A New Year Resolution: 'we will stick to the facts and not fudge the figures'.

By Staff

January 3rd, 2025



Councillor Paul Sharman asked a simple direct question of the City’s Chief Financial Officer:

He did not get a clear or complete answer; actually, he didn’t answer the question.

Watch Craig Millar, Burlington’s CFO, describe a 7.5% tax increase as 3.79% in response to a question from Councillor Sharman.

Have a listen:

Millar slips in the word “impact” which is not what Councillor Sharman asked for.  He wanted the CFO to tell him what the tax increase was. Councillor Stolte, sitting beside, Sharman did not pick up the statement the CFO made and ask for clarification. A lost opportunity.

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8 comments to A New Year Resolution: ‘we will stick to the facts and not fudge the figures’.

  • wayne sloan

    Not in the vocabulary of any of these folks.

  • Joseph Gaetan

    Here is a better question for Craig Millar. What would the “impact” be on taxpayers wallets if the Burlington budget increase had been 3.5% or 4.5% or 5.2% instead of 7.5%?

    • Blair Smith

      The best question for Mr. Miller (née Dwight Shrute) might be – “why were you so easily conscripted into the ‘Burlington Speak'”? In my opinion, any Financial Officer with a thread of integrity would answer a direct question directly and would not use deliberate and devious misrepresentations like “taxpayer impact”. It seems that MMW has chosen the right “boy”.

    • Gary Scobie

      Joe, you know citizens can’t ask City staff to do work. Not even simple math!

  • Joe Gaetan

    These people do not get the fact that informed taxpayers want to hold their council accountable for the Burlington only portion of the tax bill. We know the city budget is added to the tax bill. Duh.
    The “impact” on our pocket books is, we will pay more taxes because the Burlington impact is an increase of 7.51%.
    I do think they get it but cant bring themselves to say the words.

    • Lynn Crosby

      Agree, Joe. They know what they’re doing, they know what the real number is, they not only don’t want to say so but it seems they’re working hard at muddying the issue. That’s the polite way of putting it. And they’re gaslighting the public by blaming and attacking those who dare to call them on it.

  • Caren

    Paul Sharman has a financial background and will tell everyone about this fact to those who will listen. So why is he even asking this question in the first place?
    Why did he vote in favour of this Budget if he didn’t understand it??
    And why not question Craig Millar’s response?
    After all, its only money coming from Burlington Taxpayers!!

  • Graham

    Why is it so difficult to say what % increase we will see on our tax bill?

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