Boring! Incredibly boring? Tell me something that matters to me and don’t you dare speak another platitude.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON June 22, 2011 – Here we go again, more political talk talk. Does anyone read this stuff? Do the people who write it read it ? It is so full of platitudes. Try this: “Peggy Russell has the experience and the drive to become the first NDP MPP for Burlington.” What else was the guy going to say? The association is “excited to announce” – did you expect them to say that they couldn’t find a living, breathing soul to take on the thankless task of running as a candidate but good old Peggy let herself get talked into it because after seeing what happened to all those completely surprised people in Quebec who got themselves elected to the House of Commons as New Democrats where they will collect $150,000. +, she figured, what the heck – you never know?

So read on and shake your head and ask – when are they going to say something that matters to me and my pocket book? This “affliction” that results in such crap is not an ailment that just the New Democrats suffer from – all the political parties seem to be drinking the same Kool Aid. Do read on

Peggy Russell, Burlington NDP candidate in the October 6th provincial election with NDP party leader Andrea Horwath.

Peggy Russell, Burlington NDP candidate in the October 6th provincial election with NDP party leader Andrea Horwath.

The Burlington NDP Provincial Riding Association is excited to announce that Peggy Russell has been selected as our candidate for the fall Ontario General Election after Monday’s nomination meeting.  Russell who is a  former vice-chair for the Halton District School Board and spent 10 years as a trustee with the HDSB was nominated by local New Democrat Cory Judson.  Her nomination was seconded by recent Federal NDP candidate, David Laird.

Judson said, “Over the years I attended local events where I had the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with Peggy.  She has demonstrated a commitment to advocate on behalf of local families.  I am proud to put my support behind Peggy.”

Burlington NDP Provincial Riding Association President Rick Chislett added, “Peggy Russell has the experience and the drive to become the first NDP MPP for Burlington.”

Hamilton East Stoney Creek MPP, Paul Miller was a guest speaker at the event.  He spoke about how the recent Federal election campaign has really helped to boost the fortunes of the NDP provincially in Ontario.  He indicated, “We hope to form the government in the fall and anticipate a lot of three-way races.  At the very least we expect to form the official opposition, perhaps in a minority government situation.”

After being selected as Burlington’s candidate, Peggy Russell spoke about what her priorities would be if elected as the MPP for Burlington.  She indicated that getting Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital onto the Province’s capital infrastructure plan would be her top priority.  She also added that she will fight to stop any highway construction over our escarpment in rural Burlington.  Peggy went on to say that she would be a strong advocate for physical and social infrastructure to support growth in Burlington and would work to help to make life more affordable for families by working to remove the provincial portion of the HST off of hydro and home heating.

Peggy added, “I am really pleased to be a part of a party, in the NDP, that is moving forward and helping to shape the political agenda across Ontario and at Queen’s Park.  She went on to say, “I am extremely honoured by the faith that the New Democrat members in Burlington have shown in me by selecting me as their candidate.

Peggy indicated in her speech that the campaign has already begun.  She called on local NDP supporters and those who have not traditionally supported the NDP but don’t see themselves in the policies of McGuinty or Hudak to consider putting their trust in her this time. “It’s About Putting Community First,” said Russell.

Having finished reading the press release – does this mean I have to put an election sign on my lawn?

  • Can we have a conversation about the impact Places To Grow is having on Burlington? Can we talk about real programs for seniors who continue to live in houses where they are essentially isolated from their communities because they aren’t able to drive around to get to events?
  • Can we talk about provincial programs that create programs for youth that will keep them in the community where their talents and aspirations can be realized?
  • Can we talk about how we are going to meaningfully integrate the diverse portion of our population into everyday activities.

We just have to be capable of a better level of political dialogue.



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