February 18th, 2025
City Council will meet at 9:30 this morning and work its way through a reasonable sized agenda. How snow removal, while not on the agenda, will certainly be discussed
Council will review the recommendations from Standing Committees starting with the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 10 and 11, 2025
There will be an update of all the Staff Directions that have been issued but not fully acted upon. The findings and the proposed path forward for managing outstanding staff directions.
There have been occasions in the past when Council became aware of Directions issued that were no longer relevant and Directions that were just plain forgotten. It will be interesting to see what comes up and how Council reacts. It’s a sort of mini report card on how the administration has been getting things done.

Pilot project that will cost the city $700,000 in lost revenue to provide free service for youth is on Council meeting agenda.
The Fare-Free Transit for Youth – Summer 2025 Pilot will be on the table. There is a Direction to “Authorize the Director of Transit to implement Fare-Free Transit for youth in July and August 2025 as a pilot project.
Much of the discussion will be on “Authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to draw on the Ontario Provincial Gas Tax to fund the revenue loss of approximately $70,000, into the 2025 operating budget.
Appointments to the Advisory Committees (Committee of Adjustment and Mundialization Committee) are to be announced.
Council is finally getting to correspondence from the Ontario Ombudsman regarding Integrity Commissioner.
Housing Accelerator Fund implementation update. This relates to funds from the federal government that have to be spent within a specific period of time. This get to Council through the Development and Growth Management Report (DGM)
More on the 2026 Municipal Election preparation and selection of alternative voting methods. Online voting on election day was not going to be used but people would be able to vote online for the advanced polls.
Motion memorandum regarding increasing childcare spaces in Burlington. The intention is to direct staff to provide a report for Committee of the Whole on opportunities to use policy and city assets, as well as other opportunities to increase the number of childcare spaces in Burlington.
Council will receive information from Legal and Legislative Services regarding an update on staff monitoring and review of recent municipal responses and considerations to the regulation of the delivery of graphic images and non-peaceful demonstrations.
A potentially disturbing discussion will take place on monitoring and reviewing municipal responses regarding graphic images and non-peaceful demonstrations. It is part of a review that was requested of recent municipal responses and considerations to the regulation of the delivery of graphic images and non-peaceful demonstrations.
The disturbing part is who determines just what a non-peaceful demonstrations is?
A Burlington Lands Partnership update regarding city-owned lands that have potential for partnership development. There is apparently a considerable amount of city owned land that could be used for development. At this point the city isn’t prepared to say how much land there is and where it is located.
All the public is getting at this point is a report on city-owned lands that have potential for partnership development.
When it comes to land city Council and the administration keep all the cards very close to their chests.

The development was the object of a very robust discussion that may have resulted in a totally different orientation and possibly several three bedroom units.
The development proposal at 2169-2175 Ghent Ave., will be getting a lot of attention.
Council heard a very refreshing delegation on this development. More to come on that event.
In a Confidential triannual litigation update report Council will learn who is suing the city and who the city might be suing. A lot of taxpayers money changes hands as a result of these meetings.
Council will get a Confidential status report on the Contingency Reserve – January 28, 2025
If past meetings are any guide – Council will get all this done and adjourn but not before members of Council report on what is taking place in their wards.

Maybe they could review the Windrow Program.I am still waiting to get out of my driveway packed with snow.The promise was to clear within 16 hours of the street being plowed.It is now 48 hours and no show.