December 18th, 2024
It has been a hairy week and it isn’t over yet.
Burlington MP Karina Gould has had her hands full working as the Government Leader in the House of Commons.
Here is what she had to say at different times during the day:
December 17th, 2:30 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, the NDP leader knows full well that we won the confidence of the House last week on multiple occasions. This government’s objective is always to protect Canadians, Canadian jobs and the Canadian economy. That is what we are focusing on right now, and I can assure the House that we are managing our relationship with the United States effectively.
Mr. Speaker, the House voted in confidence of this government just last week on multiple occasions. We have important work to do on behalf of Canadians.
We have a very important relationship to manage with the United States at a pivotal time, and that is exactly what the government is focused on doing.
December 17th, 2:35 p.m.
Mr. Speaker, what the Conservative opposition is doing is focusing on us while we are focusing on Canadians. We are focused on ensuring that we are delivering affordability measures for Canadians at a difficult time. We are focused on ensuring that we have a strong relationship with our most important trading partner, the United States. That is what the Liberal government is squarely focused on: Canadians, protecting the Canadian economy and protecting Canadian jobs.
December 17th, 3:25 p.m.
Business of the House
Mr. Speaker, it is such an honour to rise in this place on behalf of the constituents of Burlington. I would like to say to all of my colleagues, despite the fact that this was a rather unusual session of Parliament, it is a pleasure to be able to work with everyone on all sides of the House, mostly. I know everybody is ready to go into the holidays.

Burlington MP Karina Gould with her second child. She will be home for the holidays – we should see her around town.
On behalf of the Liberal members of Parliament, I would like to extend my gratitude to everybody who works in the House of Commons, who serves us so well, stays here on late nights and makes sure we are so well supported. To them and their families, I wish a very happy holidays as well. I would like to wish folks in Burlington and right across the country a very merry Christmas and a very happy Hanukkah to all who are celebrating. I look forward to 2025 and all that the new year has to offer. I want to wish all of my colleagues all of the best for the year ahead.
With that, pursuant to order made Wednesday, February 28, 2024, I move:
That the House do now adjourn.

Yeah she did a great job on ArrivCan and getting passports during Covid!
What is Canada realistically selling, and what is its position in the world’s landscape, if you strip away its 200 years of imperial occupation, you get an idea of its actual value in today’s world, the resources of Canada both discovered or not haven’t changed, but the world’s appetite for them has;
Canada has always been a trading nation, a part of a process, and when it steps out of that lane in any meaningful way it suffers the consequences; Canada is at its best when trading and that’s not to say it sticks to that, but the focus should be on bundling the products it sells and to anticipate future markets; Canadians were always welcomed at the table, we always brought coffee, and we were certainly never thought of as ‘insufferable’.
Considerable dissatisfaction has been expressed in the comments section with the Trudeau government. I too am dissatisfied. But beware what you wish for, and never throw out the baby with the bath water. I listened, on April 25, 1957, to John Deifenbaker speaking at Massey Hall. The speech was broadcast from coast to coast on CBC radio network. My father was mesmerized as were the majority. On February 20, 1959, Deifenbaker cancelled the Avro Arrow fighter project. My father’s company, a sub-system supplier, was out of business in four months. The Mulroney government knew that there would be winners and losers with the original free trade agreement. He was right. I was chief engineer at a plant in Hamilton that went from 1,100 employees to zero in three years. I personally transferred product lines to the US. More recently Stephen Harper wanted Canada to join the US in their war in Iraq. The Chretien government refused, was severely criticized at the time, and was later vindicated. Yes we are all dissatisfied with Trudeau “the younger”, but please look before you leap and make sure you know what you are getting when you change governments.
The Cabinet Minister appointed by Trudeau to deflect all criticism using lies and mistruths. She is not an honest person.
Yahoo. A liberal who can read what the PMO writes for her.
Remember Ms. Gould, you are just one disagreement away with your emperor and you too will be tossed aside like an old suit, but only after a smear campaign of leaks from the PMO.
Karina Gould is between a rock and a hard spot, what else could she say, other than, I as well no longer support Justin Trudeau. But she didn’t.
Karina Gould appears to still be drinking the Trudeau Kool-Aid. Of all the deliverables that Canadians want most from our current Liberal government is an election call, and now. Time is up!
How many times have we heard them say “We are focused on Canadians”
We all know that she and others are focused on keeping their jobs.
Little chance of that !
The liberals are hanging by a thread. The thread needs to be cut already! We want a Election!!!
Such a classy and capable individual….she deserves to maintain her seat as she has represented us with integrity and skill.
Karina Gould has never represented us. She advertises that she is “Burlington’s voice in Ottawa” but her performance over the past 9 years marks her as “Trudeau’s voice in Burlington”. She is the ultimate Trudeau sycophant.
Is the Gazette the mouthpiece of the Liberal Party? You appear to have written a couple of recent articles which praises her tenure. Karina Gould has done a reasonable but not remarkable job as our MP. Perhaps her loyalty to Justin Trudeau by standing and repeating no answers and deflections to reasonable questions will be her downfall. Unless Trudeau resigns, Ms Gould will find herself unemployed since it appears that any election will be a mandate on him rather than policy or individual MP’s record against their opponent. Where does she stand on Trudeau’s leadership? The voters of Burlington should know. If the Liberal caucus can force him out then she has a chance to use your articles praising her and might be re-elected. The next month might give us an answer.
Editor’s note: I find it odd that when I write about a politician a reader doesn’t like – I am labelled a mouthpiece. They are the government – like them or not – what they do is important.