By Staff

October 25th, 2017



Those folks in the west end that have a quarry in their back yards are ramping up for their next community meeting.

Meridian Brick has a license to operate a quarry – it was given to them in 1972.
Since that time a number of rather high end homes have been built yards away from the back yards of these homes.

Full TEC site

The two pink patches are existing quarries that are close to mined out. The green space to the left of the marker is where the brick company wants to quarry next – all the trees would have to go.

The residents believe they have been poorly served by the city and the real estate industry in the way they weren’t properly advised that the quarry did have the right to start digging.

Tyandaga Environmental Community is going to meet on November 16, 2017, 7pm-9:30pm at the Crossroads Centre, 1295 North Service Road.TEC stop quarry expansion Jul17

Gord Miller,former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario and David Donnelly, Environmental Lawyer, former executive director of the Canadian Environmental Defence Fund will be speaking

Meridian Brick has announced that they will be holding a follow up community meeting at the same location on November 29th – starts at 7:00 pm.

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2 comments to Tyandaga residents to meet for updates on where there fight to prevent a brick company from quarrying in their back yards.

  • P. Evans Nash

    It’s high time for enlightened leadership from both the City and Provincial levels of government who have ignored the resident’s concerns of an urban quarry operating in their neighbourhood. Relying on a 45+ year old grandfathered quarry license the current government thinks it is acceptable to have dirty industry operating a short distance from homes. Surely there is a better use of this land that would benefit the City, Region, Meridian Brick and Tyandaga residents?

  • Alyson Henry

    I have a question.Why is the City supporting the actions of an offshore (Australian and US joint venture) company over the objections of its own citizens who pay taxes and would have their daily existence disrupted for the forseeable future?