Part of the Joseph Brant land grant will become a pathway to the Lake

By Staff

May 13th, 2024



Reverend Cannon Stuart Pike and Rick Reycroft

There is a long stretch of property that leads from the front of St.Luke’s Anglican Church down to the Lake.

The land was part of a land grant given to Joseph Brant for his services to the British.  It was a huge tract of land.

The piece that is in front of the church has sat there unused for well over 150 years.

The patch of land that has been unused for decades will become a lovely place to walk and just enjoy being outdoors.

The St. Luke’s congregation decided they wanted to make the land accessible to the public and came up with an idea they took to their ward Councillor.

Those early meetings resulted in an idea that was on the today’s Council agenda.

It is going to require a little jiggling of parking space and some effort to figure how any of the costs can be covered – none of which appeared to be a serious problem.

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1 comment to Part of the Joseph Brant land grant will become a pathway to the Lake

  • Syd

    What a wonderful and generous idea! I hope the City leaves this as a serene and passive space, without the offensive highway markings that they seem to put on all their pathways (Spencer Smith, Maple Trail etc.) and the multitude of signs.