What happened to civility? - When did words start losing their unifying potency and meaning?

By Staff

October 7th, 2021



Margaret Lindsay Holton, rely on her to do something different.

She has put together WHAT and calls it GROUP THINK; it has been in the works since the release of her second album, CANADADA: TAKE TWO, in 2017.

MLH explains:  GROUP THINK explores several issues that have been brewing since we’ve settled into this ‘new normal’. – How are we really doing?

And, are we really ready for time travel? Will we leave Nature behind, again? The primary focus though is on language. Across the media spectrum, our words have become increasingly volatile, vulgar, and violent. – Why? What happened to civility? – When did words start losing their unifying potency and meaning?

Have a listen to these musical ‘sound thoughts’ and read my notes on the album.

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