By Krystal Bennett
August 3rd, 2023
While studying in college or university, you at least wondered: “Did I make the right choice?” or “Will I be able to find a good job with a decent salary?”. And it’s normal to have such worries because the world is changing quickly, and what was popular a year ago can be out of date today. We prepared a list of the most popular and demanded professions, and we hope it will be helpful for you to read it.
Computer manager
Have you ever had problems at work with access to some soft application or tool? If yes, when solving it, you were dealing with a computer manager. They are responsible for the network and IT service of the company you are working for. And as a lot of businesses are going online, this profession is becoming more popular. They are also responsible for creating short-term and long-term system plans and solving any network-related problems.
Technical writer
To explain it easily, a technical writer is the guy who translates everything from Technical English to normal English. The technical writer usually makes different instructions, manuals, and different technical reports understandable for everyone. They should be user-friendly, and in order to create such text, the person should be, on the one hand, a really good paperwork writer and, on the other hand, a talented technician.
Content manager
If you have an online shop that offers some goods or services or maybe you have a blog, you earn money this way; it will be very difficult for you to do without a content manager. The thing is that if you know perfectly all the technical aspects of your work, in most cases, you are not a specialist in writing. And the success of any online business is directly connected with the number of readers, followers, in other words, your potential clients.
Essay writer
For students, it’s not a surprise why essay writing is considered to be a profession in demand, especially if you are really a good one. The number of essays students receive all around the world every day is enormous. For many of them, it’s very hard to write because they are not used to or don’t have enough time or talent. So basically, even if you get a very difficult assignment in college, you can always send your requirements to a writing service, pay for essays and get an essay without any delay and in accordance with everything written in your comments.
Web developer and web designer
The popularity of any profession connected with online activity is understandable. A large number of companies work online right now, and in order to do it, you need someone to create your website, write code, its algorithm, and make it all work without any bugs. The developers can be divided into four categories: back-end, front-end, full stack, and webmaster. Depending on their specialty, they will be responsible for different aspects of site elaboration. Every developer should know at least one programming language.
If they were making a film about different professions, statisticians could be some kind of spies. Using figures, data, and statistical information, they can solve many problems for a company, as they can understand its reason and determine a range of solutions. They usually don’t work for one company; in most cases, they can be invited specialists or freelancers. The great thing about being a statistician is that they can work in many different industries, not just for corporations.
Software Developer
Without a software developer, the apps on your smartphone or tablet will not work. These guys can code, create apps and issue updates, and it’s their obligation to make sure that an app works on any device the way it is supposed to be. The funny thing is that we don’t think about software developers when everything works ok; we only start to pay attention to them when something doesn’t work on one of our gadgets. They usually know more than one programming language. And a great thing about them is that they can become good sales managers as they have to understand what the market is looking for.
Maybe it is a surprise for someone, but teaching is one of the most important professions. The thing that changes is the requirements for the teachers. Nowadays, they have to be able to work with computers, create interesting digital materials, and be ready to implement a new system of education where they focus on a student.
Medical assistant
Covid showed us how fragile the health of a person is and how important the work of medical personnel is. When you come to a hospital, at first, you will communicate with medical assistants; they will look at your medical records, make some basic lab tests and take lab specimens and fulfill a wide range of other duties.
No mention of any skilled trades? Skilled trades are very much in demand, likely more so than many of the professions listed above. Also to note that many skilled trades make great salaries, often times in the six figures with little to no school debt.