Location of voting stations for the February Provincial Election are now available

By Staff

February 17th, 2025



Voting locations were made available on February 14.

All you need to know is your postal code.

Readers living in rural communities are finding that the service does not work for their locations.  We will followup and see what we can learn from Elections Ontario

For those of you in urban areas it works.

Click HERE to find out where you go to vote.

You will see this image –



Click on it

That will get you to a box where you enter your postal code.

That will give you the location of your voting location.  Remember to take personal identification with you.


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6 comments to Location of voting stations for the February Provincial Election are now available

  • Penny Hersh


    We could say the same for our last Municipal Election in Burlington.

    • Blair Smith

      Yes Penny – perhaps the difference is that I realized that in 2022 and did not vote for either the incumbent mayor or the ward 3 sitting councillor. You, I suspect, have ignored Pierre’s totally inappropriate behaviour and the anti-democratic policies of the Tories (i.e. Strong Mayor Powers, Stay-at-Home Candidates) and voted the ‘party line’. If I’m right and you did then you need to look in the mirror because all your ECoB efforts were just window dressing.

  • Blair Smith

    If Natalie Pierre is re-elected as Burlington’s MPP, then the City will get the representation that it deserves and it will be a shame and a sham.

    A friend of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote to Ms. Pierre requesting an opportunity to chat. She received an email from Karen Cutaia, Pierre’s Constituency Assistant claiming that “Natalie is happy to connect with Burlington residents on a ‘one-to-one’ dialogue to answer your questions and listen to your concerns”. An active link was provided to facilitate. However, the link did not bring up any connection possibility. So, a series of unproductive back and forth emails with Ms. Cutaia followed to establish connection with Natalie directly. No joy!!

    Finally, when my friend identified what her primary issue was and that she was asking all candidates to provide their position, she received yet another email. This one was from Dan Jacobs, Pierre’s Campaign Manager, stating that “Natalie’s priorities are those of the people she has, and is looking to continue representing in Burlington. I can tell you that through the thousands of doors we have been at and phone calls we’ve made, you are the first person to personally reach out asking about [the specific issue].”

    So, apart from the rather obvious exaggerations and the fact that Natalie is still nowhere to be seen or heard, there is absolutely no information given on her position on the particular issue. Parenthetically, my friend did receive a direct reply and a phone call from Natalie’s Liberal opponent.

    How can the citizens of Burlington tolerate such obvious disrespect and disregard from its sitting MPP? If Pierre is re-elected, then it is a question that we all must answer.

  • Lynn Crosby

    Hopefully they care enough to vote for the candidates who show up to hear from residents – all residents. Natalie Pierre is invisible. And her BS statement about being willing to speak to anyone? Not true. Sorry Natalie, but the people who already will vote PC no matter how corrupt your government nor how deep you hide from tough questions aren’t actually the only ones you can claim to have spoken with. I’ve actually never seen a worse candidate, ever. Boggles the mind what people accept when it’s “their party” pulling the stunts.

  • Penny Hersh

    I just came back from the advance polling location at the Burlington Centre ( Mall). The lineup to vote was extremely long. It took us about 20 minutes to get to vote.

    That location is working very efficiently.

    If you don’t have your voting card take a piece of ID with a photo and your address.

    It is great to see that residents are coming out to vote.

  • Lynn Crosby

    The fact we don’t have voting cards with the necessary information two days before advanced voting begins — I guess they aren’t sending them — tells me the voter turnout will be even more pathetic than usual. Perhaps that was the plan.