Bentivegna chairs Council meeting

By Pepper Parr

October 15th, 2024



Both Mayor Meed Ward and Ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith were absent this morning.

Councillor Bentivegna chaired the meeting.

There was a quorum – but just.

This situation is an example of why a seven-member Council is not really that viable.


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4 comments to Bentivegna chairs Council meeting

  • David Barker

    Assuming you have or had a working life, have/did you not ever miss a meeting because you had to be at another meeting or somewhere else? Please give it a rest!

  • Graham

    How did that guy make out with that assignment.?

  • Blair Smith

    “This situation is an example of why a seven-member Council is not really that viable.” You had that proven with the title of the article.

  • Caren

    It wouldn’t be an issue if all 7 members of council showed up for work on a regular basis!! Isn’t this what they are being paid to do??
    Including responding to their resident’s questions and concerns?

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