A new city protocol - Don't think - just do it

By Pepper Parr

May 26th, 2022



Just how do they do it?

An event that is critical to the development of the east side of the city and the object of loads of questions that needs answers is being held on the same evening that the Performing Arts Centre is holding the launch of the 2022-23 season.

This is a major ticket sales event – people plan to take part and learn what is going to be presented and buy their tickets ensuring they get good seats.

Was the decision to hold the public meeting on the same day as the launch at the Performing Arts Centre or did someone not think to check the calendars?

Or worse, did they assume that the theatre people wouldn’t be interested in something civic like a $500 million land deal

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1 comment to A new city protocol – Don’t think – just do it

  • Mary Hill

    BPAC seats a maximum of 720 patrons. Is the Gazette seriously suggesting the City of Burlington (mayor, councilors and staff) and its 187,000 residents should put an important matter on hold for the benefit of 720 people, some of whom may not even be Burlington residents. If it was moved to a different day or time should the City then check to ensure there is no conflict with kids activities to which parents might be committed, or some other happening. Does the Gazette think that City Staff, Councilors and the Mayor all have wide open calendars, without multiple previously planned committments. Come on get real.