Canada - the 51st state? The man is mad.

By Pepper Parr

December 3rd, 2024



More on how the conversation Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had with president-elect Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago compound in Florida last week.  It has become the place everyone has to go to “kiss the ring”.

iPolitics reports that:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with President-elect Donald Trump.

“U.S. President-elect Trump suggested to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week that if a tariff for failing to address trade and immigration issues would kill the neighbour to the north’s economy, maybe it should become the 51st state, Fox News reports, citing sources.

“Last Friday, Trudeau flew to Mar-a-Lago unannounced after Trump threatened to impose sweeping tariffs on Canadian products.

“Sources say Trudeau told Trump over dinner that he cannot levy the tariff because it would kill the Canadian economy completely. Trump replied – asking, so your country can’t survive unless it’s ripping off the U.S. to the tune of $100 billion?

“Trump then suggested to Trudeau that Canada become the 51st state, which caused the prime minister and others to laugh nervously.”

Elsewhere it was reported that Trump played music from his cellphone while people were talking.


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12 comments to Canada – the 51st state? The man is mad.

  • Millicent Corrigan

    Seems to me Trudeau is Trumps new court jester. Sitting beside Trump with a foolish grin on his face. With Trudeau so proud of himself thinking he’s playing in the big leagues now. So delusional. Trudeau not contradicting Trumps comment about Canada becoming the 51st state is/was weak. He needs to man-up if that’s even possible.

  • Mitch

    Why Telford and not Captain Canada Freeland or Blair? Telford is not an elected minister. Makes you wonder why Trudeau brings her with him every where

  • Unfortunately, around 2050 or so, Canada will be annexed by the USA. It will be for the vast supply of fresh water which Canada has, and the land that will be needed to house the many US refugees, from rising sea levels. People will poo poo this but it is going to happen unless Putin blows the world up in the next few years.

  • Don Fletcher

    This dinner was probably anticipated to be a coup, a prop for Justin Trudeau’s re-election campaign that would demonstrate that he and his loyal Liberal insiders are best to deal with the threat(s) of Donald Trump. Unfortunately, he has been a major contributor (intended or not) to most of the problems Trump has with Canada. It’s hard to fathom that Trump will punish our country and spare “his friend” Justin Trudeau.

  • David

    We also have a Northern border that Trudeau is not protecting, Oh I forgot, and an East and West coast, and all the bits in between; you can only sleep at night because of the Americans, so we might as well join them.

  • Tom Muir

    The man is truly mad – self-made crazy with ideas of unlimited presidential power.

    So take that to the bank, literally, as an integral part of your conscious regard and behaviour towards Trump.

    Trump is not really any normal human being, never mind a billionaire, now top dog of his like. He has shown this is spades. Alive, he is going to do what he said, and has worked for the last 4 years, to do, operate as a dictator and literally, do anything he wants with no restraints and constraints.

    Trudeau must beware of this as a fact and establish a Prime Ministerial Intelligence Agency (PMIA) Office having responsible full time regard for this factual situation.

    It is no longer an ordinary set of politics that we have lived in forever, ethically, tradition, trust, customs, institutionally, and so on. In the Trump world we now live in, every functionary lies, all the time, about everything. Prepare for treachery.

    Trust this Trump world about nothing. Significant threats take lots of time to happen, panic is a self imposed weakness so interact with Trump like every dictator interacts with every other leader – as little as possible.

    Trump never hears you. Prepare in anticipation for the worst possible threats, in secret.

    • Ted Gamble

      Tom is correct. The panic being shown by our government officials is absolutely the wrong approach to deal with Trump. Develop your responses to expected trade threats and keep them very private unless you have significant improvements to annonuce on border security and defense. Strengthening these areas quickly and loudly will potentially improve other outcomes. The premiers realize this.

  • Gary Scobie

    The 51st state line had to come out of Trump’s mouth sometime. I’m just surprised that Trudeau had to travel to Florida so quickly after the election to be Trump’s straight man.

    Neither come away looking professional, but Trump holds all the cards in this game so why would he care? Never has before.

  • Penny

    It is a sad state of affairs that Canada has to be bullied by Trump to take care of issues that have plagued us for years.

    Our borders are not secure with illegal immigrants passing through our country.

    Our military spending of 2% of our GDP has not been met for years and Justin thinks that we can reach this by 2032 ( when he will no longer be Prime Minister, hopefully). This is not good enough but Canada has been able to get away with this for years.

    Canada has lost credibility and Trump seems to be the only one to indicate that what we as a country are doing is not good enough and it is time to step up.

    For the record I read that the dinner served that night was “meatloaf”. Guess our Prime Minister didn’t even deserve a “steak”.

  • Ted Gamble

    If this is accurately reported it is hardly surprising and theatrical Trudeau should apply for a role on Sesame Street as he will soon need a new gig.
    As to whether Canada should join the United States I for one would like to see a study of the pros and cons. Has one been done?

  • Joe

    I wonder if Marc Miller has anything to say about the “pair” now? I guess we know who doesnt have the foggiest clue about negotiating and it isnt Trump. Showing your weakest hand is not a good start. Time for Trudeau to step down.

  • Graham

    And you really believe this gossip?

    Editor’s note: Wasn’t gossip – it was what the man said. You clearly missed our reason for being: Informed people can make informed decisions.

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