A candidate announces her plans to seek the nomination to be the Conservative candidate in the next federal election

By Pepper Parr

September 27th, 2023



Does Emily Brown know something the rest of us don’t know?

Emily Brown: She has announced that she is seeking the Burlington nomination for the next federal election.

Admittedly Karina Gould, the MP for Burlington is weathering some rough water – the next federal election is a scheduled for 2025 – but the Trudeau government is in trouble and they might decide to call an early election.

Brown has created a web site – emilybrown.ca and she wants to hear you.

She ran a decent campaign in 2021 – the mistake her campaign team made was they didn’t let the public hear from her – and because she is a sport shooter she got pegged at a gun enthusiast.

Rifles and trap shooting are hobby’s for Brown. She is a responsible gun owner.

In her announcement Brown says: Seeking the nomination to run as the Conservative Party of Canada Candidate for the Riding of Burlington – my home, your home, let’s BRING IT HOME!

The announcement adds:  Emily brings a wealth of experience to the nomination race for the Burlington Conservative Riding Candidate.Emily Brown:

Known as someone who steps up to get things done, she does not back down to a challenge.  In her professional and volunteer work, she has gained skills in transformational leadership, governance, strategic planning, external relations, stakeholder management and working across governments.

With the right campaign manager Emily Brown could be a threat.


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3 comments to A candidate announces her plans to seek the nomination to be the Conservative candidate in the next federal election

  • Anne and Dave Marsden

    The feds know through Karina Gould they are in big trouble as soon as we get a couple of matters heard in Court and by the Halton Legislative committee review, that have been delayed getting in public hands, due to a long term disability issue that now does not exist.

    The matters were thoroughly discussed face to face with Gould and a community witness present who had permission to record..

    Like her predecessor MP Mike Wallace, Gould, has totally ignored very significant well evidenced issues much greater than what Trudeau recently announced his anger to the world about, and rightly so, in terms of those connected to a Canadian citizen”s premature death.

    Karina makes herself out to be the family’s candidate which she is not: she is just very good at hiding truth, like Wallace before her, and the huge self interest her actions are prompted by. Voters beware you were fooled by Wallace and Gould both under different parties don’t let it happen a third time.

    We are not saying that Emily is your right choice, as we don’t know the competition yet. We are, however, encouraging you all to start thinking of who would make a better candidate for MP than those throwing in their hat. From our experience of Anne running against Torsney and Mike Kuegle for MP in 1997 we believe the community lost out big time electing Torsney over Kuegle.

    That being said the evidence we had is Torsney did a better job, although far from perfect, than Wallace or Gould. Hopefully it won’t be too long for necessary info, particularly from the one and Two tier municipality Halton review to be placed firmly in voters hands. Pay attention folks and find a better MP than we have had in the past couple of decades.

  • Jim Thomson

    What exactly are we supposed to BRING HOME?
    Who can afford it these days?


    I fully support Emily Brown. She will serve Burlington well. Sadly for Ms Gould the Liberals are a train wreck. RIP Liberals