Justin Trudeau dodges another bullet - he's safe until October 2025

By Pepper Parr

September 19th, 2024



Jagmeet Singh

The buzz buzz over a possible federal election started with the unexpected announcement from the New Democrats that they were ‘tearing up” the Confidence and Supply agreement they had with the Liberal government. Jagmeet Singh’s office didn’t send notice of their decision to the Prime Minister’s office – who learned of the decision through social media. Class act – right?

The political class could see an election coming any day now.

Then the election in LaSalle-Émard-Verdun, earlier this week which the Liberals couldn’t afford to lose – but did – got a break when the Bloc Québécois won the seat.

That added some lustre to their image and led Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet to the point where he said his party would support the Liberal government.

Interesting that a political party committed to taking Quebec out of Confederation is now the political party saving the current Liberal government.

For the Bloc this was an opportunity to suck millions out of the treasury – they can, and probably will ask for anything they can think of – and have a better than even chance of getting what they asked for.

All the federal election excitement suddenly died down.  The Bloc will support the Liberals until they call an election for October of 2025.

And – you can almost bet that the Liberals will win that election but not with a majority government.  This time it will be a genuine minority government – which tends to serve the public best.

Justin Trudeau – the kid got lucky.

Having “won” the election Justin Trudeau will be able to resign as Prime Minister and the Liberals will be in a position to hold a leadership convention and have a number of years to rebuild the party with a new crop of Cabinet Ministers.

What will be next for Justin Trudeau – expect him to re-marry.

That’s the way I see it.

Hopefully that will bring the Conservative Party to the point where they “axe” Pierre Poilievre, their leader and find someone more in tune with Canadian values to serve as an Opposition and perhaps someday form a government.

Salt with Pepper is an opinion column reflecting the observations and musings of the publisher of the Gazette, an on-line newspaper that is in its 8th year as a news source in Burlington and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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5 comments to Justin Trudeau dodges another bullet – he’s safe until October 2025

  • Don Fletcher

    I disagree. I think the Bloc will attempt to extract a few quick wins for Quebec from Trudeau, but like the NDP, will not want to be increasingly seen as propping up this unpopular Liberal government much beyond Christmas. I fully expect that we will have a Spring election when Canadians will elect Pierre Poilievre & the Conservatives to a strong Majority government. Nothing can be worse than Trudeau & his current band of compliant/ delusional MPs.

  • Gary Scobie

    Think you meant to type Oct. 2025 rather than 2024, Joe. But your comments are bang-on. The democratic reform platform of 2015 days has been shown to be a falsehood. It helped Trudeau get elected in 2015, then he axed it ASAP in order to stay elected. He knows no shame.

  • Carol Victor

    Better than trying to swallow a Conservative attack dog with no policy whatsoever.

  • Joe Gaetan

    Time is Trudeau’s best friend as inflation and interest rates are coming down. The downside being the lack of housing supply means housing prices will continue to escalate. Carney will need more than a magic wand to fix that.
    Quebec will keep Trudeau in power via the BLOC who will be the real winners up to Oct 2024.
    In the meantime the rest of Canadians will be eating stale cake.
    This is why Justin Trudeau axed democratic reform.

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