Secret slush fund used by all council members; un-audited and controlled by senior, senior staff member.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON April 1, 2011 – The investigative reporting team at Our Burlington has uncovered a slush fund at city hall that appears to be under control of a very senior staff member with what is believed to be collusion by all city council staff.

Meaning behind the code name of the secret slush fund is not yet clear.

Meaning behind the code name of the secret slush fund is not yet clear.

The code name given to this investigation – loaves and fishes, was the result of a tip from a very high source on the 8th floor of city hall.

Loaves and fishes is a fund used to pay for perks to council members and are doled out by the senior staff member, These funds are doled out on a regularly. Control of the account rests in the hands of a very senior city hall staff member. The account is not audited, in fact the auditor is probably not even aware of this secret account that appears no where in any of the city’s financial statement and cannot be found on the city web site.

The understanding is that the “ins and outs” on this account are kept in a locked desk drawer. There appears to be some correlation between this account and the council member payroll accounts. Details on the relationship between the loaves and fishes account and the payroll accounts is sketchy because there don’t appear to be any audited records on the loaves and fishes side.

The tip to our investigative team was given to us on Friday, April 1, 2011


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