A branding makeover by one of the best in the business – open to anyone prepared to go before a panel of marketing practitioners.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON April 18, 2012 Look upon it as Burlington’ version of the Dragon’s Den – the prize, or the investment in your […]

One has to give the Friends of Freeman an A for great effort. Councillor Meed Ward gets an A as well for pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 17, 2012 They think they have a home –even if it’s an interim one – but a Council Committee […]

Some city streets to be closed two different weekends during the summer.

By Staff Bicycle lanes will be painted on Appleby Line and Walkers Line and on- street parking on those two streets south of New Street […]

It’s going to be interesting to see how the developer and the city work out a way to recover the zoning that has now been lost..

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 16, 2012 Well the good folks over at Carriage Gate – the people who are behind the Medica One […]

Burlington’s best citizen nominees announced, some tough choices, especially for the environment award.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON April 16, 2012 –The best of Burlington’s finest civic-minded volunteers, advocates and community leaders will be announced on Thursday, May 10 […]

Finally, advice and direction from Waterfront Advisory Committee. Great idea – but no one is sure they will be around to see it through.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 14, 2012 At last, finally – they are going to do something and the troops in the trenches are […]

They weren’t necessarily leaders when they started out but they certainly led this city in the right direction.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 14, 2012 Leadership and the ability to see the big picture and the long term goal is the heart […]

Hospital ask for $9 million – gets $22.5 million. Says, thank you and will have a site plans ready by the end of May.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 14, 2012 We don’t know if the cheque just arrived in the mail or if hospital CEO Eric Vandewall […]

There will be public art outside Performing Arts Centre – and that’s about all we know. Deadline for submissions was Friday.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 14, 2012 For some, a Friday the 13th would be looked at a little askance and those who deal […]

Chamber celebrates its best and creates a new category: Employer of the Year. AXYZ International takes that prize.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 13, 2012 More than 450 people walk the red carpet at the Burlington Convention Centre where the Chamber of […]

Is there a vision for Burchill’s MeetUps at the Waterfront hotel? Yes, but it isn’t crystal clear.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 12, 2012 Literally hundreds of people continue to register for the Business in Burlington MeetUps that are currently being […]

Dean of city Council teaches whipper, snapper of a Mayor a thing or two about democracy and listening to others.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON,ON April 12, 2012 They were all just a little cranky Tuesday evening. City Council meetings often go that way in Burlington. […]

They do work, inconvenient yes, but seat belts, have been around for 36 years and really do work.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 12, 2012 Has it been THAT long? Thirty six years? Just to remind us that the things really do […]

Will the Riviera Motel on Lakeshore Road have a close encounter with a wrecking ball in the near future?

Motel balcony is in a dangerous state of repair, decides to close down rather than do repairs. By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 11, 2012 […]

Four Arrested in $16 Million Investment Scam. Remember the Best Way to Help Stop Fraud Is to Report It.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON April 11, 2012 The Fraud Unit of the Halton Regional Police Service, with the assistance of the Ontario Securities Commission, has […]

Council approves pilot project that will put vans on the street to get people home from local bars much faster.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 11, 2012 There will be a four month pilot taxi service in Burlington to see if there is a […]

Six out of fifty organizations will be heralded as winners of a Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON April 11, 2012 It’s going to be the event of the year for a handful of Burlington business organizations, when the […]

Mountainside revitalization a Go, GO, GO. Taylor delivers and keeps the pool open while arena upgraded.

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 11, 2012 He isn’t known as the Dean of City Council just because he has been there longer than […]

Regional police Pipes and Drums to march in Apeldoorn to celebrate the liberation and also march across “a bridge to far”.

By Staff BURLINGTON, ON April 11, 2012 The months of April through to September are particularly significant to the people of Holland – it was […]

Finally an issue that pits Mayor against his most troubling Council member. What kind of downtown core development for the city ?

By Pepper Parr BURLINGTON, ON April 10, 2012 You can see the battle lines beginning to be drawn. The positions are being staked out. The […]