It was a tough year- but we got through it. Enjoy the holiday with loved ones and be grateful for what we have

The Burlington Gazette wishes the people of the city the very best during what is both a festive season and an occasion to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Imagine where we would be without him.

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2 comments to It was a tough year- but we got through it. Enjoy the holiday with loved ones and be grateful for what we have

  • Joseph Gaetan

    Many thanks to Pepper and company for their hard work and dedication, bringing us news and information we would not otherwise receive. Merry Christmas to all.

  • Allan H

    Merry Xmas to all of you at the Gazette…especially Pepper. I really look forward on a daily basis to reading about what’s REALLY important in Burlington, especialy on the pollical end. Please keep up the good work….Burlington really needs you.

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