B'nai Brith calls on the Convention Centre to cancel the scheduled appearance of Mohammed Hijab

By Pepper Parr

January 31st, 2025



The B’nai Brith has formally called on The Burlington Convention Centre to cancel the scheduled appearance of Mr. Hijab.

Thank goodness someone had the courage to speak out.

We have a report that the Chamber of Commerce had no interest in taking a position on the event that has horrified many people.

Part of the statement released by Bnai Brith Canada


B’nai Brith Canada is the country’s oldest Human Rights organization. We are a principled grassroots voice, dedicated to eradicating racism, antisemitism and hatred in all its forms, championing the rights of the marginalized, while providing basic human needs for members of our community.

Mohammed Hijab is a philosopher of religion and the co-founder of Sapience Institute. His debates and discussions representing the Islamic viewpoint.

Related news story:

Mayor doesn’t roll out the welcome mat

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7 comments to B’nai Brith calls on the Convention Centre to cancel the scheduled appearance of Mohammed Hijab

  • Khaled Mouammar

    B’nai Brith promotes anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim racism to divert attention from the crimes committed by Zionist Israel, an apartheid settler-colonial regime led by war criminals that is on trial for genocide by the ICJ and has been ordered to end its 76-year illegal occupation of Palestine

  • Penny Hersh

    Our M.P. follows the Liberal Government line.

    Did you know that Justin Trudeau was one of the only heads of government who never visited Israel since Hamas started this war?

    Canada is the only country agreeing not only to accept 5,000 people from Gaza but to provide funds for them when they arrive.

    Do you ever wonder why no Arab country has opened its doors to the Palestinians?

    Enough said.

  • Cosmo

    Thank you to Mayor Meed Ward and Councillor Kearns for speaking out in opposition. This event has no place in ours or any community.

  • Tony F.

    Why is this person even in our country?

  • Penny Hersh

    Hopefully The Burlington Convention Centre will do the right thing and cancel the scheduled appearance of Mohammed Hijab.

    Public outcry is needed as well.

    If you feel that hate speech has no place in Burlington-please call the convention centre at 905-319-0319 and ask to speak to Julie Thompson, Sales and Event Consultant and leave a message if she is not available or email her at jt@burlingtonconventioncentre.ca

    Let her know that this event needs to be cancelled.

    Now is NOT the time to stay silent and perhaps it is time to ask the question why was Burlington chosen to hold this event?

  • E.V.

    Good for B’nai Brith to speak up. They deserve our full support.
    No place in Burlington for this man, his beliefs or any of his followers.

  • Graham

    What could our M.P. Do to help?