Resident who spends the winters in Portugal: 'May move here if Poilievre gets elected'

By Staff

February 17th, 2025



A loyal reader popped us a note on how she was spending the 60th anniversary of the Canadian flag.

It’s our 7th year…may move here if Poilievre gets in…a man like Trump with no vision and so many of your readers support him….scary and depressing stuff.

Like many Canadians’ my husband and I feel the need to escape the harshness of our winter. For the past 7 years we have spent 2 – 3 months in the Algarve in Portugal. Albufeira is a coastal town in the middle of this part of the country. With moderate temperatures of 17-19 degrees at this time of year, the area attracts Canadians, Dutch, English and other Europeans.

We attended the annual Canada Day celebration  at a local bar called Coyote’s.  The place was suited up with Canadian flags, red and white balloons and streamers.

Canadians from all over the area came decked out in their reds and an abundance of enthusiasm, driven even more so by current events. Snacks and entertainment were  provided by the establishment with the National Anthem bellowed out by everyone often spontaneously but also directed by the band.

A great time was had by all as patriots donned out in red and white packed the interior with others  spilling out onto the patio.

A moderate temperatures of 17-19 degrees

It was pride on full display!!!!




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3 comments to Resident who spends the winters in Portugal: ‘May move here if Poilievre gets elected’

  • David

    That image is one of the reason’s I stopped going to Florida for the winter.

  • Graham

    This belongs on Facebook.”Look at us —We can afford to leave Canada …bla bla bla.

    Editor’s note: It’s a slow news day

  • Ted Gamble

    Portugal is a relatively affordable location which explains why many choose to spend time there. I find it humerous that Canada has become so unaffordable and unproductive under ten years of Liberal rule that a reader might relocate there permanently when a well needed change of government happens. Adieu!!