Is there going to be a candidate for the office of Mayor that is not sitting on the current city Council?

By Pepper Parr

October 3rd, 2024



Word on the street is that there is an individual taking a hard look at running for Mayor of Burlington.

No details yet but the source is as good as they get.

Male – with a solid business background. No council experience, never been involved in politics at any level.

Just said to think that Burlington needs better political leadership.

There is a growing number of people who want to see a change in the political leadership of the current city council; many are unhappy with several members of this council including those who were aghast with the totally irresponsible video that Councillors Galbraith and Nisan let themselves get sucked into on the Alinea King Road development.

We don’t know if the developer asked the two to take part in the video; we don’t know if they saw the less than a minute long production before it was shown at a Bay Area Climate Change Council event – perhaps they volunteered thinking it would be a good idea to boost a development that is certainly going to make a difference to the Burlington that will exist a decade from now.

What Galbraith and Nisan didn’t appear to know is that there job is to oversee developments that go to Council and wait until all the facts are known.  At this point the city has yet to see a development application.




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21 comments to Is there going to be a candidate for the office of Mayor that is not sitting on the current city Council?

  • Wendy Fletcher

    Pretty interesting that the editor is suddenly okay with someone with no experience running for mayor or council. When I floated the idea of running to him last year his response was one of complete dis-encouragement. But now he thinks a guy with a business background and no experience is okay? What’s that about? Business background means nothing and I’d wager not better than my experience which is accountant turned doctor. I’m the perons who was able to gather a significant following last year, gather 3500 names in a month on a petition and encourage the biggest turnout of delegates in years. But meh, what do I know. If the person throwing his hat in is who I think it is, he went behind my back and scooped my online group out from under me when the site’s authentication system failed. But hey that’s a great start to his career as a politician, a natural.

    The entire idea that you shouldn’t be running if you don’t have any experience is quite funny. We currently have an ex-journalist in the mayor’s seat and also as Deputy PM and Minister of Finance. The PM is a snowboarder who played at teaching drama and is only in office bc he rode in on daddy’s coattails. His biggest threat is a career politician, a being you don’t actually see that often. Bc most people don’t have family money to bank roll them into being a career politician.

    That’s something most people don’t seem to recognize. Whether its to run as mayor or council, it takes at least some money. I think Meed spent about 24K last election. How many people are willing to drop that to compete?

    Editor’s note: Did Wendy want me to tell her what I thought or did she want me to tell her what she wanted to hear?

    • Wendy Fletcher

      But a dude without experience is all good according to you now. That’s the interesting part.But then again you were trying to mansplain how I should manage my petition too so.

  • Rod

    To Jim, Anne and Dave – the current mayor’s qualifications (from linkedin) “Panellist on The Rumble segment of the Michael Coren Show, providing commentary on current events and issues from an alternative perspective.” Maybe the publisher of the Gazette is the businessman who is going to run.

    Editor’s note: Don’t see that on my bucket list.

  • Joe Gaetan

    Following is a partial mind map of how council works. An issues comes before council who then direct staff for their input. If councillors are not problem solvers or lack critical thinking skills they accept the staff recommendations, even if it is not the best alternative, given staff were even “directed” to provide alternatives. Like it or not when politicians lean too far to the left the electorate dump them for a more right minded administration. Right now this council is listing port side.

  • David

    It all depends on the taxpaying public’s expectations of what they want from their Mayor and Councillors, I want very little in the way of hand-holding and entertainment and am quite capable of amusing myself, I just need things to be run properly and legally and with limited expense to the taxpayer, just one of the things I would implement is a COB library of self-help videas on how to inspect and maintain your property with newsletters that are helpful in that regard, there are a lot of retired business people who still have gas in the tank to accomplish one last project and the only reward for that individual would be a thriving corporation with happy taxpayers.

    • George (a Burlington accident)

      Brilliant – public governance expectations that boil down to a “self-help library”. Perhaps we could also have ‘virtual snow removal’, ‘owner conducted building inspections’, ‘noon-to-four bylaw enforcement’ and a ‘self-enrolled honour system for heritage tax rebates’ (oops, that one would be redundant). I am pleased that residents such as yourself are self sufficient in terms of “hand-powered entertainment” but perhaps not all “wants” are as simple and easily satisfied. On one thing we do agree, there seem to alot “of retired business people who still have gas …” and show it through the quality of their commentary.

      • David

        Sorry old boy, just not getting your banter; I was mentioning a self-help library of what-if information in case of (flooding) for example, I was following social media posts that day in real-time with residents asking for help in their understanding of the equipment in their homes, also the questions of what can be done by them, if anything to alleviate future catastrophe, I won’t list any here but in business it’s alwais cheaper to get out in front of something; reading into your comment I believe that you are in favour of a more business-like approach to the running of the city, just not me and definitely not my library idea, not to worry on both counts.

        • George (the curious one)

          No, I would have absolutely no objection to you – don’t know you. However, I have great difficulty with the whole ethos of the superiority of “the venerable sector” when it comes to running a government enterprise. It isn’t, never was and will never be.

          • David

            I like you, George, how about this idea, If I did become Mayor I could hire an actor for the role of Mayor, appearing at pomp and ceremonial obligations for the Mayor’s office such as flag-raising, ribbon-cutting, even shedding a tear and hugging affected taxpayers at local disaster locations, this would enable me to get much more work done, I would, of course, take the Mayor’s seat at council meetings where I could answer all questions from not only the councillors but also from delegates without costly referrals to staff.

  • Sharon

    Can’t wait for the next election! Goodbye Red Queen and groupies!!!!

  • Charlie Schwartz

    I would hope there are candidates for ALL positions, we need a complete new team! The whole group has lost its direction. We need individuals who listen to the taxpayers, not people who tell us what they want done or what is on their nice to have plates which become what we must have plates.

  • Anne and Dave Marsden

    That is the last thing we need a business man who has no clue how muncipality’s are supposed to work.

  • Kevin

    I hope someone dethrone the Major. Burlington use to be a get place to do business and to deal with City hall. Now it is a debacle. Cut off the head and her crownies will follow.

  • Lynn

    If the man considering running for mayor is who I think it is he would get my vote for sure! Please, Please, do it!

  • Sean Lonergan

    This government has been a total disappointment. We were led to believe that things would change from the Goldring era, but if anything, it has gotten worse. yes, we need change is several sectors, but in all honesty, were we not told by this group that things and transparent government was now here. I guess I just can’t see it. Maybe they can enlighten us….

  • Cecilia Bailey

    Best news I’ve read about Burlington in ages!

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