September 18th, 2024
Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and/or indirect ownerships, including accounts they have control or direction over.
The list below features insider transaction activity for today’s date; it does not convey total ownership information as an insider may hold numerous accounts.
Buying and selling activity by insiders may reflect perceived value in a security. Selling activity may or may not be related to a stock’s valuation. An insider might want to raise funds for personal reasons. An insider’s total holdings should be considered because a sale may, in context, be insignificant if this person has a large remaining position in the company. Some people put great weight on insider transaction activity when they see multiple insider trading’s of a company’s shares.
The five stocks with the largest dollar value of insider acquisitions in the public market are:
Cerro de Pasco Resources Inc. (formerly Genius Properties Ltd.) —–Buy Quantity: 5,275,000 Average cost: $0.14 Total: $723,730.00 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
2176423 Ontario Ltd. | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | 2,637,500 | $0.14 | $361,865.00 |
Sprott, Eric | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | 2,637,500 | $0.14 | $361,865.00 |
Andean Precious Metals Corp —–Buy Quantity: 409,200 Average cost: $1.14 Total: $466,283.40 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
2176423 Ontario Ltd. | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | 204,600 | $1.14 | $233,141.70 |
Sprott, Eric | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | 204,600 | $1.14 | $233,141.70 |
Lavras Gold Corp —–Buy Quantity: 75,000 Average cost: $2.49 Total: $186,950.00 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Raykov, Rostislav Christov | 4 – Director of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-17-24 | 75,000 | $2.49 | $186,950.00 |
ACT Energy Technologies Ltd —–Buy Quantity: 16,743 Average cost: $5.85 Total: $97,887.55 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
MAXWELL, RODERICK DONALD | 4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-17-24 | 13,043 | $5.90 | $76,945.55 |
MAXWELL, RODERICK DONALD | 4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | 3,700 | $5.66 | $20,942.00 |
Cenovus Energy Inc —–Buy Quantity: 3,200 Average cost: $22.54 Total: $72,112.00 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Murray, Geoffrey | 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-17-24 | 3,200 | $22.54 | $72,112.00 |
The five stocks with the largest dollar value of insider dispositions in the public market are:
Trulieve Cannabis Corp —–Sell Quantity: -845,516 Average cost: $15.39 Total: -$13,013,059.43 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Rivers, Kimberly | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer, 4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 57 – Exercise of rights | 09-16-24 | 2,285,178 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Rivers, Kimberly | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer, 4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | -845,516 | $15.39 | -$13,013,059.43 |
Sprott Inc —–Sell Quantity: -75,530 Average cost: $56.39 Total: -$4,259,075.56 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Rule, Arthur Richards | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-12-24 | -41,610 | $56.34 | -$2,344,431.61 |
Rule, Arthur Richards | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-13-24 | -23,920 | $56.57 | -$1,353,253.05 |
Rule, Arthur Richards | 3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | -10,000 | $56.14 | -$561,390.90 |
TC Energy Corporation —–Sell Quantity: -14,387 Average cost: $63.52 Total: -$913,898.32 Options Issued: 14,387 Average cost: $56.86 Total: $818,044.82 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Masud, Jawad | 7 – Director or Senior Officer of Insider or Subsidiary of Issuer (other than in 4,5,6) | 51 – Exercise of options | 09-16-24 | 6,041 | $56.86 | $343,491.26 |
Masud, Jawad | 7 – Director or Senior Officer of Insider or Subsidiary of Issuer (other than in 4,5,6) | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | -6,041 | $63.50 | -$383,603.50 |
White, Jay J. | 7 – Director or Senior Officer of Insider or Subsidiary of Issuer (other than in 4,5,6) | 51 – Exercise of options | 09-16-24 | 8,346 | $56.86 | $474,553.56 |
White, Jay J. | 7 – Director or Senior Officer of Insider or Subsidiary of Issuer (other than in 4,5,6) | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-16-24 | -8,346 | $63.54 | -$530,294.82 |
Jamieson Wellness Inc —–Sell Quantity: -24,465 Average cost: $33.41 Total: -$817,380.54 Options Issued: 34,489 Average cost: $20.11 Total: $693,573.79 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Pilato, Michael Al | 4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 51 – Exercise of options | 09-13-24 | 34,489 | $20.11 | $693,573.79 |
Pilato, Michael Al | 4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-13-24 | -24,465 | $33.41 | -$817,380.54 |
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce —–Sell Quantity: -8,600 Average cost: $83.83 Total: -$720,951.76 Options Issued: 8,600 Average cost: $54.23 Total: $466,387.00 | ||||||
Insider | Relationship | Transaction | Date | Quantity | Price | Total |
Guse, Frank | 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 51 – Exercise of options | 09-17-24 | 8,600 | $54.23 | $466,387.00 |
Guse, Frank | 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer | 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 09-17-24 | -8,600 | $83.83 | -$720,951.76 |
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