Sailing, sailing over the ocean blue…

Wait a minute that’s a skate board.

By Pepper Parr

It doesn’t have turn signals – approach with caution.
It doesn’t have turn signals – approach with caution.

BURLINGTON, ON February 19, 2011 – The wind was up.

And it would have been a great day for some serious sailing.  One just didn’t expect to see someone sailing down Apple Valley Ln  in the middle of the day.
The “sailor” didn’t look all that nautical, the helmet took away from that look, and he didn’t really have control over the tiller – basically because there was no tiller – but he was getting an A for effort and there was the sense that the perseverance he was showing was going to pay off and one could expect to see him flying up Walkers Line with a police cruiser in hot pursuit suggesting that he – well just what would the police officer have to say ?  The device doesn’t need a license and I’m pretty sure it didn’t come under the Highway Traffic Act.

If you’re driving in that part of town – you might want to keep an eye out for this one.

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