Hope Restored, Lives Changed – resonated with me.

By Pepper Parr

September 1st, 2024



Many of us have a charitable organization we choose to support.  The work done by the group we choose is something we see as important – it is a reflection of how we see ourselves.

Eagles Nest, a group that works out of space in Waterdown, where they serve people in both Hamilton and the Halton Region.  They have a phrase – Hope Restored, Lives Changed – resonated with me.

Equipping individuals and families to make changes happen in a safe and positive environment.

What do they do ? – a number of things: They help people understand themselves, care for their mental health and learn new tools for healthy relationships. They offer counselling, coaching, support groups and programs to adults, youth, children and families.

In 2005 the group opened Drummond House, a transitional home for women and children. In 2017 they opened the HOPE Centre, their community counselling and coaching centre.   Drummond House was operated until the summer of 2019 when the site was reclaimed for commercial purposes.

The group also operates a Rescued & Restored facility; a 6,000 square foot thrift store in Freelton that has been in place since 2010. It financially supports the programs of Eagles Nest by selling furniture, household goods and other items donated by the community. Eagles Nest is a registered charitable organization.

A fund raising event is taking place Tuesday September 24, 2024 – 7:00 – 9:30pm  at Shy’s Place, a restaurant located in a renovated 1896 heritage home, just west of Clappison’s Corners.

Tickets are $90 per person; reduce the price by $10 if you are $10 off each ticket when 5 or more tickets are purchased. Each event ticket includes all food and one complimentary drink. Rather than assigned tables, there are many seating options available so you can mingle with other guests throughout the evening. To order tickets click HERE

If you want to learn more about Eagles Nest, and I urge you to do just that: Click HERE


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