By staff
It’s still not complete (is changing the look of something ever done) and there are some small changes we want to make, but the new look is basically in place and we are able to give you much more to work with and we hope a much more visually pleasant experience.
We chose a picture of the waterfront and Mt. Nemo – a sort of from the bottom to the top of the city. Over time we will change these pictures but stick with that bottom – waterfront pictures and then something from the top of the city. In about 2013 we will have a picture of the GRAND OPENING of the Brant Street Pier and maybe learn to call it (Name of some Corporation) who will pay the city huge naming rights fees to cover with the cost over runs or the legal fees the Mayor doesn’t want to tell us about – yet.
Our Burlington – a newspaper on a web site – is very much an experiment, which so far is working out quite well. The user numbers were just fine and indicate that people read what is written. They also respond – sometimes very directly we might add. We’ve made mistakes and have posted corrections which get the same prominence as any other story – no putting them in small, small type and tucking them away in a corner.
In the months ahead we will be reaching out to the community in a number of joint ventures with other community organizations.
Recall that the objective was to run an electronic newspaper that “builds” community, gives the facts and puts what is happening or being done in context so you can understand what it means to you, your family and the business you may run in Burlington.
We have found several very senior staff members to be very open, candid and prepared to speak for background on forthcoming issues. We cover just about every Committee meeting and every Council meeting. The Council meetings are a joke, necessary but our Mayor hasn’t yet figured out how to work with the camera that records everything for Cogeco Cable broadcasts. The camera likes him – all he needs to do is trust the camera, look into the lens and speak to his constituents.
Those pictures you see down the right hand side of the screen are a delight and we thank Cal Millar for bringing them to our attention.