The Mayor is in Japan - so is Councillor Nisan and Councillor Galbraith - no photo of the CAO

By Staff

October 17th, 2024


Updated: October 17th – 8:39 pm

The Mayor is in Japan – and so is Councillor Nisan and so is Councillor Galbraith.

We don’t know if the CAO Hassaan is part of the Burlington delegation.

From the left – Councillor NIsan, Councillor Galbraith, Mayor Meed Ward – the four people on the right have not been identified yet. There is a person to the right of Nisan – could be the CAO.  Interesting that the Japanese participants are dressed in suits – not so the members of Council.

Anne Marsden adds some of what she knows and thinks about this situation.  Her report:

“On December 11, 2017, Council approved an amendment to the City of Burlington framework
for managing twin city relationships to permit the celebration of twinning anniversaries every five

“However, the issue most have been concerned about is that  the Mayor was part of that change to 5 years knowing her goal was mayor in 2018. allowing her to take the trip to Japan not long after elected with Nisan by her side, rather than wait until her second term. .    This is a much weaker economy and people are being hit hard but the Mayor and I believe Nisan (according to the city).

“I must admit there is an uncanny silence coming from council as to who is where,   chose to go with the change rather than the original intention of  once every ten years as many believe would have been the correct thing to do given the struggle to put food on the table for many of the Mayor’s constituents (far more than in 2017).”



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4 comments to The Mayor is in Japan – so is Councillor Nisan and Councillor Galbraith – no photo of the CAO

  • Caren

    This is quite unbelievable that our Mayor, CAO? and Rory Nisan, plus 3 others are in Japan!! All paid for by Burlington Property Tax Payers. If the 8.04% Property Tax Increase gets approved for 2025, Burlington Property Tax payers will be paying an additional 37.63% Property tax since 2022!!
    For every $1000.00 in property taxes you paid in 2022, you will now pay $1,376.63
    in property tax in 2025.
    And yet our Mayor and Council chose to take a Trip to Japan with 6 people on our dime!!! All residents in Burlington should be totally enraged by our Mayor and Councilors for their lack of optics!!
    I can hardly wait until the next election in October 2026 when we can vote All of them out of office!!
    This is absolutely ridiculous!!!

  • Graham

    The Mayor poster a list and photos on LinkedIn today.

  • Graham

    How many have taken along family members for the vacation?

    • David Barker

      Are you suggesting that the City is paying for the family members to be there?

      If you are suggesting that what proof do you have?

      If no proof then you are just being a poop disturber.

      If they are personally paying for their family members to be there, what is wrong with that?

      If you think that is wrong may I ask, are you a Grinch 365 days a year (+1 for leap year)?

      Editor’s note: Meed Ward took her daughter to Japan – she paid the full freight for the family member.

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