An ice rink plus a hotel close close to the Aldershot GO station - does this look like an early first step to an NHL frnachise

By Pepper Parr

February 26th, 2024



The interest in the development plans Alinea  has for their King Road  property has been remarkable.

There is a lot more to tell.

The information we have is from the Burlington Economic Development Corporation.

A delegation will be made by an Alinea  representative early in March who will undoubtedly expand on what we know so far.

Included in the renderings that are now available is a recreation – entertainment area that includes a hotel and ice rinks.

All that ice + a hotel. Is this the early stage of another attempt to bring an NHL franchise to Hamilton? Go station is part of the property.

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4 comments to An ice rink plus a hotel close close to the Aldershot GO station – does this look like an early first step to an NHL frnachise

  • Stephen White

    There isn’t the market in the GTA to support an NHL franchise. Small market teams in the NHL (i.e. Buffalo, Columbus) are struggling. This is doomed to failure before it even gets off the ground.

    The Burlington Economic Development Corporation needs to stop pandering to real estate developers, and start actively promoting Burlington as a location for large manufacturing complexes. Everywhere I look I see businesses closing, and “For Lease” and “For Rent” signs. BEDC’s mandate, according to their website is to ‘Attract high-value companies to our city. Support the expansion of existing businesses. Encourage the start-up and growth of new companies.”

  • I think the Leafs are the laugh – if you weren’t born in 67 you have never known what a Stanley Cup looks like. When Hamilton has its team there will be a playoff and the Habs will win. Bet on it.

  • Charlie Schwartz

    What a ridiculous comment regarding an NHL franchise. All one has to do is look at Hamilton to see how doomed an idea that is. The Leaf-A-Laughs & Toothless Sabres will NEVER allow another team in southern Ontario

  • Phil Wiseman

    It would be perfect especially within the golden horseshoe population. It will never happen if Gary Betman is around. Another Canadian NHL team is not in the cards for him.