Some movement on the 409 Brant development - council talking about a solution in a Closed session

By Pepper Parr

March 1st, 2023



There is seldom much information about just why council decides it has to go into closed session. There is a little more information – usually the address of the issue when it is a property matter.

This morning the address was 409 Brant, the location of the former Elizabeth Interiors that was bought by Reserve Properties.  In the event that the development does move forward – the city might be looking at the end of Kelly’s Cup Caked.

Across from City Hall and next to The Gallery, the Carnacelli development that is under construction.

Mayor Meed Ward said, just before Council slid into the closed session,  that she wanted to thank staff for all the work they had done and adding “we are at a good place on this one.”

The information on file on the city web site is as follows:

The purpose of the application is to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to permit a 24 storey building, including 1 storey of ground floor commercial, 22 stories of residential and a one storey roof top amenity area.

The proposed building would include:

597 square metres of ground floor commercial and 227 residential units

five (5) levels of underground parking

car access from John Street

commercial units with front windows facing onto Brant Street, James Street and John Street

The developer, Reserve Properties had taken the development to the Ontario Land Tribunal but withdrew their application

In the early days of the development application members of the Goldring Council had taken the position that they would live with 17 storeys.

Glen Wellings is the Reserve Properties planning consultant.  It would apppear that he has come up with a solution that keeps everyone happy.

Time will tell.

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5 comments to Some movement on the 409 Brant development – council talking about a solution in a Closed session

  • Ben T.

    227 more residents downtown, aprox. 250 more vehicles entering our already congested roads. Welcome Mississauga. ! Shame !

  • Gary Parker

    Good to see that you still care enough to comment Gary. Our city hall does now appears to be the home of hobbits and, in this case, the dark powers of Mordor have won the day. Next up is the belief that ‘Plan B’ ever had a chance – another illusion we naively believed.

    • Citizen's PLAN B

      Burlington won an OLT decision on the 2020 Lakeshore application not being grandfathered in ROPA 28 recently. This is a rare victory, Gary! This application will likely not be settled until an OLT hearing scheduled April 9-29, 2024, and the City has a strong case (which we had a hand in) and hired a Top Gun lawyer , so please don’t count us out yet. Check out:

  • Joe Gaetan

    Yup and we all know why. Sure hope the bus station stays.

  • Gary Scobie

    Sounds like we may after all this time have the Twin Towers I predicted now many years ago when I delegated against both of the towers at Council and at the Provincial land tribunals of the day that have changed names over the period.

    Just this week I drove along New Street and noticed I couldn’t even see our iconic City Hall until I reached James Street. I used to see it in winter when passing the Senior’s Centre. The Twin Towers were to be a “gateway” to City Hall and the Downtown. No, they will only form a narrow canyon to squeeze through in order to finally see our City Hall. Some gateway. Some canyon.