By Staff
April 9th, 2020
Maintaining a healthy intimate relationship is a challenge at the best of times. And these are not the best of times.
There is a lot of emotional stress, financial stress and worry over how things are going to work out.
In many households, far too many – the stats make it clear that there is significant violence in some relationships.
In March 2020, our officers responded to 276 calls related to intimate partner violence and laid 121 charges. For reference from the previous year in March 2019, our officers responded to 289 calls related to intimate partner violence and laid 150 charges.
The police recognize that intimate partner violence often goes unreported to police.
That is why is the Service is asking that everyone looks out for their relatives, friends, neighbours and co-workers, who they suspect may not be safe at home. Check in on them regularly, establish a ‘signal’ word and call for help if you think that they are in danger.
“Now, more than ever, victims of intimate partner violence need the support of their community,” says Deputy Chief Hill.” In a time of isolation, we must show victims that they are not alone and that help is available.”
Victims or friends/family of victims are encouraged to contact the Halton Regional Police Service, Halton Women’s Place or other community resources if intimate partner violence is happening. Shelters across Halton are still open at this time and Halton Women’s Place continues to offer services. Help is available.
You are not alone. Victims of intimate partner violence or sexual assault and witnesses are encouraged to contact the Halton Regional Police Service. The following is a list of valuable support services and resources in Halton Region for victims of intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence:
• Halton Regional Police Service Victim Services Unit 905-825-4777
• Halton Women’s Place 905-878-8555 (north) or 905-332-7892 (24-hour crisis line)
• Halton Children’s Aid Society 905-333-4441 or 1-866-607-5437
• Nina’s Place Sexual Assault and Domestic Assault Care Centre 905-336-4116 or 905-681-4880
• Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS) 905-875-1555 (24-hour crisis line)
I am a male and I was a victim of abuse from my spouse. I am offended by the picture what about us? the male minority