Citizen has some choice words for the Prime Minister for the City MP

By Staff

August 15th, 2024



When you have something to say that you think is important – you look for the best way possible to make your statement.

Someone  in the Kearns Road area had “words” for the Prime Minister and Burlington MP Karina Gould who is a member of the Trudeau Cabinet.

An observant Gazette reader sent the following along.

The words on the makeshift sign read: “Trudeau and Gould want to take your home equity. Tell them HOME. H-hands O-off M-my E-equity”

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1 comment to Citizen has some choice words for the Prime Minister for the City MP

  • David Barker

    Can anyone direct me and others to anywhere where the Liberal government has said, inferred or implied in anyway that it has any intention, or is even contemplating taxing principal home equity in any way whatsoever? Does the Gazette know of any such evidence?

    This is simply CPC inspired shameful disinformation being absorbed by the gullible.

    Editor’s note: David, David, David – get a grip. This is someone with beef and a statement he or she wants to make and chose to scribble words on a piece of cardboard and stick on an electrical box at an intersection. The Gazette saw it as a “sign of the times” we are in. It wasn’t all that different than the comments you make.