February 18th, 2025
Penny Hersh, a resident of the city who has been a passionate advocate against any form of anti-semitism that she even sniffs, never mind the blatant, repugnent examples that surface from time to time.

Penny Hersh: The strongest advocate the city has against antisemitic behaviour. We are fortunate to have her doing what she does.
In material sent to the city as part of a written delegation, Hersh first chose to thank Mayor Meed-Ward for bringing this motion to the Committee of the Whole on February 10th, 2025.
She added: Since the initial anti-semetic issue that occurred at the Brant Community Centre in June we are now dealing with trying to cancel the Reviving Roots Conference scheduled to take place at the Burlington Convention Centre on February 24th.
The scheduled speaker, Mohammed Hijab is an extremist that spews hate of Jews, Christians, LGBTQ community, and anything “Western. He also feels that “any girl with breasts and hips” can be married.
THE ASK – we would ask that council consider amending an existing motion
Portions of the existing motion are set out below.
City of Burlington By-law 13-2024
Whereas sections 8, 9, and 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorize The Corporation of the City of Burlington (the “City”) to pass by-laws necessary or desirable for municipal purposes, and in particular paragraphs 5, 6, and 8 of subsection 11 (2) authorize by-laws respecting the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality; the health, safety and well-being of persons; and the protection of persons and property; and
“Deliver” means to deliver, leave, place, deposit or post anywhere of the Property or mailbox associated with a Residence, whether or not handed to a person, and the non “Delivery” has a corresponding meaning;
“Graphic Image” means an image or photograph showing, or purporting to show, a fetus or any part of a fetus;
“person” includes an individual, firm, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, or corporation;
“Property” means the whole or part of any parcel of real property, including all buildings, structures, personal property, or other property located thereon;
“Residence” means any Property or address that is not clearly identified from the abutting roadway as the location of a business.
No person shall Deliver or participate in the Delivery of a Graphic Image to any Residence, unless;
- the Graphic Image is fully concealed within a sealed envelope or package; and
- the sealed envelope or package containing the Graphic Image is marked with the following notice and information:
- the name and address of the person who is responsible for Delivery of the Graphic Image; and
- a warning that the envelope or package “contains a Graphic Image that may be offensive or disturbing to some people”.
Enacted and passed this 19th day of March 2024.
Hersh wants the city to create a policy that allows Council to deem an event or part of an event unsafe or non-inclusive.
The process would include community input on materials or presentations that are against city policy.
The bylaw changes would allow private facilities to use the public conduct policy to guide cancellations.
The Asks are significant; allowing a Council to deem an event or part of an event unsafe or non-inclusive would run up against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
There are events that are seen by some people as offensive. A private group holding an event in a private place that will discuss issues that are in themselves offensive is not reason enough to create a bylaw that would lead to City Council sticking their noses in.
People are at times ugly and they do ugly things – but does that make them illegal?
Some serious sober second thought needs to be brought to bear on this one.
This issue came to the surface when a group with the name i3 announced that they were holding an event at the Burlington Convention Centre. The event was their “Reviving Roots Conference” with the theme of “Reclaiming the Muslim Identity in a Secular World.” One of the speakers is Mohammed Hijab.
Hijab an outspoken antisemite obsessed with Jews and Israel, he’s described pedophilia as “relative,” and he routinely pontificates about the superiority of Islam.
The Gazette published a piece on the event. A link to that article is HERE.
What little we know about i3 is repugnant. Does that mean they cannot meet in private and do what it is they want to do? Be very careful when attempting to tell people what they can and cannot do in private.

Mohammed Hijab has monetized YouTube for years, using his verbal skills to overwhelm his opponents, but he is afraid and refuses to debate a fellow YouTuber by the name of Sam Shamoun who makes it his mission in life to debunk interpretive teachings of Islam.
Thank you Ms Hersh! I fear for my granddaughters if we allow this hateful rhetoric to become mainstream.
Mr. Hijab is outspoken about his hatred not only for Jews and Israel but also Christians, Hindus, LGBT community and says girls “who have breasts and hips” can be married no matter what age. He actually said that it was “better to have a young bride because an old bride could be hurt”
I have been asked what is HATE Speech.
According to the Library Association.
“Hate Speech is any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, skin colour, sexual identity, gender identity, disability or national origin”.
As a newscaster said ” Even Free Speech has limitations”.
There is no place for Hate Speech in Burlington or any other Canadian City.