Just what does Detainees lodged mean?

By Pepper Parr

February 1st, 2025



Just what does Detainees lodged mean?

Set out below is the work being done by the American Immigration and Custome Enforcement organization that is conducting raids throughot the United Sattes.

Tens of thousands of people live in fear of being arrested and lodged.

This is the kind of government we are dealing with.  So we need to keep our heads up and be very very cautious as we deal with this man

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10 comments to Just what does Detainees lodged mean?

  • Blair Smith

    Not exactly on point here but a useful reference piece nonetheless.


  • Graham

    Nothin new here.Obama removed 400,000 migrants.

    • Gary Scobie

      Well it may not be new in policy, but it certainly is in rapidity. I count 5956 detainers “lodged” in nine days so far, including weekends. Over eight years (324.4 nine day periods) at this rate the number of detainers lodged could be 1,932,391 during an eight year period, such as Obama had. Over a four year period of Trump it would be half that or 966,196. You say Obama did 400,000 over eight years, so 200,000 over four years. Trump’s rate is not only rapid, it is nearly five times the number of migrants gone in four years that Obama did.

      So yes, it’s not new, but it sure is much more massive. But then that’s how Trump works. Just look at his rapid and massive tariff threat that is also turning into reality it seems.

      • Tom Muir

        I forgot to mention this before, but we cannot overestimate Trump’s threats to take over our Canada via economic and financial warfare to crush us. He is lying again about tariffs, excusing it on fentenyl and securing the border. This is just propaganda for the masses. There will be more lies and war, if his wanted numbers are not met. Notice there is no resistance again.

        He can’t at this stage just invade us with his military war machine. He knows our economy is highly dependent on our trade with the USA, so he is opting to go for blood, and money, and stick to economic warfare for now. He threatens even more force if we resist with our own measures. Be careful in this.

        Like Gary outlines in data and facts, the rapidity in capturing and detaining migrants is unparalleled, and I don’t expect to see it slowing. Like some said – it will be shock and awe: spreading everywhere.

        I am telling you that we have to beware of this real historical monster Trump, who is capable of stopping at nothing to pursue this goal of taking Canada by any means, for territory, by imperialism. It’s a new era of changed norms, morals, and political relationship practices, justified by constant lying, and not what we are used to.

  • Marshall

    It appears that very few Americans took the manifesto Project 2025 very seriously when they voted. It was written by the Federalist Society and others possibly the tech billionaires. It has a forward written by JD Vance. It outlines in detail in about 900 pages how the American government will be transformed to eliminate the checks and balances of the US constitution between the Executive, Judiciary, and Congress and centralize the power in the President as head of the Executive branch.
    What we are seeing is the rapid implementation of this manifesto with mass firings of the Judiciary (which includes the FBI) to be replaced by Trump loyalists. Other parts of federal agencies are being hit. All of this is outlined in the manifesto.
    You will notice that the main stream media is firing anti-Trump journalists and Trump’s “advisor” Steven Miller and his buddy Homan are starting the campaign promised round up of “illegals”. However, I think it is actually an attack on Latinos who are frighteningly being used as scapegoats to please the generally white supremacist MAGA Trump followers. This is what the Gazette is reporting on today.
    There are questions as to who the group controlling Trump actually are and given that JD Vance was chosen for him as vice president makes one wonder if they expect him to finish his term. As bad and mad as Trump appears this could be frightening. Is Trump actually the aging cult leader and a deflection for this group? Will the USA be an authoritarian oligarchy by 2028?

    • Tom Muir

      Good insight, Marshall.

      Frankly, I don’t give the USA anywhere near that long to survive- De Facto – to get to that state, or much worse even, taking account of the speed reality of Trump behaviours in the first week, as you outlined just a few.

      I have been fearing this happening, since many months before the last election he called stolen. I noticed him planting seeds of a plan to do this, and he was campaigning about it, long before that election day, when he started talking about phony and stolen votes by the Democrats and other states.

      He was rolling out lies about the stolen votes, and assembling the troops and propaganda of insurrection via MAGA, long before that January 6. His continuing lies then are a matter of record by a journalist fact-check- I think the NYT – but there was someone working for one of the main-sheets. It was published.

      During the checking of the vote re-count, several heads of local polling offices, resigned, and when asked the question of what he expected for the next 4 years, he said, just “4 more years of the same”. Sure enough, Trump never stopped lying and denying he lost, and campaigning, for the whole 4 years. The plan worked, and is now.

      My greatest fear is not without observable fact, that cannot be denied. Trump is actively doing everything he wants, with lightening speed. The Constitution, Judiciary, and Congress separation of powers are being ignored and will be trashed at Trump’s monarchy command. There is little or no resistance.

      How long will it take until the USA is at or past the tipping point where it is already an effective dictatorship, or whatever political form that the USA’s present form will mutate to, at Trump’s grasping for his power wants, and his ability to eliminate resistance, and recruit loyalists and allies to his cause?.

      • Marshall

        I agree 100% with Tom Muir

        I had similar concerns starting in 2020 but felt that the US checks and balances would prevail. The failure of the Judiciary and Congress in 2023-4 and the Project 2025 make me believe as you do that American democracy as we know it is finished unless there is a successful massive opposition to the advancing dictatorship. I’m afraid that there is no negotiating with a madman supported by billionaires if his policies fit their goals. So far, there is no opposition and the main stream media has fallen in line with 50% of the American voters being too stupid to see what they have done.

    • David

      I was reading the chapter on ‘Trade’ in Project 2025’ yesterday morning, the following are the pages I marked for future reference, pages 789, 790 China and its trading partners, page 793 offshoring pollution and control of U.S. debt (bonds), page 794 losing the ability to prosecute a war, Page 797 Trade policy works best when it sticks to trade and treats separate issues separately; For some context as to why I read such things without emotion or prejudice is that I need to know where we are going, not where I wish we were going; Financial course corrections are unfortunately a fact of life for me. Project 2025