With just a little imagination - city hall can come up with a way to keep the streets clean.

graphic community 3By Staff

June  6th, 2021



Garbage on Brant

Easily cleaned up if there was someone people could call.

No one wants the downtown streets to look like this.

Pictures were taken on the weekend and there is usually someone somewhere who can take a call and have the mess cleaned up.

Someone somewhere at city hall can do what it takes. So just do it.

If the city can spend $10,000 on a rainbow crosswalk – someone somewhere can find someone who is on duty during the weekends to handle situations likes this.

Create a phone number that is easy to remember and promote it on everything that gets published.  People will remember the number and use it.  Try 905- cleanup (253 2687)

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3 comments to With just a little imagination – city hall can come up with a way to keep the streets clean.

  • Barbara F.

    The core was riddled with litter early Sunday morning. It was disgusting. I’ve been avoiding Brant, Lakeshore and Spencer Smith Park on the weekends, due to the out of control crowds and lack of any kind of social distancing or enforcement. Now I’m just staying away because it’s gross. The City is doing their best, I’ve seen them. People are pigs.

  • perryb

    Why not a couple more trash cans and a few tickets for littering? Why should we pay for lazy people who have no respect for their city?

  • Albert

    Hasn’t been as clean as when Downtown Jimmy looked after things, the mess started when he retired.