September 18th, 2024
Earlier this week we did a short piece on the people who were seeking the nomination to be named Progressive Conservative candidate for the Burlington seat in the House of Commons. .
We had information on two of the three contenders and published what we had.
We had been told there was a third candidate but did not know the person’s name and were unable to find anything on the internet.
It didn’t take long for readers to inform us – and we pass along what we got to you.
Nick Leblovic called to tell me the name of the candidate – surprisingly Leblovic said he had never met Emily Brown who is a shoe in for the nomination.
But Wax Costanza has – he is an essayist and Burlington resident. Costanza said he “ began hearing rumours going around Burlington that this individual: Shaheryar Mian, was buying nomination votes. Now, this is only a rumour, but, where there is smoke, there is fire, and it cause me to look deeper into the candidate.”
You might want to HEAR what Constanza reports. Do click on the link.
There is more – we will try to get in touch Shaheryar Mian and hear what he has to say. There are others who we want to talk to as well.

Residents of Burlington need to click on the red HEAR Button and listen to the entire Constanza report.
If you take the time to do this you will understand why you cannot support this person to run as a representative of the conservative residents for Burlington.
Here is another important Video that Residents should View on Shaheryar Mian, a nominee for the Conservative MP Candidate in Burlington:
He is not a resident of Burlington. He lives and resides in Mississauga where he owns his residential property.
Full disclosure. I currently belong to no Provincial or Federal political party. My distrust of the majority of politicians is extreme at 70 years.
About eighteen months ago this gentleman’s handler called me out of the blue and asked if he and Mr. Mian could drop by as Mr. Mian planned to put his name forward for the Conservative Party federal nomination.
I agreed and assumed they had obtained my contact information from an old list of some kind.
They showed up much later than expected that day. I found both gentlemen to be overly aggressive at the door (and I am no shrinking violet) and after receiving a couple of emails I requested that I be taken off their distribution list. I have received no further emails.
I investigated this gentleman a little and I would caution any Conservative party member considering supporting Mr. Mians nomination to do the same before making their decision.