Red coated sentries will guard Spencer Smith Park during the Festival of Lights

By Staff

November 16th, 2023



It all comes together at 4:00 pm on November 24th when Lakeshore Road west of Brant suddenly lights up and Spencer Smith Park is  guarded by red coated sentries.

It is the beginning of the Annual Festival of Lights and will run from November 24, 2023 to January 8, 2024 from  4:00 PM to Midnight daily.  There will be extended hours (all day & night) on Christmas eve, Christmas Day, Orthodox Christmas, New Years Eve.

The lights don’t just pop out of the ground.  They are assembled by volunteers who run cable and put up the various parts of each exhibit.

It is one of those kits where some assembly is required.

A volunteer brings the sentries to attention preparing to stand guard over Spencer Smith Park.

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1 comment to Red coated sentries will guard Spencer Smith Park during the Festival of Lights

  • PClarke

    Sentries? It’s the Burlington Teen Tour Band! Who admittedly bear a convenient resemblance to traditional yuletide nutcrackers. But never the less, not sentries.