By Pepper Parr
July 24th, 2022
When people decide they want to run for public office they usually want the public to know more about them.
Steve Rieck filed nomination papers which got his name on the list of people running for office that the city maintains. Included in that listing there is something in the way of contact information.
Rieck provided an email address – nothing more.
There is some information on LinkedIn, a web site where you write whatever you want about yourself – sort of a self promotion service.
Given that that is all there is at the moment – we pass it along.
There are some contact listed that we will follow up on to see just who Rieck is and why he wants to be Mayor.
Do take what is posted on LinkedIn with several large doses ofs salt. Not a word of it has been verified
‘An innovator that strives for constant improvement in making businesses more efficient and the world a better place.’

Steve Rieck
A well-rounded, resourceful and entrepreneurial leader and creative thinker capable and business visionary. A flexible and adaptable entpreneur and ‘people person’ who is ambitious, driven and adaptable.
Over 30 years of business experience ranges from
several start-up’s to large companies;
visioning and strategy leader;
marketing and sales roles,
processes and strategy efficiencies;
lead company turnarounds and acquisitions;
operational sales mgt, marketing, strategic alliances;
HR consulting, recruiting and staff coaching and training.
A natural networker with strong ability to ‘bring together the right mix of people and resources’ to get the job done.
Goal: to lead a high-growth organization that requires entrepreneurial energy and leadership to bring out the best in people, technology and resources to get worthwhile results.
To give back to community, I have personally started and provided seed funding for several NGO’s, Children’s health and environmental Charities and NGO’s. I have contributed as board member for a handful of technology and climate NGO’s.
My passions include the environment; technology; and working with great, ‘walk the talk’, like-minded people who want to make a difference!
* industry experience in environmental and green products & technologies, pharmaceutical/medical, internet, technology, software and communications industry.
* new product and marketing development,
* leading sales and dev team initiatives,
* new business research and development,
* senior sales, marcom and PR roles,
* deal-making, relationship-building and partnering,
* hiring, training and retention of staff.
* Senior mgt, new venture incubation, launch and management’An innovator that strives for constant improvement in making businesses more efficient and the world a better place.’ A well-rounded, resourceful and entrepreneurial leader and creative thinker capable and business visionary. A flexible and adaptable entpreneur and ‘people person’ who is ambitious, driven and adaptable. Over 30 years of business experience ranges from several start-up’s to large companies; visioning and strategy leader; marketing and sales roles, processes and strategy efficiencies; lead company turnarounds and acquisitions; operational sales mgt, marketing, strategic alliances; HR consulting, recruiting and staff coaching and training. A natural networker with strong ability to ‘bring together the right mix of people and resources’ to get the job done. Goal: to lead a high-growth organization that requires entrepreneurial energy and leadership to bring out the best in people, technology and resources to get worthwhile results. To give back to community, I have personally started and provided seed funding for several NGO’s, Children’s health and environmental Charities and NGO’s. I have contributed as board member for a handful of technology and climate NGO’s. My passions include the environment; technology; and working with great, ‘walk the talk’, like-minded people who want to make a difference! Experiences: * industry experience in environmental and green products & technologies, pharmaceutical/medical, internet, technology, software and communications industry. * new product and marketing development, * leading sales and dev team initiatives, * new business research and development, * senior sales, marcom and PR roles, * deal-making, relationship-building and partnering, * hiring, training and retention of staff. * Senior mgt, new venture incubation, launch and management
There are 217 followers which could mean 217 votes
Mere minutes after publishing this article we received the following from the candidate:
Coming Soon…
A New Kind of Mayor/CEO of Burlington
(if YOU want it)
A businessman, serial social entrepreneur, non-profit Executive Director, innovations consultant, climate advocate, and community leader. Industries include Cleantech, Wind Energy, E-learning, recruiting, and consulting. Recently launched innovations-based micro-venture think-tank focused on cleantech,
well-being, and social ventures.
Interest in marketing and climate psychology (why we do things we do and why we overcomplicate things and how to seek opportunities in problems). Fascinated by climate psychology and the WHY we are not solving the climate crisis. (Hint: We don’t want to!)
Community leadership roles:
Founder/co-founder/board member/lead of several community groups and initiatives from Burlington Green & BG’s Youth group, DADA, Bitnet (VP and Chair Jobfairs), AWP, Electric Vehicle Advocate, etc.
Interesting tidbits:
I love nature, jogging, biking, good people, acts of kindness, God, alone time and meditating.
TED Talks. EV’s.

Our community can’t wait to learn more about this “mystery mayor…”
Let the race begin!!
If it means MMW is on her way out. We can wait!!
Steve Rieck had an email conversation with Anne on his intentions and she welcomed him to the race. Whatever we can do to generate interest in this election and get the electorate fully informed about what is wrong with the modus operandi of the current council the better.