More lip service - City Council seems to have forgotten to tell the public about what they are doing

By Pepper Parr

October 5th, 2024



They are doing it again.

Holding public meetings about important events before the public has had an opportunity to read up on a decision council is going to have to make.

The matter in this case is the announcement that the City is going to review the composition of City Council and the size and number of wards.  There are currently six wards in Burlington.

The first council debate on Tuesday will start with a presentation by Wilson, the company that did the early research.  Few if any know about the item on the agenda – difficult for people to delegate on something they not heard about before.

This is just so typical of this Council.

To the add to the concern and importance of determining how many Councillors there should be and if they should continue to also be Regional Councillors is the conflict they all face – half the pay cheques for the Council members comes from the Region.

This lip service on the claim to be engaging the public is getting very annoying.

The City has a large communications staff – do they never suggest that Council needs to up its game and be more direct with the public – or do they just churn out whatever they think Council wants.

Many of the staff at Communications are referred to as “advisors” – could they not advise council ?

Perhaps the Chief Administrative Officer might have a word with the Mayor

Related news article:

Changes to the size of city Council

Salt with Pepper is an opinion column reflecting the observations and musings of the publisher of the Gazette, an on-line newspaper that is in its 12th year as a news source in Burlington and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.


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