By Pepper Parr
May 23, 2023
From a usually reliable source: Councillor Shawna Stolte is “..back in action and healthier than ever.”

Councillor Shawna Stolte is expected to be in her seat when city Council meets next.
She has been away from her office for a health related Leave of Absence.
It will be interesting to hear the comments from the Mayor whose behaviour to the Councillor was something to hear.
The two Councillors who filed a complaint with the Integrity Commissioner that was upheld costing Stolte five days’ pay which she said was a small price to pay to make her point.
Will all three, Nisan, Galbraith and Meed Ward have welcoming arms?
Don’t bet on that one.
As to that being back and ready for action – the following is the response one gets when you reach out to the ward 4 Councillor:
If you need immediate assistance please email
and my assistant, Annemarie Cumber, will be able to assist.
We will do our best to reply as soon as possible to your inquiry, in the meantime please review the following list of direct contacts for City Services as a more expedient way to get your service issue addressed.

“The two Councillors who filed a complaint with the Integrity Commissioner that was upheld costing Stolte five days’ pay which she said was a small price to pay to make her point”
This seems to be an incomplete thought – perhaps you meant to finish it with ” … have their own ethical problems lately and are reported to have the Integrity Commissioner on speed dial”.