By Pepper Parr
October 12, 2022
Scuttlebutt out of city hall is that Chris Glen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture is planning to retire and that Emily Cote will be running the show until the search for a replacement takes place.
Glen came into the job as an interim himself more than 6 years ago.
He was given a chance to show what he could do when Covid19 took over everything – he was pressed to his limit to keep whatever he could open while the province kept making that harder and harder for him to do.
There was a solid month where he was turning on a dime every day helping those who rented city space for recreation purposes, finding a way to give people things they could that would get them out doors.
Glenn knew that the lockdowns were hurting everyone – his job was to look for solutions.
Glenn confirmed the news: “Good morning Yes, it is true and has been communicated internally. My last day as Director will be October 31st. Thx Chris.”
As a volunteer, I have worked with Chris in the past and can tell you, he is one of the ‘good guys’ in our city. He will be missed by many.
Enjoy Chris…