Non-profit organizations invited to enter for $1500 for Santa Claus Parade float; Volunteers needed

By Pepper Parr

September 25th, 2023


Burlington’s Santa Claus Parade is Sunday, Dec. 3. This exciting and fun parade will feature bands, floats, entertainers and of course, Santa Claus. Volunteers are needed to help the event run smoothly; there is an exciting opportunity for local non-profit organizations to receive a Burlington 150 grant.

Commemorative cap.

Burlington 150 Santa Claus Parade Grant

Burlington not-for-profit organizations are invited to enter a draw for one of three $1,500 grants to be used towards a Burlington 150-themed float in this year’s Santa Claus Parade. Three community float entries will be randomly chosen to receive up to $1,500 towards their float design.

Draw entries will be accepted until Oct. 15, 2023. Winners will be chosen and notified on Oct. 20, 2023.

A flatbed trailer will be provided to the three winners courtesy of JKM Towing and space to decorate the floats will be provided by Attridge Transportation.

How to Enter:

Before entering, visit for entry details and eligibility criteria.

Email with the following information:

  • Name of the organization and contact information
  • A sketch of your float design
  • A descriptive paragraph outlining your design
  • A descriptive paragraph outlining how your organization/group connects with/represents the history of the City of Burlington

Draw entrants must also complete the Parade Entry Application at


A number of volunteers are needed for various duties with the parade. This is a great opportunity for high school students and anyone who wants to help. Volunteer roles include banner carrier, parade route marshal and dismantle zone assistant.

To apply to become a volunteer, visit or call 905-335-7777, ext.7978.

The Santa Claus parade has taken place for more than 45 years in Burlington. Organized by a citizens group that works out of the city’s Festivals and Events office it is the premier holiday event in the city.

About the Santa Claus Parade

The Santa Claus Parade will be held in downtown Burlington on Dec. 3, starting at 2 p.m.

The parade will feature the Burlington Teen Tour Band, floats, entertainers and Santa Claus.

Then Mayor Rick Goldring out on the street as an Old Timer collecting coins in a sock.

Letter carriers will be walking in the parade collecting kids’ letters to give to Santa.

Visitors can also support the community and bring a non-perishable food donation to the Parade. The Burlington Teen Tour Boosters will be collecting in support of the Burlington Food Bank.

Representatives of the Burlington Oldtimers Hockey Club will also be collecting money donations in support of the parade on behalf of the parade organizing committee.

Denise Beard, Senior Manager of Community Development.

Denise Beard, Senior Manager of Community Development adds:“Two things the parade can’t live without are community floats and volunteers. We hope to have another great Santa Claus Parade with many colourful parade entries. It is a wonderful, family tradition we hope to see for many generations to come. Community involvement is really what makes it so special.”

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