Who puts up the $350,000 each Liberal leadership has to pay to be a candidiate

By Pepper Parr

January 19th, 2025



A number of Gazette readers have asked – where does the $350,000 that political party leadership candidates have to put up come from?

Big corporations or wealthy people who want to influence governments.

Why does that happen – because the average person doesn’t buy a membership in a political party and donate $10 four times a year.  Look at the candidates and support the one that reflects your values.

The politicians would much rather have tens of thousands of small donations and not find themselves beholden to bankers and corporate interests but without financial support from the average person – the corporate interests move in.

And we know where that has gotten us don’t we?

So for the squawkers – make a donation to a political party of your choice and make a real difference or stop complaining.

Salt with Pepper is an opinion column reflecting the observations and musings of the publisher of the Gazette, an on-line newspaper that is in its 12th year as a news source in Burlington and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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